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Essay: Public transportation in Malaysia

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  • Subject area(s): Geography essays
  • Reading time: 6 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 12 November 2015*
  • Last Modified: 8 March 2023
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,678 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 7 (approx)

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1.1 Introduction
Public transportation in Malaysia is increasing and expanding to fulfill the demand of customer to travel from one place to another (Nursitihazlin, 2006). Public transportation play a big role in transportation industry that is became as an option for a public people to move and to improve an infrastructure, to provide mobility for those who need, create better transport planning and also to reduce congestion that will contribute into pollution to the earth. Stated by Crabtree (2007) conclude that better for the environment and safer, public transport is the best option, when available and practical taking into account the nature of your journey, whether you can organize a day around fixed timetables, and whether you are feeling sociable.

Most of the public transport runs based on the scheduled or timetable with the most frequent services running to headway. The urban public transport can be provided by one or more private transport or by a transit authority. Generally, the public transport usually funded by fares changed to each passenger.

Taxi is one of the public transport popular in Malaysia. Taxis service that were offer to support the other transportation service such as buses and trains. Taxi service is more comfortable vehicle for travelling and provides the door to door service. Taxi service is suitable for passenger that do not like to waiting in long time to get the public transport. It is because the other type of public transport such as bus the route based on the schedule and the bus must be full before can do the journey. That is difference for taxi, the passenger does not need to waiting until the car full and as long as the driver willing to go the destination, they can reduce the waiting time.

1.1 Background of Study
Taxis services provide a flexible form of public transportation with the flexibility to provide a variety of access needs and unlimited range of location throughout a metropolitan area. Demanding of public transport in Johor Bahru area also increases based on the economic location and population growth. Therefore, the public transport such as taxi service was rising and it is because of the demand of residents who need the transportation as to go to a destination. Nowadays, people have more choice to using taxi to go any destination. It’s because taxi service more comfortable and easy to access any destinations compare to buses. Another reasons, some people are do not like to waiting the public transportation. They choose to using taxi for reduce waiting time.

Based on the survey conducted by The Expat in a June 2008, estimated 200 foreigners from around 30 countries, Malaysia’s taxis were found the lowest ranking in services from 23 countries based on the survey. Majority of the respondents gave bad impression to Malaysian taxi drivers. From the LondonCabs.co.uk, Malaysia’s taxis services is the top one of the worst drivers in the world. On the top of that, passengers often encounter rude taxis who refuse to use the meter and charge extra rates. The behavior of the offending taxis drivers has tarnished the image of Malaysia.

Generally, most of the taxis were charge their passenger based on the meter rates, but some of the driver have bad reputation of behavior and that will disturbing the other big company that provide the same service. Based on this situation, the number of taxis can accommodate the customer demand, but it is unable meet the customer needs. That is the problem when passengers using the taxis without any application can trace the charge of taxis services.

Nowadays, passengers can trace the taxis with the application in smartphone. That application is easy to trace the rates of charge when using the taxis also can access driver’s information when using the taxis services. MyTeksi application was develop by Anthony Tan, a grandson of Tan Chong Motor Holdings Bhd co-founder Tan Sri Tan Yuet Foh. He is the son of Datuk Tan Heng Chew, Tan Chong’s executive deputy chairman and group managing director (B.K. Sidhu, 2014)

MyTeksi is a Malaysian startup that aims to revitalize the taxi industry. That want to improve the safety and efficiency of town taxis by leveraging on advancements in GPS and mobile technology. MyTeksi application is mobile application system for Android Operating System, IPhones Operating System (IOS) also Windows Operating System. This application is a mobile application that helps customers to deliver taxi-calling requests to taxi drivers through the application. With an application, it can assist the user to encounter the problem. MyTeksi is available in 24 hours days and most of these fares are based on the meters. MyTeksi was establish at a few countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia. In that countries, the application also known as GrabTaxi.

Since from 2012, MyTeksi as the taxi-booking online application develop as a new alternative for make reservation taxis in Malaysia. It is because the systems will traceable taxi rides and licensed of the taxis drivers. Other of the advantages when using the application, passengers will know the estimated fare before book a taxis. MyTeksi also will give the driver’s details including name, mobile numbers, vehicles registration number and photo once the booking is confirmed. That is for safety and information to passenger. MyTeksi helps users deliver their requests directly to the nearest drivers through Internet. It greatly saves the trouble calling to service center and waiting reply from it.

At Malaysia, the application can be used at the urban areas especially in Klang Valley, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, Seremban, Malacca, Johor Bahru, Kuching, Kota Kinabalu also Penang. The main reasons of application can be running in that areas because of demanding passengers when using the taxis as the transportation.

In addition, MyTeksi also have competitors of the application such as UberX and EasyTaxi, but the number of users of MyTeksi applications is highest compare to UberX and EasyTaxi. It is based in the Lowyat.net forum, users of both applications make comparison between UberX, EasyTaxi and MyTeksi, and most of them prefer using MyTeksi application for make booking taxis especially in peak hours.
In this research, we will analyze the level of passenger’s satisfaction of using the MyTeksi. However, this is very important to improve the taxi service because the Malaysian taxi is lowest rank of quality, courtesy, availability and expertise.

1.2 Problem Statement
MyTeksi application is a new way of the strategies in implementation of taxis services. In Malaysia, awareness of using the MyTeksi application by passengers in Johor Bahru is still limited although the applications has develop early 2012.

Problems faced by customers are the application are can’t be accessed in a peak hour. Then, another problems that the application are difficult for detection the customers when booking the taxis. The problems are found in the a few website, observations and feedback from customers when using that MyTeksi application.

From the rumors and my own self observation, some passenger is satisfied with the services provided, but some passenger still not satisfied with taxi service provided based on certain factors. Even taxi services have been many changes, but still unable to meet the needs of passenger. By identifying the level of passenger satisfaction, we can make improvement to the MyTeksi application and also taxi service at Johor Bahru area. Therefore, this project will analyse the satisfaction level of MyTeksi application service provided toward passengers at Johor Bahru.

1.3 Purpose of Research
The purpose of this study is to increase satisfaction level towards passengers when using MyTeksi application. Besides that, it intends to make improvement of taxis services in terms quality, courtesy, availability and expertise. The study is limited to users of MyTeksi applications.

1.4 Objective of Research
The objective of this study can help to improve the image of the driver and taxis services in Malaysia, especially in Johor Bahru area. That can also can help the MyTeksi Sdn. Bhd. to make the improvement of that application based on identify customer needs. There are the objectives of the research:
i. To define all the factors of satisfaction level of using MyTeksi at Johor Bahru areas.
ii. To analyze the significance factors of satisfaction level toward the passengers on MyTeksi applications.
iii. To give suggestion for improvement on MyTeksi application at Johor Bahru areas.

1.5 Research Question
To achieve the objectives in this study, several research questions have been developed. There are:
i. What are the factors of satisfaction level of using MyTeksi at Johor Bahru areas?
ii. What are the significance factors of satisfaction level contribute of MyTeksi passengers?
iii. How to improve the MyTeksi applications towards passengers at Johor Bahru areas?

1.6 Significant of Research
There are several important for complete this project as it resolve the problem that currently facing by some of user who are not satisfied with the services provided by MyTeksi applications and drivers. The important are:
i. This project will help MyTeksi Sdn. Bhd. to identify the level of passenger satisfaction of the taxis service at Johor Bahru area.
ii. This project will help to improve the performance of MyTeksi application through this form research.
iii. This project will help other taxis-booking applications such as UberX and EasyTaxi as guide for any improvement through their application.

1.7 Scope of Research
This research is focused on the user or passenger of MyTeksi have using the application service. The location for this research, we are focused at the area of:
i. Larkin Central
ii. JB Central.

This chapter contains the introduction to the issues which the research is concerned, the problem statement of issue being studied, the aims and objectives of the study and the rationale and significance of the study. The research is about customer satisfaction level of MyTeksi implementation towards passengers at Johor Bahru. This is related with the objective of the research which is to find out customer level of satisfaction towards passengers of MyTeksi application. This research also will give an advantage for the MyTeksi Sdn. Bhd. to make improvement of their application. This research will be targeted at Johor Bahru area focused to Larkin Central and JB Central.

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