Essay on the Healthy Child Programme

This essay will outline a key policy and how it influences current practise. It will analyse the economic, political and philosophical context of the policy. The student will appraise the ethical and moral implications for practice drawing on appropriate principles, theories and frameworks. Implications for future practice will also be highlighted. Outline one recent key … Read more

Essay on Pedagogy, Knowledge and Society

Topic 2: A considerable amount of work within the Bernsteinian frame considers the relationship between the school and the home, or the ‘first’ and ‘second sites of acquisition’. Outline the central arguments made in relation to how children are differently positioned for success at school. Drawing on the theoretical insights, and in relation to an … Read more

Child labour

Cheap labour is a disturbingly serious global problem. It happens to be one of the biggest issues in the world, but hardly receives the rightful concern and attention it deserves. It is a true and utter puzzle as to why nothing substantial has been done about it. It’s happening all around us: from young children … Read more

Does the excessive viewership of television by children aged between 2-3 years old affect their long term cognitive development

Life Orientation Research Task final proposal. Focus Question: Does the viewership of television in excess of 2-3 hours of the recommended 2 hours of television, for children aged between 2-3 years old affect their long term cognitive development. Aim: The aim of this research task is to look at the problems posed by the excessive … Read more

Hypertension in children with chronic renal failure

Introduction Hypertension is found in more than 50% of children with chronic renal failure. Hypertension should be treated to prevent the development of symptomatic cardiovascular disease and to delay the progression of chronic renal failure. The hepatic 3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, commonly known as statins, are molecules of fungal origin. They are competitive inhibitors … Read more

Relationship between Television Viewing and Children Obesity

Obesity is one of the major health problems among children today. This is evident from the United States and many developed countries in the world. Pediatrics in the past has come up with different ways of addressing the issue for instance by encouraging much time for physical activity in schools. They have also argued that … Read more

Screening for suicide in child and adolescent population

Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in children between the ages 10 -14years (DeMaso, 2011). Horowitz, Ballard & Pao (2010) noted that every year, suicide claims the lives of tens of thousands of young children worldwide. Despite its high prevalence and known risk factors, suicidality is often undetected by health care professionals (Horowitz, … Read more

How do Sesame Street and Teletubbies address and construct the child viewer

Paying particular attention to the style and narrative structure of episodes screened in class, compare and contrast the ways in which Sesame Street and Teletubbies address and construct the child viewer. Sesame Street Sesame Street is well known for its combination of Jim Henson’s Muppets, animation, short films, humor, and cultural references, which is an … Read more

Bibliography: Children and advertising

Pecheaux, C. et Derbaix, C, 1999. Children and attitude toward the brand: a new measurement scale. Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (4), 19-27. McNeal, J , 1992. Kids as costumers: a handbook of marketing to children. 1st ed. New York: Lexington Books. Livingstone, S & Bovill, D, 1999. Social perspectives: Have the media ruined childhood?. … Read more

Childhood overweight and obesity

Historically, an overweight child was presumed to be a healthy child, because it was capable to survive periods of undernourishment and infections.2 Natural selection probably favoured people with an thrifty energy metabolism (the thrifty gene hypothesis3). During millennia of frequent food scarcities this economical energy metabolism was favourable. However, with stable food supplies about 60 … Read more

Childhood Amnesia (CA)

Freud in the late 19th century acknowledged the phenomenon referred to now as childhood amnesia (CA), where adults are unable to remember events from their early childhood- even though young children have incredible learning capacities. The cause of CA is uncertain; psychologists either point to the child’s neurological make up or the development of their … Read more

Does size matter? Teachers' perceptions on whether class size has an effect on pupil attainment

Abstract This research study focuses on teachers’ perceptions on class size and its effect on pupil achievement in Key Stage 1. The research was undertaken in a small Church of England Village school with eleven participants in total. Questionnaires and interviews were used to determine whether teachers perceive class size to be a problem on … Read more

Literature review: Child studies

Chaparro, M.P., Kim, H., Fern??ndez, A., & Malti, T. (2013). The development of children’s sympathy, moral emotion attributions, and moral reasoning in two cultures. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10(4), 495-509. doi: 10.1080/17405629.2012.742008 The central focus of the study was the comparison of groups of 6- and 9- year old children from two distinct cultural … Read more

Impact of pre-assessment for children scheduled for day surgery

Impact of pre-assessment for children scheduled for day surgery to increase the effectiveness of the admissions process for patients, families and staff In the United Kingdom a pre-assessment clinic was developed in a children’s hospital at the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals in October 2007. The pre-assessment is intended to benefit the patients and family for day … Read more

Homeless children

Each year, the numbers of homeless children are growing at an alarming rate all around the world. This issue has deeply affected the lives of millions of children nationwide. Poverty and non-affordable housing are the major leading causes of these rates. While homeless, they experience high rates of acute and chronic health problems. The constant … Read more

Early Childhood Special Education

Introduction Early childhood special education offers education services for infants, ranging from birth to kindergarten age, provided they qualify according to federal and state law. In response to providing effective services, various websites and documents, are developed, in order to provide insightful information that might be of help to children under the early childhood special … Read more

Gender roles and child development

According to Webster’s Dictionary, ‘The gender binary is the classification of sex and gender into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine.’ In western society, Gender is viewed as strictly a binary and this conservative view of gender affects the way children learn to express and develop gender roles. Transgender is a … Read more

Understanding Education: Theories, experiences and arguments

Introduction To accomplish this assignment on Understanding education: theories, experiences and arguments, I have chosen the following topics as literatures from the theme of learning. A. Cognitive development through social interaction by Bandura. B. A social theory of learning by Etienne Wenger. C. The social learning theory by Vygotsky D. A Ph.D. thesis by Jane … Read more

Education in the early years for children and outdoor play

The early years of the children’s life are crucial for everyone to shape life-long attitudes, values, patterns of behaviour and the basic skills for life. Early Childhood Education must provide different opportunities for children to experience different feelings such as peace, happiness and an interest towards nature because these emotions ‘undergird their developing knowledge, skills … Read more

Using The Pacer Puppet Program to Reduce Isolation among Children with Disabilities

Background and Problem Issues’ concerning children with disabilities and their participation in extracurricular activities has become a topic of discussion among many. Worldwide, childhood disabilities (0’14 years), which is estimated to be 95 million (5.1%) children, of whom 13 million (0.7%) have ‘severe disability’, according to World Report on Disability (2011). Understanding how to identify … Read more

Maternal reflective functioning, prenatal and postnatal, and its possible influence on child's aggressive behaviour.

Introduction Mentalization is the capacity to understand and interpret one’s own and others’ behaviour as an expression of mental states such as feelings, thoughts, fantasies, beliefs and desires (Katznelson, 2014). In short: mentalization is the ability of seeing ourselves from the outside and others from the inside (Asen & Fonagy, 2012). Reflective functioning (RF) is … Read more

Child welfare policy

The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-89) was a major reform with regards to child welfare provisions since being enacted in the early 1980’s (Murray & Gesiriech, 2005). The legislation provided a background on which amendments to various acts have passed to date. According to David (2013), the Adaption and Safe … Read more

Grandparents raising grandchildren

The amounts of grandparents who are turn out to be substitute parents to their grandchildren are progressing significantly (Fuller-Thomson & Minkler, 2000). As a result of the United States Census, nearly 5.6 million grandparents taking care of the grandchildren. Apparently, the grandparents can give the grandchildren a warm house atmosphere that is better than foster … Read more

Child protection policy and reform

The Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) Child Family and Community Australia (CFCA) (2014) identified that the current approach to child protection in Australia has acknowledged the roles the state and territory governments must play in protecting all children from abuse and neglect. It also explained that governments had assumed their obligation in meeting the … Read more

Video games and violence in children

The purpose of this research paper is to address the question does playing violent video games increase aggressive behavior in children? My hypothesis on this matter is that in fact playing violent video games does increase aggressive behavior in children and adults alike. My reasoning for this is unlike violent movies, violent video games require … Read more

The relationship of differential treatment to children’s social and emotional development

Chapter I Introduction Parents act differently with different children, being more positive with one child and more negative with another (Rauer & Brendal, 2007). These behavior have negatively affects not only the child who receives more negative feedback but also affected other siblings as well. The child who receives negative treatment develops negative portray about … Read more

Interpret the implications of child psychology?

Child psychology is the branch of psychology that studies the mental states and psychological processes of children and, specifically, how these processes differ from those of adults and how and why they differ from one child to the next. It includes both mental and social development of child. Implications of child psychology: • Child psychology … Read more

‘Motivation in the Classroom: Dealing with Disruptive Behaviour’

INTRODUCTION Research studies have shown the importance of motivation in supporting learning in education (Lai, 2011) and in raising educational attainment among pupils. A collective theme within the review is that a pupil’s behaviour is closely linked to the theory of motivation (Ikeogu, 2011). The transition into secondary school life has been shown to affect … Read more

Employing children

SUMMERY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS As an aid to the reader, this final chapter of the thesis restates the research problem and reviews the major methods used in the study. It further summarises the results, put forward conclusions, admit the limitations and give the implications and recommendations based on the results. Promotion is an … Read more

Initiating improvisation (used & unused material) within the context of art education practice

ABSTRACT Maintaining a more reflective, explorative and critical approach within the Art and Design classroom environment, and beyond required an endeavour in enhancing learning. Important to this, is the emphasis on material practice. Working with material is fundamental to fully understand art by making art in art processes. It is through material manipulation and applying … Read more

Occupational therapy for children and teens with behavioural disorders

“The more I think about child development usually imagine a locomotive crossing uncharted territory and may at any time, derailed and go to tread new paths, many of them dangerous and treacherous. The earlier observe and identify such ‘course corrections’, soon have the chance to restore order and replace the ‘locomotive’ in the right track. … Read more

Hypnotherapy as pretreatment for PSA in Children

ABSTRACT Background Relieve of pain and fear in children undergoing medical procedures can be achieved by either procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) or hypnotherapy. We hypothesize that the combination of hypnotherapy and PSA is a valuable addition in the pain- and fear management in children. 
To determine whether the use of hypnotherapy as pretreatment for … Read more

No Child Left Behind Act

Summary The paper is fundamental as it looks at the No Child Left Behind Act that was put into practice because the American education system was no longer internationally competitive. The outcome of the challenge is the federal education system function was increased towards holding schools accountable for the academic progress of all students. The … Read more

Child development

A child’s development starts from an infant, toddler, adolescent then to adult. According to (Davies, 2011) infants have lower tolerance for frustration, increased attachment behaviour, difficulty in falling asleep and waking up in the middle of the night from frightening dreams. Infants need stimulation interesting objects responsive people to interact with and speak to (Bjorklund … Read more

Childhood theories

Bellemy (2005) stated that an important aspect in child hood is to be educated. There has been significant events that have changed the way we treat and teach children. Different laws have come into place by governments to insure the welfare of children. In addition to this, there has been different frameworks introduced that effect … Read more

The effects of child abuse

Child abuse is a big issue that causes much more than surface wounds, and can leave a lasting effect on the victim’s life. Child abuse has been and continues to be a problem in the United States, as well as all across the globe. However, this issue is not being overlooked, many different organization are … Read more

Anti-disciplinary ideas towards child rearing

When thinking about the biggest problem in education today, we can clearly see that the generation journeying through the educational establishment today has no ambition or drive. Why? It can all be traced back to one thing—discipline. They don’t have the discipline of previous generations because they have not received the training at home or … Read more

Characteristics of a good quality social work assessment in childcare

The aim of this assignment is to explore the characteristics of a good quality social work assessment in childcare. It will look at different factors that affect the assessment process, how theoretical perspectives relate to practice, communication and partnership working when carrying out assessments. It will also consider early help assessments and explore the advantages … Read more

Children learning

Children start learning the minute they’re born, the first 3 years of their life are crucial to development. Parents, health care professionals, and in this essay, especially educators help children grow to reach their fullest potential. When raising a child parents go through the tough choices that will determine their child’s life. When to start … Read more

How parental involvement could have an effect within children’s academic achievement

Abstract For this proposal, I am going to be looking at how parental inclusion could be implemented in a home and school settings and I will remain comparing and contrasting settings with each other. My research questions are as follows: What are the effects and barriers that children may face with parental involvement? How can … Read more

Children care surveys

Many studies have focused on the uninsured in the United States and in Florida, but few have concentrated on the children. Most of the studies have used national survey data. One of the national surveys’ that was used is the US Census Bureau data collected through the current population studies (CPS) (US Census, 2010). The … Read more

Enhancing SLCN learning in SEND children through music intervention

The aim of this Action Research study was to investigate whether selected early years pupils in Foundation Stage (FS), with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), would experience any impact on their speech, language and communication (SLC) skills through a music intervention. Context and position School M (pseudonym) is a four-form entry school, with 870 … Read more

Children’s holistic development, physical & intellectual development stages

When Promoting the Childs holistic development, explain how you meet/plan for the children’s needs in all areas of development “Holistic approach to child development seeks to simultaneously address the physical, emotional, relational, intellectual and spiritual aspects of a Childs life. The importance of the holistic approach is that it children learn different things at different … Read more

Mental health guidance for children and teens

One in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives. Around 450 million people currently suffer from such conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide Below are some common mental illnesses that affect children and teens: Anxiety disorders … Read more

Early Childhood Curriculum

Aim The aim of this assignment is to produce two lesson plans one to be indoor and one to be an outdoor activity. The plans will promote learning contexts which support wellbeing and identity and belonging consistent with legislation and national practice guidelines. The objective it to produce plans that will include aims and learning … Read more

The Impact of Computer Addiction on Children’s Mental Growth and Behaviour

Most people around the globe including children can have access to home computers or mobile phones more than they ever did. Children normally rely on computers and the Internet for different purposes which range from playing games and doing school homework to chatting with friends and relatives. However, the steady rise of computer use among … Read more

Behaviorism theory and cognitive development theory

The two theories that this paper will be focused on is the behaviorism theory and cognitive development theory. The behaviorism theory also known as the learning theory that shows how behavior is learned and processed. Thed theory basically states that all behavior is learned, it is not interested in feelings and thoughts, only observable behaviors. … Read more

Aphasia and SLIs

The study of linguistics, in particular language acquisition, is often hindered by phenomena that linguists have are yet to decipher. These hindrances include all manner of both environmental and experimental issues. It can be seen in the discipline of language acquisition that such a factor is individuals with varying forms of brain damage. Many learners … Read more

Synthesizing the Behavior Systems Approach with the Dynamical System Principles

There are a few development theories discussed in Child and Adolescent Development by Gary Novak and Martha Pelaez. Development is defined by Novak and Pelaez as a change over time (Novak & Pelaez, 2004). These theories suggest ideas on how children and adolescents develop, including changes in interactions across the life span. Development looks at … Read more

Risk factors for childhood obesity

As the world is going through both epidemiological and nutritional changes, it is affecting those who live in it. Children are the most vulnerable individuals and are highly impacted on the changes.  Certain parts of the world have high deficiencies in growth stunt, anemia, iron, and zinc. In contrast, the other parts actually have a … Read more

The use of corporal punishment with children

The use of corporal punishment with children is a controversial subject. Corporal punishment (or physical punishment) is a punishment intended to cause physical pain on a person. Though banned from most schools these days, I still remember when “the strap” was used on school children found guilty of various contraventions and it still remains legal … Read more

Cognitive development (draft)

Cognition Cognitive development involves how children think and gain their knowledge of their world around them through learning factors and genetics. Areas of cognitive development mainly focus on . Language development . Memory . Intellegence . Reasoning When born infants begin to learn to use their senses to explore the world around them. Most newborns … Read more

Theories of child development

The field of child development seeks to identify and explain changes in the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development of children and adolescents (McDevitt & Ormrod, “Chapter 1/ Making a Difference in the Lives of Children and Adolescents”, p. 4). There are several theories that exist when it comes to child development; these theories include the … Read more

Influence of family factors on personality and social development in children

The environment that children grow in has deep impacts on the type of personality characteristics they develop. Social skills are acquired through our many interactions in life, especially the ones in the early stages. Social and emotional development in children is mainly influenced by the Parents as models. Children see how their parents act, display … Read more

The Adventure Gap and the Importance of Outdoor Exposure

As society becomes increasingly centralized around technology the time children spend immersed in the outdoors decreases across the nation. Today’s society has put engagement in the natural world aside, revolutionizing parenting by sticking children in front of screens. Additionally, the outdoor community has seen a lack of racial and economic diversity since it’s beginning. Ensuring … Read more

Gross and fine motor skills

• Choose one gross motor skill and one fine motor skill you see children demonstrating in this video. Gross motor skills are skills a child learns to better coordination and balance. For example, Do you remember trying to skip, climb a tree, dribble a ball or write your name? “Young children try, fail, and try … Read more

Critically examine the context of WEIRD from Henrich et al perspective

The over-sampling of Western, educated and from industrialized, rich, and democratic countries (WEIRD) is deviating our understanding of human behavior which is causing to generalize “universal patterns” based on a limited sample of human variation, which accounts to only 12 percent of the world’s population. This has become problematic because WEIRD contributors greatly contrast from … Read more

Preoperational stage of child development (2 – 7 years)

Cognitive development begins in childhood, continues throughout a person’s entire life, and can be defined differently by different psychologists. For psychologist Jean Piaget, cognitive development comes down to the cognitive-developmental theory which states that children are constantly actively creating knowledge as they learn and explore their world. Piaget divides this development into four main stages; … Read more

Bilingualism in Autistic Children (literature review)

Abstract: This literature review focuses on the history and pertinent research on bilingualism in autistic children. It also discusses on whether language development is hindered in any way due to being bilingual. Autism is a brain development disorder characterised by social impairment communication difficulties and ritualistic behaviour. Some early researchers argued that language problems are … Read more

Assessing Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Intended Audience This article is about SLPs assessing the necessities of children who have been diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech. CAS is very difficult to diagnosis, but the correct diagnosis is extremely important. Throughout this article, it gives a breakdown of various techniques and tests, as well as important aspects in the process of … Read more


Infancy The stage of infancy starts from birth and ends approximately at the age of 2. Infancy is also called “babyhood” Infancy and early childhood development are times of great change in a living organism, and they are perhaps the most formative years of development. Developmental progress may be measured in the following domains: physical, … Read more

Biological, social & cognitive causes of sex differences in children’s play behaviour

Sex differences are defined by Hines as “any psychological or behavioural characteristic that differs on average for males and females of a particular species” (Hines 2004). Sex differences are often observed in children’s play behaviour. An example of this is differences in toy preferences. Girls often prefer dolls, doll furnishing and kitchen supplies whereas boys … Read more

The Environmental Language Intervention Strategy

There are several intervention strategies that are administered among the language impaired toddlers and children. One of these strategies used to support production longer and more complex utterances is the Environmental Language Intervention Strategy (ELIS) developed by James D. MacDonald and Judith Presser Blott in 1974. ELIS follows grammar approaches from theorists Lois Bloom (1971), … Read more

Nature vs. Nurture debate in terms of the developmental process of socialization

In this essay I will discuss my perspective on the Nature vs. Nurture debate in terms of the developmental process of socialization. I will also talk about social development in relation to the philosophical viewpoint that I align with most. The purpose of this reflection is to combine my philosophical viewpoint of child development with … Read more

There is no single cause of Juvenile delinquency but there are many and varied causes

There is no single cause of Juvenile delinquency but there are many and varied causes. (i) Mobility The rapid growth of industrialization and urbanization has led to expansion of means to communication, travel facilities and propagations of views through press and platform. Migration of persons to new places where they are strangers offers them opportunity … Read more

How learning from neuroscience can support practice (Play & Development Theory)

1. The concept of neuroscience Neuroscience is a part of the science that studies the brain and the nervous system. “The brain is responsible for our thoughts, mood, emotions and intelligence, as well as our physical movement, breathing, heart rate and sleep. In short, it makes us who we are and facilitates almost every aspect … Read more

English medical law should not prioritise child welfare over the choice of a competent minor

The principles of autonomy can be illustrated by John Stuart Mill, who states that: “Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.” In medical practice, this means that a competent patient has a right to ‘self-determination’ regarding medical treatment, irrespective of whether his or her choice is deemed to be rational … Read more

Parenting styles

Parenting style: The term “parenting style” focuses on how the parent acts and reacts to their child. This includes expectations, beliefs and values surrounding how parents support and punish their children. These run the range from unsupportive and controlling parents to warm, democratic mothers and fathers who let their children lead the way. Parents may … Read more

How Income Levels Affect How Children Develop Academically

Income levels can affect how children develop academically and their ability to attain successful grades. It is stated in detail the correlation between student’s economic status and educational prosperity in Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach (Newman, 2018, p. 10). A study conducted in Chile sought out to determine positive school outcomes in regard to … Read more

Ingigenous Children sent to Residential Schools Across Canada

Thousands of indigenous children were removed from their homes and sent to residential schools across Canada. Residential schools were used as a means to eliminate all aspects of Indigenous culture. By enforcing mandatory enrollment into government funded facilities run by the church, the government hoped to assimilate the indigenous people. Learning to communicate in English … Read more

Children in foster care

As of September 2018, there was 24,235 children in the state of Florida residing in out of home care. Out-of-home care are placements that are outside of a parental home and usually involve court involvement, these placements can be with relatives, non-relatives, group homes, foster homes and residential treatment centers. (“Children In Out-of-Home Care- Statewide”, … Read more

Adopted children diagnosis with ADHD

Evidence suggests adopted children are more likely to be diagnosed with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared to non-adopted children. This difference exists for a number of reasons. The first concerns the risky sexual behaviour displayed by young adults with ADHD. This risky sexual behaviour may lead to unwanted pregnancies, ending with termination or adoption. … Read more

Childhood obesity

DEFINITION: Obesity occurs when more calories are consumed than are expended over time. Children < 2 years age: Obesity is defined based on weight for length for children <2 years age. The sex-specific weight for supine length ≥97.7th percentile on the World Health Organization (WHO) charts (1) is defined as Obesity. Children > 2 years: … Read more

Children’s human rights in an educational context for LGBTI

“Children and young people in Scotland want a Scotland that is safe, that treats them fairly, where they are respected and where they are included” Tam Baillie (Education Scotland Speech 2012) This essay will look at issues surrounding children’s human rights in an educational context, for the minority group known as LGBT(I). LGBTI stands for … Read more

Multi agency – every child matters

Introduction Multi-Agency has been defined as ‘Involving cooperation between several organizations, especially in crime prevention, social welfare programmes, or research. (Oxford dictionaries, 2018) Multi-agency working has been used within practice since the middle of the nineteenth century, which involved social workers collaborating together to reduce poverty in England. (Cheminais, 2009). In current years, multi-agency working … Read more

Does collaborative/multi-agency working provide a perfect support system for children/their families?

The Plowden Report surveyed 3,000 children in primary schools in 1967, it showed across the board that there was a complete lack of parental involvement which could potentially be one of the main reasons why children were failing at school (Baker, 2003). When looking at the needs of the child, and ability to learn it … Read more

Reflective account: working with children placed in residential services due to complex health needs

SVQ Reflective Account My Workplace Currently I work with Capability Scotland at Stanmore House Residential Bungalows. Typically, I work with children aged between 5-19 who have been placed in residential services due to complex health needs and parents may have opted to place their child within a residential service or they have been placed with … Read more

Comparison of Piaget and Vygotzky’s theories on cognitive development

Cognition is the process involved in thinking and mental activity, such as attention, memory and problem solving. In this essay on cognitive development I will compare and contrast the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky, who were both influential in forming a more scientific approach to analysing the cognitive development process of the child active construction … Read more

“Phonological awareness and decoding skills are necessary but not sufficient in becoming a skilled reader”

Critically evaluate and discuss the claim that phonological awareness and decoding skills are necessary but not sufficient in becoming a skilled reader. Introduction: Reading is the ability to decode and understand the printed information. Though for most typically developed people reading is an effortless ability, it involves a range of sophisticated cognitive skills and processes, … Read more

Critically evaluate the cycle of human development and the significance of diversity in relation to life stages and transitions.

Human Development can be defined as “the scientific study of age related changes in behaviour, thinking, emotion and personality” (Boyd & Bee 2006, p 3). There are many different theories and thus, debates, behind the various stages of human development over the lifespan, as it is rich in complexity. A review of the literature in … Read more

Popular topics for child development essays:

  1. Impact of technology on child development
  2. Early education and interventions
  3. Brain development
  4. Social-emotional development
  5. Developmental milestones
  6. Parent-child attachment
  7. Language and literacy development
  8. Child poverty
  9. Cultural influences on development
  10. Nutrition and physical activity
  11. Adolescent mental health
  12. Child abuse and neglect
  13. Gender differences
  14. Bullying
  15. Giftedness and special needs
  16. Cognitive development
  17. Executive functioning
  18. Motor development
  19. Parenting styles
  20. Genetics and epigenetics