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Essay: How to Avoid Plagiarism and Improve Critical Thinking Skills

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,551 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 7 (approx)

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Ohio Christian University

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Research and Professional Development Skills


Week One

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College of Adult and Graduate Studies,

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Week One Devotional

Then he ordered Ashpenaz, who was in charge of his palace personnel, to select some of the Jewish youths brought back as captives—young men of the royal family and nobility of Judah—and to teach them the Chaldean language and literature.* “Pick strong, healthy, good-looking lads,” he said; “those who have read widely in many fields, are well informed, alert and sensible, and have enough poise to look good around the palace.”

Daniel 1:1

The most powerful kingdom of Daniel’s time was without a doubt the Babylonians. While Persia would have its turn for dominance and lead the liberation of the Jewish people, Nebuchadnezzar would first live a long and prosperous life as ruler of Babylon. As he sacked Jerusalem and took captive the Jewish people, including Daniel, he made the statement above to his chief of staff.

Throughout the book of Daniel, you will find how many times where Daniel positively influenced the Babylonian kingdom for God. He would not have been selected to work in the palace if he had not already been well educated and communicated well. While the circumstances are unlikely to be repeated, there we can see the value of having a life-long learning mindset to glorify God.

Assignment Checklist

By following this checklist, you will be able to complete the course assignments during the week. Be sure you read the directions for each of the assignments and discussion forums provided in the guide starting after this checklist.

Week One

Read:  Navigate the Webmail Tutorial

 Navigate the SONIS Tutorial

 Navigate the E360 Tutorial

 Review the OCU Catalog: Academic Policies

 Read Reasons that Drive Students to Cheat Article

 Read Critical Thinking Strategies Article

Discuss:  Introductions

 Week One Devotional

 Plagiarism Discussion

 Critical Thinking Discussion

Online Students: Submit your initial post to the discussion forums by day four of the week, midnight (Eastern Time).

Onsite Students: Be prepared to engage in these discussions in class.

Submit:  System Navigation Quiz (take test in e360)

 Policies Quiz (take test in e360)


Week One Introduction

This week will introduce you to some basics of college success skills. If you have taken our associates level PS1000 College Success Skills course, you’ll recognize these assignments as they are refreshers to ensure that you are still on a positive trajectory for learning practices, while introducing new students who are transferring into Ohio Christian University to these important fundamental pieces.

Prior Learning Assessment

As many of you have just started your journey with Ohio Christian University, we want you to know that we recognize that adult learners have had opportunities for prior experiences that have resulted in much learning. If you have experience that you would like to be considered for college-level credit or if you are in a Leadership and Ministry program with paid positions in ministry, please contact your advisor or email agsadvising@ohiochristian.edu if you have questions and wish to explore these options.

Learning Activity #1: Introductions

Prepare an introduction about how you will use this course to further your educational goals and journey. Reflect on how writing and research skills are or will be important in your life, career, and spiritually.

Learning Activity #2: Week One Devotional

Applying perspectives throughout our learning process is an important aspect for recognizing and pursuing personal Christian development. Each student guide begins with a devotional that applies to the learning objectives and activities for that week. Read the devotional for the current week and prepare to engage with your facilitator and colleagues.

Objective 1: Demonstrate the ability to identify and navigate all systems required for online learning at OCU.

Regardless of our personal comfort with technology, we certainly live in a digital age! Some could even refer to it as an “overwhelming age” as we are drowning in information. Part of your educational journey will be to teach you how to swim through the information that is made available through all sorts of technology. This particular activity will focus on the technological systems that you need to be proficient in at OCU in order to be successful in your journey with us!

Learning Activity #3: Systems Navigation Quiz

There are a few resources for you to review, and then you will take a short quiz to ensure that you understand the essential functions of the systems you need to be proficient using.

  • Click this link for the interactive tutorial of webmail navigation.

    Webmail Tutorial

  • Click this link for the interactive tutorial of SONIS navigation.

    SONIS Tutorial

  • Click this link for the interactive tutorial of e360 navigation.

    E360 Tutorial

  • Click on the Help tab in Edvance360 and review the YouTube videos for any function you wish to better understand.

  • Once you have reviewed the demonstration and read the navigation guide, please take the quiz found under Tests in your e360 course titled System Navigation Quiz. You may retake the quiz as many times as necessary. Once you are finished, the grade will automatically transfer to your gradebook.

    Objective 2: Explain the institution’s mission and related values.

    Every educational institution has generally the same philosophy, but invariably has unique processes and procedures to achieve that philosophy. For example, late work, plagiarism, and attendance are major logistical aspects to your education, but your task is to know how OCU handles them. As such, it is very important to be familiar with the academic catalog and use it as a constant reference for when you have questions concerning policy.

    Learning Activity #4: Policy Quiz

    It is important to understand the policies so that you are aware of expectations as well.

     Click on the link to the catalog, and scroll down to the Academic Policies. If you have your own computer, please bookmark this link to easily return!

    OCU Catalog: Academic Policies

     Focus especially on the Late Work policy, Attendance policy, and plagiarism process.

     Click on the link to the video concerning Financial Aid details.

    Financial Aid

     Once you have reviewed the catalog and watched the video, take the quiz titled Policy Quiz. You may retake the quiz as many times as necessary. Once you are finished, the grade will automatically transfer to your gradebook.

    Objective 3: Determine strategies to avoid plagiarism.

    As you discovered when you reviewed the Academic Policies in the catalog, plagiarism is never acceptable. Unfortunately, however, it can occur simply due to ignorance. Also, we have different types of plagiarism. As we can see from the devotional, there was intentional deceit, but it was for a birthright instead of an idea. The bottom line is that there was a lack of credit and a mindset of theft, which is the essential reason why you will be learning to cite your sources carefully in the next class!

    Learning Activity #5: Plagiarism Discussion

    We know that plagiarism is wrong, yet it happens so regularly that institutions have to consistently set and enforce policy against plagiarism. A concern, however, is that much of the plagiarism takes place due to not understanding appropriate writing techniques that credit sources. As such, the focus of this activity is to slow down a wee bit, and focus on the different types of plagiarism that exists.

  • Read the article titled Reasons that Drive Students to Cheat.

  • Complete the workbook that plagiarismchecker.net created to assist students in understanding the different components of plagiarism, titled Plagiarism Workbook.

  • Search in a browser of your choice for how to check for a plagiarism checker. Several plagiarism checkers that are free will show up in your results.

  • Explore two of the plagiarism checkers and find out how comfortable you are with them and how well they work (test them out!)

  • Prepare to discuss the questions below:

    o As you completed the workbook, what was the biggest takeaway that you experienced?

    o Explain three types of plagiarism that you feel would be the most common in academics.

    o Describe the strategies you will use to ensure that you respect the plagiarism concepts that you learned in the workbook.

    o Describe the plagiarism checker that you liked the most and how you will ensure that you remember to use it.

    Objective 4: Identify methods to increase critical thinking skills.

    Employers require critical thinking skills of their employees. Regularly applying your own critical thinking skills helps you develop a growth mindset, create options, and understand how to handle complex situations effectively.

    Learning Activity #6: Critical Thinking Discussion

     Read the article provided in the link below:

    Critical Thinking Strategies PDF Article

     Prepare to answer the following questions:

    o Based on the article, determine the action you think you absolutely excel at, and the action you need to improve the most.

    o Explain how the mindset of avoiding plagiarism connects with thinking critically.

    o If you are transferring from our associates program, include your experiences from making all six of these action items something you practiced.

    ...(download the rest of the essay above)

  • About this essay:

    If you use part of this page in your own work, you need to provide a citation, as follows:

    Essay Sauce, How to Avoid Plagiarism and Improve Critical Thinking Skills. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2017-5-10-1494441934/> [Accessed 20-04-24].

    These Sample essays have been submitted to us by students in order to help you with your studies.

    * This essay may have been previously published on Essay.uk.com at an earlier date.