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Essay: Human Resource Management: A case study on Olam Resources

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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
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  • Words: 1,848 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 8 (approx)
  • Tags: Human resource management essays

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Human Resource Management: A case study on Olam Resources


Over the past couples of decades, Human Resource Management (HRS) has undergone a plethora of transformations in terms of divers of the role of today’s organizations.  Today Human Resource Management deals with not only administrative traditional functions in the organizations but also concerned with making tactical approaches with an intention of making the organization viable in the market. The chief function of HRM is to hunt the talents of the organization en route to boost the growth of the organization. The HRM department also incorporated with conflict resolution, cost-saving, budgeting, ensuring a good working environment, offering training, determining salary, assessing performance, maintaining and proving salary of employees; and most of all ensuring workers security.

Human Resource Management (HRM): Conception and definition

HRM principally focuses on the human capital through an organization able to introduce policies and implement these in order to boost the performance of the organizations.  Human Resource Management is the procedure of recruiting, orienting and training, job analysis, evaluating employees, determining remuneration, ensuring employee’s security, providing remuneration and above all fixing the issues in the organization. Many grand scholars had made remarks regarding Human Resource Management in diverse ways. In accordance with words of Dunn and Stephens, “The HRM is the process of attracting, holding and motivating all manager line and staff.”( Dunn, J.D, and Stephens:1972)

The backdrop of the discipline of Human Resource Management (HRM):

The discipline of Human Resource Management exclusively emerged in the 20th century. Frederick Winslow Taylor, a globally renowned management consultant, is regarded as the pioneer of Human Resource Management (HRM) in the organization. He investigated the expression ‘Scientific Management’ with an intention of enhancing the financial proficiency of manufacturing job. He subsequently shed light on the ultimate input of the production system-human capital- to bump up the efficiency of the products. Tylor promotes the systematic approach of recruiting personnel which principally based on qualification and also followed the incentive-centered compensation method to inspire the employees of the organizations. Many distinguished companies introduced the separate department to oversee the benefits of the employees and took assorted of ways to retain the best employees. They found this particular discipline very practical to boost the efficiency of the worker.

Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM)

The functions of HRM play a significant role to assist the organization to materialize the objectives they defined. The function of HRM includes talent hunting, offering a good working environment, bestowing training, providing and maintains remuneration, assessing employees, maintaining the protection of employees in conjunction with the labor code of the particular country.   The most important functions of HRM are given below:

Talent Hunt

Finding the right employee for the right job is the most important function of Human Resource Management department. Recruiting the skilled manpower allows the organization to increase the productivity of the organization. There are various ways to find the pertinent employees for a specific job. It requires making job description, interviewing the prospective employees, giving offering and introducing the terms and conditions and most of negotiating the salary

Train the employees

Another important function of HRM department is to equip the employees properly to make them an asset for the organization. It is a crucial function of the Human Resource Management through which the overall performance of the organization can be increased.


Soon after joining the company, an employee may find himself or herself alien in the new environment. Therefore, it is the essential task of the HRM department to make the workstation home to the newly appointed employees. It helps in boosting the personal performance of the employees.

Ensuring a good working environment

The HRM department’s most significant task is to ensure a favorably working ambiance for the employees. Without producing a good working atmosphere an organization cannot expect dynamic and vibrant employees.


Motivating the employees through offering various benefits is the ultimate function of HRM department. Giving a healthy salary incongruent with the job responsibility of employees motivates the employees to work sincerely for the organization.


The recruitment process is the most pivotal function of HR department. It involves hiring new employees through applying systematic approaches i.e.  Identifying vacancies, making position description, identifying job responsibilities, and most of all developing appointment plan.  There three pertinent recruitment processes for Olam resources are given under:

1. Identifying Position Description

The identifying job description is very essential for the HR department. It helps the candidate to get the details of the position. It generally includes the preferred educational qualifications and minimum requirements an ideal candidate needs.  Prior to identifying the position description, the concern manager needs to spell out the general information, position purpose and the essential functions of the job.

2. Identifying Recruitment strategies

Recruitment plan facilitates the HR department to maintain the process strategically. The HR department will apply various approaches to find the right talent for the right position. This process will assist the Olam resources to get the eligible employees as the process promotes making the strategic plan for finding the best candidate.

3. Recruiting the candidate

Before recruiting the employees, reviewing the selection criteria is essential to make sure that the candidate meets all the requirements made for recruiting the candidate. In this stage, the HR will hire the employee officially once an applicant accepts the job offer. This stage is necessary for the fact that if a candidate may reject the offer eventually, the HR department will have the time to find the alternative. This process is imperative for the Olam resource for the reason that it will allow the company to initiate the two proposed departments in a given time-frame.  This process will give the opportunity to get the appropriate employee who will serve the company as it should be.


To me, internal staff in the organization should be given consideration for the following reasons:

1. They are well-acquainted with the procedure:

Olam resources have made a resolution to launch two new departments. They predominantly interested to launch the new departments to handle the new range of industrial products. By the way, the organization has already been an outlet in the suburb of Northampton. Therefore, the employees of the organization are well-introduced with the products. Besides, they are experienced in operating the outlet of an industrial product. If the Olam resources consider recruiting the existing staff, they will be blessed with experienced employees that are crucial for the new outlet.

2. No need to train the employees

The internal staff of the ‘Olam Resources’ has definitely undergone training at the very inception in joining the organization. Furthermore, they applied the theoretical knowledge in the field. Therefore, the exiting staffs are well-trained. It will facilitate the organization to launch the new departments within a brief span of time.

3. An expertise and tested team

Since the ‘Olam resources’ is planning for launching two new departments, the staffs are presumably serving the organization in proper fashion. It also meant that the team they have is tested and as they are working out there for a considerable span of time, they have already been expertise in the field. As a consequence, it will be wise to ‘Olam Resources’ to consider internal staff for the newly established departments.

4. It takes time to adjust to the new environment

It is widely recognized for the fact that new employee takes a bit more time to get adjusted to the new working environment. In this context, recruiting from internal staff will be beneficial for the ‘Olam resources’.


1. In accordance with the employment test data, 717 Caucasians took the test and 563 passed which produce 78.52 % passed. The passed figure among the Caucasians employees is 78.52 %.  The passed ratio among the total passed employees is 77.12%. Note that Caucasians are the protected group but they could not meet the four-fifths or 80% rule which shows the adverse impact.

2. Out of 207 Asian Pakistanis, 48 employees passed in the employment test data which makes 23.18 % passed. The passed ratio among the total passed employees is 6.57%.

3.  In employment test data, 89 Black Africans took the test and passed 43 or 48.38%. The passed figure of Black Africans among the total passed employees is 5.89%.

4. Out of 11 Black-others, 2 employees passed in the employment test data which makes 18.18 % passed. The passed ratio of Black-others among the total passed employees is 0.27%.

5. In reference to the employment test data, 111 Black British took the test and 71 or 63.96% passed the test. The passed ratio of Black British among the total passed employees is 9.72%

6. According to the data, 11 gypsy or traveler took the test and 3 or 27.27% passed the test.  The passed ratio of gypsy among the total passed employees is 0.41%.

7. In reference to the employment test data, 806 men took the test and 581 or 72.08% passed the test. The passed ratio among the total passed employees is 79.58%.

8. In accordance with the employment test data, 340 women took the test and 149 or 43.82% passed the test. The passed ratio of women among the total passed employees is 20.41. Marked that women are the protected group but they could not meet the four-fifths or 80% rule that demonstrates the adverse impact.

9. In employment test data, total 1149 employees took the test and 730 passed that makes 63.53 % passed the test. The passed ratio among the total passed employees is  20.41%


1. The passed figure of Caucasians among the total passed employees is 77.12%. Caucasians are the protected section but they are unable to meet the four-fifths or 80% rule. Therefore, it indicates the adverse impact.

2. The passed ratio of Asian Pakistanis among the total passed employees is 6.57%. It is essential to mention that this section of the employee doesn’t have any protection and there is not an issue with adverse impact.

3. The passed figure of Black Africans among the total passed employees is 5.89% and not lies in adverse impact.

4. The passed ratio of Black-others among the total passed employees is 0.27%. This figure is less than 80% which could not show disparate impact.

5. The passed ratio of Black British among the total passed employees is 9.72% which is less than 80%. Therefore, it could not show disparate impact.

6. The passed ratio of gypsy among the total passed employees is 0.41% and could not indicate adverse impact.

7. The passed ratio of men among the total passed employees is 79.58% which could not indicate adverse impact.

8. The passed ratio of women among the total passed employees is 20.41%. Marked that women are the protected group and the ratio of women supposed to 80% or four-fifths or 80%. So, the ratio of women shows the adverse impact.

Concluding Remarks:

Human Resource Management (HRM) has become an important department in every organization due to its significant functions. The HR department concerned with recruiting employees and providing the necessary training to make the employees fit for the job. Besides, the HRM deals with evaluating the employees so that they can serve the organization appropriately.  Without the proper function of the HRM department, an organization won’t be able to move forward. Therefore, it is necessary to make the HRM department equipped with talented employees in order to boost the performance of the organization.


• Dunn, J.D, and Stephens, EC Management of people, Me Graw Hill Book Company, New York, 1972, P.10.

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