Home > Sample essays > The Healing Powers of Aloe Vera: A Comprehensive Guide to Ayurvedic Medicine and Its Biomedical Actions

Essay: The Healing Powers of Aloe Vera: A Comprehensive Guide to Ayurvedic Medicine and Its Biomedical Actions

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 972 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)

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Sebastian Pole “Ayurveda Medicine- The principles of traditional practice ”

Frank Hoffmann , Martin Manning “Herbal Medicine and Botanical Medical Fads”

    – Mrs. M. Grieve F.R.H.S “A Modern Herbal”

Commom names – Aloe vera (english) kumdri (sanskrit) Aloe indica (latin)

* Indian name for aloe vera is kumdri  which means ‘young maiden’ which reveals its affinity for female menstural cycle and its rejuvenative powers for maintaining youthfulness.







Facts  about Aloe –

John Heinerman states that no other herb has been touched so highly by medical and dental practioners in modern times. Aloe contains 96% water , making it possible to supply that vital ingrident to injured tissue without closing off the needed air supply.

Aloe’s reputation as miracle cure-all is reinforced by one Lub-bock , Texas , woman’s story. Possessing a wart on her arm as large as a pencil eraser , she began covering it with a piece of cotton soaked in aloe gel . Additional gel was applied every 3 hours. The wart had disappeared after two weeks without slightest trace of a scar.


Aloe vera is a perennial stemless or short – stemmed succulent  plant with non fibrous leaves about 30-40 cm long and 5 cm in diameter,growing 50-100 cm long and spreading by offsets in tropical regions all over the world. It is common practice in Central America and Mexico to use the gel and eated leaves for burns and other inflammatory skin conditions.

The leaves are thick , fleshy , and green to grey-green in color. The margins are serrated and possess small white teeth like projections.

There are two parts  of leaf – (1)LeafJuice

   (2) Gel

Gel is odourless , clear liquid present in innermost part of leaf. Aloe  juice oozes out from leaf when cut and is yellow coloured and has bitter taste .

*The name “aloe vera” is usually applied to the gel obtained from centre of fleshy leaves of various species of aloe.


The mucilaginous layer is removed mechanically from leaves and purified by precipitation from water – ethanol. The material obtained has high ash content of nearly 12.9% which is removed by dialysis.

The mucilage isolated is white, amorphous product that is corresponding to hexosan. On hydrolysis, it yields glucose and mannose.



The activity  against fungi of A.vera gel was examined on 4 fruit pathogens :

Penicillium digitalium , P. expansum , Botrytis cinerea and Alternaria alternata.

The natural gel supresses both germanium and mycelial growth of the fungi , P. digitalium and A. alternata are sensitive species. Spore survival of P. didgitalium , A. alternata and B. cinerea was decreased by 15-20 % at 1 micrometer , but it  affects P. expansum only when the concentration exceeded 10,000 microlitre.

 The effectiveness of gel rose with increase  in concentration involving  95% reduction in spore survival of P. digitatum and A. alternata at 105 micrlitre.

The inhibitory effect of plant on  fungal colony growth was seen at 1 microlitre, when 67-69% declination in radial growth was recoreded for P. digitatum , A. alternata and B. cinerea. aqueous extract of aloe vera was very effective against Pseudomonas solancearum .


Saccharides : Polysaccharides ; D- isomer mucopolysaccharide acemannan , glucose.

Phytosterols : beta- sitosterol

Fatty acids : Gamma-linolenic acid

Amino acids


Vitamins : B , C , E , choline

Glycosides : Anthraquinones ; aloe emodin , barbaloin (in outer leaves)


Vranaropana -Wound healing activity

Bhedaniya – Purgative (powder)

Rasdanya- Rejuvenatives skin, intestines, female reproductive system.

Kumarirogaghna Cures menstural disease

Raktapitta Alleviates bleeding

Amapdcana Encourages the clearing of ama

Visahara Demolishes poisons

Pili hayakrdvrddhihara Reduces inflammation in spleen and liver

Granati Clears tumours

Visphota Gets rid of pustules







Antifungal , antiviral


Immune enhancer



Gynaecology : The gel is  given in case of excexx bleeding or clots during pregnancy. Aloe clears liver and flow of blood is regulated. This affects menstural channel which is responsible for regulating uterus. Cooling  properties make it very effective for treating the symptoms of menopause.

Skin : The gel has polysaccharides that heal skin and mucous membranes. It treats psoriasis, ulcers , eczema, seborrhoeic dermatitis and mouth ulcers. Also heals burns , stretch marks. Very beneficial when taken with hot water. Specicfic for use of jaundice and viral hepatitis.

Digestion : The gel is believed to be laxative ,helps liver to realease bile juice. This helps in regulation of blood sugar in diabetic conditions and lipid levels in hypertriglceridaemia. It is a demulcent herb that heals mucous membranes in case of hyperacidity , peptic ulcers , ulcerative colitis and any bleeding from the intestines. This regulates bacterial levels and leads to improved gastric, intestinal function.





 No drug – herb interactions are known.


 Native Americans utilized aloe vera  for a multitude of benefits and referred to it as “The Wand of Heaven.”

Aloe vera has long life. It can survive upto 100 years .

One can use aloe vera as makeup remover as well as conditioner for hair.


Aloe vera gel is an effective in healing  so it is used in treatment of burns , scrs and other skin diseases. Cold processing  of gel is  best retain the beneficial properties. The FDA does not regulate labeling of Aloe vera products.

Aloe has a record in treatment of wide range of conditions like,

-X-ray burns , sunburns and chemical burns

-Traumatized tissue (after normal and regular cleansing)

-Primary candidal dermatitis which is skin inflammation caused due to Candila albicans

-Stomach ulcers , intestinal ulcers

-Herpes simplex

-Peridontal surgery

-Plant stings , insect bites and stings

Aloe gel is added to shampoo, skin creams , ‘after sun’ preprations , washing powder, but normally in low concentrations to have therapeutic effect.

Aloe is generally mixed with yoghurt and sold as an immunitive aid.

Aloe is purgative in general uses for as a bitter tonic in small doses , and is externally used as stimulant and desicant.

Aloe in one form or other is common domestic medicine and is one of the most proprietary or so called “patent pills”

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Essay Sauce, The Healing Powers of Aloe Vera: A Comprehensive Guide to Ayurvedic Medicine and Its Biomedical Actions. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2016-11-20-1479635635/> [Accessed 15-04-24].

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