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Essay: The Banking Concept of Education Problem with Freire: Reclaim Education with Paulo Freire’s Problem-Posing Approach

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 6 minutes
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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
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  • Words: 1,598 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 7 (approx)

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Paste your essay in here…Thesis: The banking concept of education is flawed and there are solutions that can still give rise to higher education, even without the mind-numbing lectures and narrow topics based on society’s standards.

Intro Paragraph: The work of Paulo Freire is associated with themes of oppression and liberation, and his critical pedagogy is visionary in its attempts to bring about social transformation. Freire has created a theory of education that embeds these issues within social relations that center around both ideological and material domination (Jackson, 2007).

4th and 5th Slide: Paulo Freire was a Brazilian educator and philosopher who was known for his mass literacy campaigns for Latin American education. His approach to education was a critical reflection of his own practices as an adult educator as he examined authoritarian educational systems. In his many writings, Freire reflected upon the pedagogical activities that represented the political and historical environment in the 1960's and 1970's. He created a theory of education linked to issues of oppression and struggle and coined the famous term the "banking concept" of education. Freire's most important text is the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, which is a critical reflection of his own practices as an educator, was created to liberate students by raising their political consciousness. The work of Paulo Freire has continually been associated with the themes of oppression and liberation, and his critical pedagogy is visionary in its attempt to bring about social transformation. Drawing on his experiences in Latin America and elsewhere, Freire created this theory of education that is closely linked to issues of oppression and struggle, particularly within social relations that center around both ideological and material domination, which is based on his ideology.

6th and 7th slide: According to Freire, the banking concept of education is basically a model where learning is seen as a teacher conveying information to a student, but that learning involves an active engagement with the world, with words, and with other people. It’s not just about information, it’s about actions, dialogue, and producing knowledge. The scope of action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the information in one’s brain. Freire believes that knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing. So in the banking concept of education is where projecting an absolute ignorance onto others, a characteristic of the ideology of oppression, negates education and knowledge as processes of inquiry. He explains that teachers come to the education system, intent on filling children’s heads with all the information they assume the children don’t know. For example, it’s like there is spare room in the child’s brain and it must be filled, like money fills up the bank. In other words, the concept is essentially him describing and critiquing the traditional education system through metaphors of students as containers where their educators must provide knowledge to put into them.

8th slide: This Paulo Freire quote expresses how people need to get up and seek justice for what they want and in this topic they must seek justice for their education.

9th slide: Regular schooling nowadays does not quite give rise to higher intelligence or mental abilities in any general sense. This is because schooling is more narrowed in on specific effects such as educators having a more goal-oriented teaching style of just getting students through standardized testing instead of preparing them for their future careers. Education has not been directed primarily at occupational training or personal growth and development. Instead, it has stressed behaviors and attitudes appropriate to good citizenship and moral behavior, mainly because these are perceived by the elites of the society. According to James Paul Gee, literacy has been used, throughout history, to solidify the social hierarchy, empower elites, and ensure that people lower on the hierarchy accept the values, norms, and beliefs of the elites, even when it is not in their self-interest or group interest to do so (pg. 84). The Banking Concept of Education dwells on the idea that a teacher’s task is to simply fill a student’s mind and that it hurts their education with the banking concept. The banking education concept seeks to maintain the contradiction. It does not engage students in critical thinking, instead, it requires the students to be passive and to adapt thereby serving the purposes of oppression. It inhibits creativity, it resists dialogue, it is fatalistic in nature. Paulo Freire describes a situation all too common in today's classes. It is from this kind of didactic teaching that Freire draws his metaphor of banking as a concept of education. In it, teachers make deposits of information which students are to receive, memorize, and repeat. Freire’s argues that education is almost “lifeless” because the students are only receiving information from the teachers, memorizing it, and regurgitating it back to them without fully understanding or challenging the information presented. Freire shifts his essay from talking about his “banking concept education,” which is the problem and how it hinders the students’ education, free expression, and creativity to talking about his concept of “problem- posing education,” which is his solution. Freire points out that the only solution to breaking this “banking concept education” is for the student and the teacher to work and reflect on the world and ideas simultaneously, which is also known as the “problem-posing education.

11th slide: The Pyramid of Learning demonstrates that the least effective method would be a lecture. Long term retention rates of a typical lecture, where an individual merely stands in front of people and talks is considered to be around 5%. Yet, if people get actively involved and collaborate with other, their retention rates dramatically increases. The difference in retention between passive and active methods may be due to the extent of reflection and deep cognitive processing.

12th slide: John Dewey and his moral education.

13th slide: Freire vs. Dewey – Dewey declares that there “cannot be two sets of ethical principles… one for life in the school, and the other for life outside of school.” The school is a specialized institution designed to work with the immature and one cannot responsibly use the same ethical principles with children as with adults, but Dewey insists that, “As conduct is one, the principles of conduct are one also” (Noddings, 1998). So John Dewey does correlate his thinking with Paulo Freire on that level and how there should not be a separation of principles in schooling and that some sort of school reform and ethical changes should be made.  

14th slide: Problem-posing method – Freire proposes an alternate pedagogy called problem-posing education. He wants to “abandon the educational goal of deposit-making and replace it with the posing of the problems of human beings in their relations with the world” (pg. 79). This substitute of education would reject the “communiques” and embody communication. This liberation education would include acts of cognition instead of just simply storing information and not knowing how to explain what one just learned. The teacher of this problem-posing education is no longer the main source of knowledge, but is actually now is taught in dialogue with the students, who in turn while being taught also teach. Personally, this technique is very useful and some of my professors use this style, which to me is very helpful. Talking things out and expanding knowledge from other classmates point of views can help an entire class, including the instructor, grow. This pedagogy has the teacher as being always cognitive and thus, makes the students become increasingly more cognitive as they learn with this style. This problem-posing education evokes new challenges, which lead to new understandings, which then had the students gradually coming to regard themselves as committed individuals who are ahead of the game on preparing for their future careers. If an educator today used this pedagogy, then they will gain optimistic results. Having good communication skills, a good understanding of the world around you, and a practice of freedom and severely help learners gain the life they deserve since most can succeed with this type of education.

15th slide: These are all solutions for a better future for education.

16th slide: These are critiques of Freire’s problem-posing method. Learning begins with action, which is then shaped by reflection and gives rise to further action. Learning is thus a continuous process, directed at enhancing the learners’ capacity to act in the world and change it. For Freire, whether it is called literacy or learning, this is the principal political task of any society committed to power in language and education.

Overview: The banking concept is definitely oppressive because it numbs and inhibits creative power. For example, a teacher expects a student to automatically memorize the contents that were just narrated and are not called upon to know. The students are not taught to practice cognition and in a way, their culture and knowledge is preserved. Students who come from different backgrounds will certainly have an unequal opportunity for having a good education, but if this traditional banking concept is set in stone everywhere, then all these students, rich or poor, will have problems integrating into a high-end society that might allow them to have a good salary. This idea makes it oppressive because these students who have a hard time learning a certain way and don’t have a good background, will fall off the ladder and their dreams of achieving better things for their family and themselves will cease to exist.

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Essay Sauce, The Banking Concept of Education Problem with Freire: Reclaim Education with Paulo Freire’s Problem-Posing Approach. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2016-12-9-1481306886/> [Accessed 16-04-24].

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