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Essay: Benefits of self-paced learning

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  • Subject area(s): Education essays
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 14 May 2022*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 873 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Online learning essays

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Self-paced learning is a learning approach that allows people to learn at their own pace and move on to a new topic if understanding of the previous topic has been achieved, or skip topics if mastery can be demonstrated through a pre-test. Before commencing a lesson, the performance of learners and then permitted to begin where they need to. Learners are free to move at their own pace through the unit. It’s also necessary to have a well-prepared atmosphere. Materials should always be chosen and used with care. Classrooms should provide areas for both individual and group work, as well as opportunities to foster community. With the increased availability of technology, having a list of websites and online programs to support independent learning is also beneficial. Self-paced, individualized learning teaches students to manage their time and learn autonomously, two skills that will benefit them well in higher education and adulthood. According to the study done, it states that there is a paradox in education when it comes to independent study. When “the potential to engage in independent learning coexists with instructional approaches that limit the amount and quality of these learning activities,” a dilemma emerges. Thus trainers tend to provide outlines, modules, handouts, presentations that will take the trainees’ ability to digest the process on their own. The study also states that students will have the opportunity to manage their own time when reading the materials given to master their accounts. (Highland, 2015)

According to the study by Tullis and Benjamin (2011), self-paced learning significantly improves memory performance compared to a control group that was given the same total amount of time but it was divided equally among activities. Learners who recalled the most information, on the other hand, used stronger metacognitive methods to learn in this study.

Learners gain from having control over their study time. Self-paced learning considerably increases memory performance when compared to a control group that was given the same total amount of time but it was allocated equally among tasks. Learners who recalled the most information, on the other hand, utilized more powerful meta-cognitive approaches to learn. The capacity to self-study is not sufficient in and of itself; one must also be able to distinguish between (Tulis and Benjamin, 2011)

According to the researcher, today’s modern workforces are necessary to have a modern training for a particular employee and that includes blended learning with both e-learning and self-paced learning. Also, stated in this research that diverse workforces are bind of people with different qualifications and experiences; therefore, these learning styles can give them flexibility to learn at their own pace. (Kathy Irish, 2021)

Self-paced learning has benefits in different businesses because from a business point of view, self-paced learning is really impressive for this given reasons such as it actually increases employee engagement, lowers training costs, and improves employee productivity. Given that, Rasmussen (2016) also added that employees can be highly flexible as they can participate whenever it’s convenient for them. (Michelle Rasmussen, 2016).

Self-Paced Taking in keeps on the viewpoints of swaying learners as learners adjust their Taking in encounter, will their individual needs. Also, it reveals certainty for empowering them on creating their learning gives them a feeling from claiming age obligation to their education, expands certainty clinched alongside their decisions. What is more sways the educators to provide for every person clearly, regulate input. Those learners over self-paced get stimulate should participate themselves over taking, in examine autonomous of the instructor’s testament. According to Thornton (2010), there are four aspects of the learning process that self-directed learners are generally understood to navigate: planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating—and it then suggests ways to stimulate these abilities in the language learning classroom.

Everything is evolving, and thus the learning process must adapt to meet the needs of today’s workforce. Traditional modes of corporate training no longer deliver the flexible learning required for 21st-century success, nor do they meet the learning requirements of today’s employee. Work-life balance is very important to Millennial and Gen Z professionals. In fact, according to a Deloitte poll, 16.8% of millennial evaluate their job options based on work-life balance. They can create a balance between the two thanks to self-paced learning. This type of learning is not limited by geography or time. It can be done at the employee’s leisure, from home, while traveling, or during work breaks. (Ang’John Ferreri, 2021)

Self-paced learning kills two birds with one stone—flexibility and scalability. Employees would be far more able to handle their numerous duties, whether personal or work-related, and not feel overwhelmed if they were able to learn on their own time, at their own pace, in their own locations, and at their own convenience. Flexibility leads to equilibrium. In fact, according to LinkedIn’s 2018 Workplace Learning Report, 58% of professionals actually prefer to embark on learning at their own pace. Not only that, but because self-paced learning materials are typically recorded once, and then released online, there is no limit to the number of people who can access them. Many people no longer assemble in one place to receive professional training from qualified educators. And all of the content is saved indefinitely and can be used at any time. (Vera Lawrencia, 2021).


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Essay Sauce, Benefits of self-paced learning. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/education-essays/benefits-of-self-paced-learning/> [Accessed 07-02-25].

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