1. Bibliography
Author, J Schacter, the Impact of Education Technology on Student Achievement. Volume 20, 1999 of the Journal of Education Computing Research. (www.milkenexchange.org.)
2. Problem
‘One of the enduring difficulties about technology &education’, according to Dr. Martha Stone Wiske co-director of the educational technology center at the Harvard graduate school of education, ‘is that a lot of people think about that technology first & the education later’.
Comments: the problem statements agreed & disagreed with the teacher, students that the computers are need to use in effective way.
3. Review of Literature
The author/website cited the improper use of computer by the students. The teacher needs to guide the students for them to learn correct information or knowledge that the computer gives.
4. Hypothesis
This research tested hypothesis about the impact of the computer to the students & teachers. How they manage it, to use it in proper way.
Comments: The purpose of this research is to help the teachers and students on how they use computers in learning process. It can give the information on what is the positive and negative impact of the computer to the students & teachers.
5. Objectives
Consistent student access to the technology, positive attitudes towards the technology (by both teachers & students), and teacher training in the technology led to the greatest student achievement gains.
Comments: It helps the students on how they can learn a lot from computer and it
can be a guide for students in learning something about the lesson that they’ve tackled.
6. Methodology
Students who designed fraction software for other students using Logo learned fractions better than students taught fractions using conventional methods.
Comments: this article is a big help for the students on how they learned in computer, the students have more broadened knowledge and it can help the mind to mold the learning capability.
7. Findings
The level of effectiveness of educational technology is influenced by the specific student population, the
software design, the educator’s role and the level of student access to the technology.
Hypothesis one: Students in technology rich environments experienced positive effects on achievement in all major subject area.
Hypothesis two: Students in technology rich environments showed increased achievement in preschool through higher education for both regular and special needs children.
Hypothesis three: Students attitudes toward learning and their own self concept improved consistently when computers were used for instruction.
Comments: This finding is very well organized and it is realistic because it is proven by many authors or teachers that they’ve use this article in their teaching strategies. It is effective to the students that want to learn about technology.
8. Summary
There was no summary given.
9. Conclusions
The conclusion in this article was shown the positive gains in achievement on researcher constructed tests, standardized tests, and national tests. These studies show that in over 700 empirical researches studies, in the study of the entire state of West Virginia, in a national sample of fourth- and eight-grade students, and in an analysis of never educational technologies that students with access to:
a) Computer assisted instruction, or
b) Integrated learning systems technology, or
c) Simulations and software that teaches higher order thinking, or
d) Collaborative networked technologies, or
e) Design and programming technologies.
Comments: The conclusion is technology has a big impact to the students and we all know that it has a big contribution to our lives, to have a broadened mind.
10. Recommendation
There is, however, evidence in some of these studies that learning technology is less effective or ineffective when the learning objectives are unclear and the focus of the technology use is diffuse.
Comments: It means that technology has an advantage and disadvantage for our daily life.
11. Overall Critique
It’s all about how the teacher will use the modern technology in teaching process and how they teach to the students to use the technology to proper way. The purpose of this briefing is to outline what we know about education technology on learning and to identify resources for further study. In this report we look at some large scale state and national studies as well as some innovative smaller studies that provide visions for new uses of technology in learning and instruction.
San Mateo Municipal College
Educational Technology
2nd Semester 2014-2015
Angeline P. Manibale
REVIEW OF A JOURNAL ARTICLE: archived Information: Effects of technology on Classrooms and Students
1. Bibliography
Author, www2. Ed. Gov., Archived: Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students
2. Problem
Though the use of technology often promoted collaboration and cooperation among students at these case study sites, there were still concerns about appropriate student conduct. Many schools implement acceptable use policies, especially if they offer student’s access to the Internet.
Comments: These problem statements should the school give some acceptable use policies for the students for them to use it in a useful manner.
3. Review of Literature
The teacher’s role changes as well. The teacher is no longer the center of attention as the dispenser of information, but rather plays the role of facilitator, setting projects goals and providing guidelines and resources, moving from student to student or group to group, providing suggestions and support for the student activity.
4. Hypothesis
This research tested hypothesis about how the students create a project using the technology. The most common and in fact, nearly universal teacher reported effect on students was an increase in motivation. Teachers and students are sometimes surprised at the level of technology based accomplishment displayed by students who have shown much less initiative or facility with more conventional academic tasks.
Comment: The purpose of this hypothesis is to know how technology helps the student in their activity. The technology has a useful effect for the teachers and students because in technology we can do the possible things that are so hard to do but we should know the limitation while we are using the technology.
5. Objectives
Effects of technology on the classrooms and students this article specifically, the study sought to determine: a) Change in Student and Teacher roles; b) Increased Motivation and Self Esteem; c) Technical Skills; d) more Collaboration with Peers; e) Increased Use Outside Resources; f) Improve design Skills/Attention to audience.
Comments: To enhance the ability of the students and teachers to manipulate the technology in terms in studying and teaching process. The teacher should tell the things that students should always think the roles in using technology and teacher should assure that students will use technology in study not for games or etc.
6. Methodology
Project-based work such as the city building and the student-run manufacturing company and cooperative learning approaches prompt this change in roles, whether technology is used or not. However, tool uses of technology are highly compatible with this new teacher role, since they stimulate so much active mental work on the part of student.
Comments: This method helps the students on how they become cooperative in their class. It’s a better tool that the students can learn a lot and can discover new things.
7. Findings
Hypothesis one: Teachers talked about motivation from a number of different perspectives. Some mentioned motivation with respect to working in a specific subject area.
Hypothesis two: A related technology effects stressed by many teachers was enhancement of student self esteem. Both the increased competence they feel after mastering technology- based tasks and their awareness of the value placed upon the technology within our culture, led to increases in students’ and often teachers’ sense of self worth.
Hypothesis three: Teachers for the observed classes and activities at the case study sites were nearly unanimous also in reporting that students were able to handle more complex assignment and do more with higher order skills because of the supports and capabilities provided by technology.
Comments: This finding helps the students on how they can be good in manipulating some technology for them to use in school needs.
8. Summary
There was no summary given.
9. Conclusions
Conclusions and implications were formulated with the collaboration is fostered for obvious reasons when students are assigned to work in pairs or small groups for work at a limited number of computers but even when each students has a computer, teachers note an increased frequency of students helping each other.
Comments: The conclusion is based on the article, it means that the teacher teach how the student become responsible to the tasks that the teacher give to them using technology inside the school.
10. Recommendation
Students, even at the elementary school level, are able to acquire an impressive level of skill with a broad range of computer software. Although the specific software tools in use will likely change before these students enter the world of work, the students acquire a basic understanding of how various classes of computer tools behave and a confidence about being able to learn to use new tools that will support their learning of new software applications.
Comments: The recommendation helps all the students to learn a lot of information even in a lower grade/year.
11. Overall critique
It is about how the teacher uses the technology in teaching field and how the students use technology in their study. This article helps the teacher on how they use the technology inside the classroom to catch the attention and the interest of their students and the teacher should assured that the student will enjoyed and learned to the discussion that they’ve tackled.
San Mateo Municipal College
Educational Technology
2nd Semester 2014-2015
Angeline P. Manibale
REVIEW OF A JOURNAL ARTICLE: The Impact of Digital Technology on Learning
1. Bibliography
2. Problem
When considering how technology can be used to improve learning, it is essential to determine the problem or priority the new technology aims to solve or advance prior to its introduction in the classroom, and to consider what the new technology will replace.
Comments: It is about how the different kind of technology helps the learning process of the students, to develop their skills, enhance and improve the ability.
3. Review Literature
The reviewed studies consistently show that technology is associated with moderate learning gains. However, there are considerable variations in impact. Evidence suggests that, to be effective, technology: must be underpinned by sounds pedagogy; should be adopted for a specific reason, rather than simply following a trend; should be used to supplement other teaching, rather than replace more traditional approaches; and should be used alongside high quality training for teachers. Taken together, these findings imply that careful thought is needed when considering how to use technology to best effect.
4. Hypothesis
This review presents a synthesis of the quantitative evidence on the impact of digital technology on the attainment of school age pupils.
Comments: Its purpose is to identify key implications for future investment in digital technologies for learning in school.
5. Objectives
This research tested from the range of impacts of identified in this review, it is clear technology alone does not make difference to learning. Rather, how well the technology is used to support teaching ang learning is the key to determinant of its impact.
Comment: The author has a correct perspective because it can helps the student in terms of getting information in the modern technology and the student become more knowledgeable.
6. Methodology
It is also important to note that the review focuses on studies which include valid comparison groups of pupils known as experimental or quasi experimental designs to measure the impact of technology. Experimental studies can be contrasted with case studies, or correlational research, which simply compare the outcomes of schools that use particular types of technology with those that do not.
Comments: in this method the learner can get more information and ideas to have a better learning.
7. Findings
Hypothesis one: Collaborative use of technology in pairs or small groups is usually more effective than individual use, though some pupils, especially younger children, may need guidance in how to collaborate effectively and responsibly.
Hypothesis two: Remedial and tutorial use of technology can be particularly practical for providing intensive support to lower attaining pupils, those with special educational needs or those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Hypothesis three: technology is best to used as a supplement to normal teaching rather than as a replacement.
Comments: The findings were well organized, this research serves the student to be more idealists and think that they can discover a lot of things using different kind of technology and creative mind.
8. Summary
This review summarizes the research evidence contained in meta-analysis to identify patterns in impact in the accumulating research about the effects of technology on learning, and to identify the extent of the possible impact of technology on learning. A systematic research revealed 48 studies which synthesized primary research studies of the impact of technology on the attainment of school age learners (5-18 years old). Whilst this presents only a partial and retrospective view of such impact, it is the only approach to allow a systematic comparison of a large number of studies with an estimate of the extent of the effects on learning.
9. Conclusion
Though there is often a keen interest in emerging technologies, this enthusiasm is not always accompanied by evidence of impact. The research highlights some challenges and general concerns including: identifying the impact of one to one provision to technology: the challenge of using the internet as an educational resources: the growth of e-learning and lack of evidence of beneficial impact on learning: enthusiasm for gaming and games based approaches, despite the lack of evidence of impact in terms of attainment: concerns about the detrimental impact on health and well being of sustained used of computer technology, particularly for younger learners: the danger of solutions in search of problem.
Comments: The conclusions are understandable and clear.
10. Recommendation
As a result of these findings, those interested in using digital technology to improve teaching and learning should bear in mind some key recommendations: the rationale for the impact of technology on learning needs to be clear, technology should support collaboration and effective interaction for learning, teachers and/or learners should be supported in developing their use of digital and computer technologies to ensure it improves learning, identify what learners and teachers will stop doing.
Comments: This recommendation is very useful for every teachers and students.
11. Overall critique
In my overall critique it is about the impact of digital technology on learning, it says that using modern technology has a positive and negative impact to teachers and students so that they know how can it be useful to them and use it in a proper way.
Essay: Review of a journal article: The impact of education technology on student achievement
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- Published: 6 October 2015*
- Last Modified: 2 September 2024
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- Number of pages: 10 (approx)
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