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Essay: Madness and Insanity in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet: The Consequences of Vengeance

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 23 March 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 846 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Hamlet essays

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In Hamlet, William Shakespeare showed many different fulfilled meanings throughout story with showing it through madness and insanity which is shown from beginning to end all ending in death. Madness is at the focal point of the contentions and issues of the play and is passed on through Shakespeare’s use of manipulation. Madness is the state of being mental illness or derangement and, foolish and chaotic behavior. Insanity is knowing that what you’re doing is completely stupid and can’t stop. In Hamlet, William Shakespeare portrays madness and insanity throughout the story between Hamlet, Ophelia, and Laertes but more so with Hamlet himself. Hamlet’s madness and his seek for revenge ultimately resulted in his death. This journey for revenge brought about his own death, as well as in the passing’s of numerous different characters in the play also, including his mom, Gertrude, who drinks the poison that was intended for him. His want for retribution against Claudius who killed his father was fulfilled but ended in ruining his family.
“And there Assume some other form, which might deprive your sovereignty of reason and draw you into madness” (73) Horatio believes that the ghost will make Hamlet go mad, he does not believe that the ghost is a spirit of Hamlet’s father. The underlying time when Hamlet’s madness begins with the death of Old Hamlet and seeing the spirit of his father (ghost) who asks him to avenge his uncle who is married to his mother. Hamlet’s despiteful remarks against Gertrude demonstrates his hatred and cruelty towards her. “Eyes without feeling, feeling without sight Ears without hands or eyes, smelling sans all Or but a sickly part of one true sense Could not so mope.” (79) Hamlet is then left to look for retribution upon the killer of his father which leads him to madness. Hamlet starts his plan to accomplish exact retribution with the end goal to pick up an ideal chance to execute the killer, Claudius. He plans to “act” mad and that act of madness is what leads him to killing Polonius thinking it was Claudius. Hamlet’s insanity could be less but him finding out his uncle is responsible for his father’s death then marries his mother, he is not letting up until the deed of killing him is done which more so turns into an obsession and draws him mad.
Ophelia is shown to be as a “weak” character who can’t think for herself. From the beginning of the play Ophelia says to her dad, Polonius, “My Lord I do not know, my Lord, what I should think.” (85) This shows she is excessively weak, making it impossible to have her very own personality, which could show mental insanity. Ophelia’s insanity is obvious after the tragic death of her father, Polonius and knowing that her lover Hamlet was the one that did it, Ophelia was distraught. “Well, Gold ‘ild you! They say the owl was a baker’s daughter. Lord, we know that we are, but know not what we may be. God be at your table!” (41) Ophelia’s hurt is obvious when she sings about the “baker’s daughter” which is a reference to her association with her and her father Polonius. She also sings about her love Hamlet on valentine’s day. “To-morrow is Saint Valentine’s day All in the morning betime And I a maid at your window To be your Valentine.” (47) Ophelia develops madness because she is unable to express the feelings of the losses in her life.
Laertes slowly goes mad towards the near end of the story after the death of his father and sister and thinking Claudius was the one that killed his father, Polonius. Claudius is the person who triggered his madness because he wants Hamlet dead, so he uses Laertes take out his madness and anger about the murder of Polonius and crazy sister to kill Hamlet. Laertes’ madness is driven by his rage to hunt revenge upon the murderer, Hamlet. “To cut his throat I’ the church.” (125) which shows how mad he is going to kill. After the death of his father comes along with the death of sister and which makes him want murder Hamlet even more. He is going mad because he feels that he couldn’t do anything to stop the deaths in his family.
Madness is one amongst the most themes of Hamlet. Hamlet, Ophelia and Laertes each all show signs of madness, however they all become mad for various reasons. Hamlet’s madness is came about by his father’s death. Ophelia’s madness comes up from her lack of identity and being weak, also losing her father. Laertes became slowly mad at the end of the story from the death of his father and sister. Hamlet’s father death created that insanity in Hamlet enough to need revenge. Laertes also wanted to seek revenge against Hamlet for killing his father. The deaths each sparked madness in each of these characters, they addressed their madness in numerous ways that.

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