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Essay: How America’s history shaped fashion in the 70s

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  • Subject area(s): History essays
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  • Published: 29 January 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
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  • Words: 870 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Fashion essays

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The 1970’s were full of political, cultural, and social issues.  A timeline of events throughout America’s history will help shape why certain fashions were the way they were during this time period.  Thus, creating a background for why the Hippies and disco lovers took on their fashions of this decade.

The year of 1970, the United States invades Cambodia.  National Guard kills four anti-war protesters at Kent State University, Ohio.  Palestinian Black September guerrilla’s highjack five planes.  The first Earth day is celebrated in the US.  Isle of Wight festival “Of Music and Love” opens in Britain, which was Jimi Hendrix’s last public appearance.  As for fashion, corduroy and skin tight jeans, ribbed sweaters, chokers, bracelets, striped sweatbands, bandannas, and Indian block prints become popular.

The year of 1971, war between India and Pakistan breaks out and police invade New York Attica prison with 42 dead.  The lead singer of The Doors, Jim Morrison, dies.  Hot pants become the new craze, satin and velvet fabrics are big, and cartridge belts.

The year of 1972, President Nixon visits Beijing, China. Black September terrorists murder Israeli athletes at Munich Olympics.  David Bowie releases Ziggy Stardust album.  US bans use of pesticide DDT.  Widely flared bell bottoms, hand painted leather bags, silk shirts, pants tucked into knee high boots, and colorful cropped sleeveless pullovers take over fashion.

The year of 1973, US military draft ends and troops are withdrawn from Vietnam.  Arab states raise oil prices and embargo oil in US.  Middle East peace talks open in Geneva.  Senate opens Watergate hearings.  Fashion trends of this year consisted of: embroidered kaftans, Indian shirts, gauze smocks, new synthetic jersey dresses, political slogans printed on t-shirts boom. Marie Claire magazine wrote about 1970’s fashion stating, “The poster girl of hippie chic, Joni Mitchell was undoubtedly one of the seventies’ ultimate style icons – and with good reason. She wore tie dye blouses, earth-goddess hair and billowing kaftans like no other, usually completing her trademark look with bare feet and a guitar in hand” (Leaper).

The year of 1974, President Nixon resigns. India explodes its first atom bomb.  Granny clothes and grandfather shirts are in fashion, as well as suede creeper shoes with thick soles.  This was the year the hair trend was really defined by famous stars. As Marie Claire states, “But really, Marie Osmond’s hair in 1974! Hair everywhere reached new heights in the 1970s as full-on perms and disco afros became de rigueur” (Leaper).

The year of 1975, communists take over Cambodia and South Vietnam.  Americans leave as Saigon falls.  Britain introduced Sex Discrimination Act.  Bruce Springsteen releases “Born to Run”, which becomes his first hit.   Radical and cheap chic hits fashion.  Second-hand baseball jackets, army khaki camouflage, Fiorucci clothing, tight dresses that flare out below the knee, faux fur becomes increasingly popular as people lobby real fur.  Giorgio Armani becomes a design consultant.

The year of 1976, US observes Bicentennial.  Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine guerrilla’s highjack airline at Entebbe, Uganda.  Riots break out in Soweto, South Africa.  Gases from spray cans reported to damage the ozone layer.  Exercise clothing and Lycra leotards become a new fad.  Clothing and textile manufacturing in developing countries expands.  Authors of Fashion in the ‘70s: The Definitive Sourcebook, Emmmanuelle Dirix and Charlotte Fiell state that, “The Seventies evidenced a wide range of fashionable hairstyles and makeup trends”, and 1976 was when the big hair was at its peak (Dirix and Fiell 27).

The year of 1977, Baader-Meinhof terrorist’s highjack plane in Somalia.  New York-London begins passenger service on Concorde jet.  Elvis Presley dies.  Safety pins, ripped and torn second-hand clothes, plastic, and leather are what is big in fashion.  Barry Miles writes, in the book Hippie, “Girls looked for old-fashioned, second-hand dresses in thrift stores, favouring worn, soft fabrics like lace and velvet and often opting for long granny dresses.  If they felt like dressing up then anything went – handmade clothes often tie-dyed in earth colours of psychedelic rainbows, hand strung beads and, if the climate was temperate as in California, bare feet. Maybe even flowers in their hair” (Miles 18).  This is the year Saturday Night Fever was released.  Marie Claire wrote, “…and the world fell head-over-heels in love with disco. John Travolta’s car-salesman suit and Karen Lynn Gorney’s major commitment to ruffles had everyone reaching for their platforms and dancing their troubles away. Nothing quite says seventies like a disco dancefloor, am I right?” (Leaper).  Disco was a huge hit throughout the era as well as disco and hippies went hand in hand with their fashions.

The year of 1978, diplomatic relations opened between the US and People’s Republic of China.  World’s first test tube baby is born.   Marathon running turns into big public events.  Tailored coats, unconstructed jackets and padded shoulders came in, in women’s fashion, “Women on both sides of the Atlantic worked outside the home, a more practical yet stylish style of dress was needed…The tailored trouser suit was a response to this need and search” (Dirix and Fiell 27).

The year of 1979, Iran becomes Islamic Republic and US embassy is seized.  The staff taken hostage.  Russians invade Afghanistan.  More than 30 brands of designer label jeans are available on the market.

Originally published 15.10.2019

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