The role of the UN in mitigating conflict in the post cold war era
We the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war…” (Charter of the United Nations).
Our international relations essays span a range of topics, offering analysis and debate, together with discussion on different perceptions on foreign policy and consequential impact. They are a valuable resource for IR students looking for inspiration when preparing their own research and writing on this topic. Find more International Relations essays here.
We the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war…” (Charter of the United Nations).
A momentous staple in the history of international relations is the Cold War. The animosity within this international dissonance elucidates bipolarity at the highest global level between the two contending poles: The United States and the Soviet Union. Upon the culmination of world war 2, the international community witnessed these two global hegemons possess contrasting … Read more
The European Union is a ‘supranational alliance’, first founded in 1957 primarily with economic aims between the six founding member states, however, by 2018 the EU has 28 member states and aims aren’t refined to just economic co-operation and institutions within the EU are only able to act in areas that have been clarified in … Read more
To understand the debate about any form of security, a closer analysis need to be taken especially at the inception of United Nation in 1945 at San Francisco, when the US secretary for state was very specific on the aspect of security as “The battle of peace has to be fought on two fronts. The … Read more
Although there had been conclusive and significant scientific evidence to the contrary, there is still some considerable skepticism over the nature, causes and consequences of climate change.
The world is imperfect as it is lead and managed by imperfect people making challenges, which is inevitable. Success is often defined by the wise, not by avoidance of challenges but by how one responds to challenges, and this applies to countries as well. Countries are constantly managing forces that challenge their stability; economic, political, … Read more
Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, “You can never win a war against terror as long as there are conditions in the world that make people desperate — poverty, disease, ignorance.” Climate change is indisputably correlated to a rise in terrorism. Climate change, a shift in overall temperature of the Earth, directly impacts terrorism in a … Read more
Poor Governance and Civil War in Syria Introduction The nature of war has changed markedly in recent decades. While interstate wars have largely decreased, intrastate conflicts have dramatically increased (Cortright, 2008), in a point that civil wars around the world since 1945 have killed approximately 20 million people and displaced at least 67 million (Collier, … Read more
What is Brexit The word of Brexit used as a short way of saying that England is leaving the EU combine the words Britain and exit to get Brexit.Britain is leaving the EU because; A referendum was held on Thursday, 23 June 2016 to decide whether the UK should remain or remain in the European … Read more
The European Union was made after the World War Two to stimulate or promote the economic cooperation with an idea that countries which will trade with one another would most likely avoid going to war with each other. This collaboration formed a single market which allowed goods and services, even people to move around freely. … Read more
What are the likely effects of Brexit on the European Union? On June 23rd 2016, the citizens of the United Kingdom and Gibraltar voted to leave the European Union. This was done through a democratic referendum in which 52% of voters or 17,410,742 people chose to leave, this subsequently resulted in Article 50 of the … Read more
Brexit could simply be defined as the United Kingdom (UK) departing from the European Union (EU) as the final result from the referendum that took place in June 2016, with 71.8 percent referendum turnout and over 30 million people voted (Hunt, 2019). The following outcome from the referendum was Remain 48.1% and Leave won by … Read more
This will be a minimum of 9 double-spaced pages, not counting the required Works Cited section. You may include graphics if you wish (e.g., charts, graphs, illustrations, etc.) but the total of the text portion not including those graphics must fit the minimum page guidelines. Write an argumentative essay on a topic relating to both … Read more
Imagine that you grew up in a poor family in Sudan. It’s in 2012. You were coming back from a long, hard job, tired, starving, and you see your mother crying. You ask her why. She says that he died of hunger while he was working in a field. Next thing you know, you hear … Read more
Introduction The Dutch minister of foreign affairs, Bert Koenders, had in 2015 a conversation with his Philippine counterpart, Albert del Rosario. The two ministers announced that they are going work more firmly together in the battle against human trafficking. In the news article for the Government of the Netherlands (2015) is stated that Mr. Koender … Read more
International relations essays are pieces of academic writing that assess and contextualize important topics in international relations.
Most of these essays employ theoretical analyses to present ideas, arguments and criticisms on matters related to international relations. International relations essays offer analysis and debate, as well as an analysis of different perceptions on foreign policy and consequential impact. International relations essays; thus, require that the writer to reflects a superior ability to think critically and construct rational ideas.
These essays can address issues like foreign affairs, diplomacy, the international political atmosphere, the world economy, and current affairs. A political science student is expected to reflect ample knowledge of each of the aforementioned topics. A final international relations essay should conform to the instructor’s basic provisions like conformity to the topic of study, length and other writing requirements. Learning how to write an international relations essay can be a fun but challenging task. A good essay is one that has a swift flow of thoughts. These thoughts should show a clear connection between an international current affair, local economic, social and political affairs. The essay should be able to offer a comparison between current affairs and their impact with respect to local spheres. A clear relationship between local affairs and international affairs should be determined. Some of the major data sources for international relations essays include large foreign newspapers and national newspapers. These are some of the most trusted sources for information on current affairs. Others include respected journals, periodicals, and books. These can be sourced online, as well as from Google Scholar to determine the present mood and precisely analyze your topic.
The most common formatting styles include Harvard and APA. Most of the provisions of APA formatting style are similar to those of Harvard. For instance, both formatting styles direct that every page of the essay should comprise of a running head positioned at the top left of the paper. The running head is an abridged form of the title, usually in just a few words not exceeding 50 characters. The standard guidelines for international relations essays comprise of a brief introduction, the body that presents the main arguments and ideas, with a concluding paragraph. There should be even margins of one-inch both at the top and bottom, as well as left and right sides of the essay. The font should be double-spaced unless stated otherwise. The essay should have a title page with respect to the stipulated formatting guideline. A complete essay should also have a reference page. This is a separate page at the end of the essay and presents a list of all the sources used in constructing the essay. References should feature in alphabetical order with double spacing between each entry. Before constructing the final piece, you should refer to lecture notes from past lectures. The writer should maintain the flow of thoughts by conforming the introductory ideas to the other paragraphs. The succeeding paragraphs should work to expand the introductory ideas, as well as offer supporting information and detailed arguments with the aim of substantiating the claims made in an international relations essay. The concluding paragraphs should focus on emphasizing each major point presented in the essay. You should provide a concise acknowledgement to every point. This ensures a stable foundation of believability. The final piece of an essay should undergo a thorough proofreading session to eliminate grammatical and typographical errors. Other errors include faulty logic and lack of even transition.
Each paragraph of an international relations essay should have an introductory statement, also known as a topical sentence. The first statement in a paragraph should reflect the strongest point of view, cleverest description, the most significant example, or a clear beginning point. This offers the best way for securing the reader’s attention as they read the essay. The first paragraph; however, should be the main introduction to the essay. The topical statement should comprise of the “reverse hook”. This connects to the transitional hook towards the end of the introductory paragraph.
When learning how to start an essay, it’s important to include the correct information within each paragraph. The introductory paragraph should also comprise of a thesis statement, a type of mini-highlight of the paper. A thesis statement introduces the reader to the main argument of the essay. The last statement of the introductory paragraph should comprise of a transitional “hook”. Its purpose is to move the reader to the main part of the essay.
The strength of main arguments should reflect a descending sequence with respect to the strength of arguments. The strongest arguments should feature first followed by the less strong arguments. This also applies to the most significant examples, the cleverest descriptions, and others. The first sentence of the second paragraph should possess a reverse hook. Its purpose is to connect the transitional hook at the end of the initial paragraph of the main body. The topic of the second paragraph of the main body should feature in the first or second statement (sentence). The topic should reflect a clear relationship to the thesis statement presented in the introductory paragraph. The final sentence in this section should comprise of a transitional concluding hook. Its purpose is to signal the reader that the final major point has been reached. The hook also directs to the last or concluding paragraph.
A complete international relations essay should have a strong concluding paragraph. Although you have finalised the bulk of the essay, and completed the most complex body paragraphs, careful attention should feature while coming up with a favorable conclusion. A strong conclusion works to substantiate the main arguments in the essay. On the other hand, a weak conclusion works to weaken the arguments presented in your essay. An ample conclusion reinforces the main argument. As well as briefly encapsulates the mode of proofing your validity. New information should not be introduced at the concluding paragraph. One way of achieving this is through offering potential directions with respect to future research. Another way is through suggesting how the arguments forwarded in the essay opens up a completely new point of view about the specified topic. Nevertheless, care should be taken not to introduce completely new information in support of the thesis statement. If this information was important enough to the essay, it would have featured in the preceding arguments as well. Making it available in the concluding paragraph simply diverts the attention of the readers. This also detracts from the general impact of previously focused arguments.
The concluding paragraph is vital as it contains the summary of the whole essay. A brief summary of the main points in the preceding paragraphs is crucial. This presents the best way of reminding your readers of the effectiveness employed in discussing various evidences in the essay. The points do not need to be arguments, as this will be a repetition. The points simply require a reiteration to illustrate how they directly support and address the thesis statement. The conclusion offers the last impression of the essay that the reader receives. Careful attention should be observed in providing a link between the thesis statement and the main body. The thesis should be reiterated and conformed to the thesis statement provided in the introductory paragraph. Moreover, you should not merely copy the thesis statement from the introductory paragraph. In its place, the thesis should be paraphrased to reflect the progress achieved in the main body of the international relations essay.
The above guidelines are standard operating procedures when trying to understand how to write an international relations essay. This is an analysis of the main features of an international relations essay, including a connection of current affairs to theoretical frameworks, the need for strong introductory paragraphing, and topical sentences. Other main features include the main body, which should reflect a swift flow and ample conformity to the thesis statement.