Albert Nguyen
Ms. Wham Joyce
English I Pre-AP 1st Prd
The Rope
When a length of rope is taut, it is tightened with no slack. By straining the fibers on the rope, it toughens– hardens. With every additional strand intertwined into another, the line strengthens. Similar to rope, friendships are formed through intricately weaved components. It is a relationship that strengthens through shared experiences and toughens when overcoming challenging obstacles– one that can radiate strain and pressure. They are bonds that we cherish– one that defines our behavior and emotion. When one exhibits true friendship, they convey care and devotion towards someone, regardless of whether that person is able to recognize one’s deeds, actions, or objectives.
One of the many aspects that define true friendship is the act of caring. It is best portrayed through Juliet and her Nurse’s relationship, when Romeo and the Nurse discuss the Marriage. The Nurse, protective of Juliet, warns Romeo that “if [he] should lead her into a fool’s paradise…, it were a very gross kind of behavior…”(Shakespeare 4.4. 143-145). The Nurse expresses concern for Juliet by stating to Romeo that he was to treat Juliet well and with the utmost respect. When the Nurse returns to the capulet’s orchard, Juliet, having waited for hours, was very anxious to hear what Romeo had to say. The Nurse, however, was hesitant to give her the news and to buy time she told Juliet that “[her] bones [ached]” and that “[she was] aweary”(Shakespeare 4.5. 25-26). The Nurse believed that Juliet was moving forward with Romeo too quickly and was afraid that Juliet was running in blind, having only met Romeo in the day before. She looked in Juliet’s best interests and most of the time without Juliet acknowledging her motives. The Nurses characteristics displays those of a true friend, one that can show care and concern.
Another vital component of a true friendship is devotion. Devotion, usually associated with loyalty, emphasizes commitment and attentiveness. Though they do poke fun at each other, Romeo and his close friend, Mercutio still maintain a strong bond. Their commitment to one another is especially accentuated when Mercutio passes away. When Romeo received a death threat from Tybalt, he refused to engage in a duel. Mercutio, upset with Romeo’s “calm, dishonorable, vile submission”, draws his sword, as he can’t stand to see his best friend bombarded with insults(Shakespeare 3.1.69). Romeo, trying to keep the peace, intervenes to try and stop the fray, but while doing so, Mercutio is stabbed under his arm and later succumbs to his wound. Shortly after hearing of Mercutio’s death, Romeo, infuriated, yells, “Away to heaven respective lenity, And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now!”(Shakespeare 3.1. 115-117). His action to take vengeance for his friend is significant as just before he had refused to fight Tybalt, someone he considered to now be his brother and family due to his relationship with Juliet. Yet, Filled with such rage, Romeo forgets about his relationship with Juliet and chooses to fight Tybalt and gain justice for Mercutio’s death. Romeo is loyal and devoted to Mercutio even after he had passed away. Romeo represents loyalty, devotion, and commitment, one of the imperative aspects of a true friend.
In Romeo and Juliet, the most loyal and caring individual is Benvolio. Benvolio’s deeds are most prominent when he expresses his concern and devotion towards Romeo by begging Romeo to take his advice and stop thinking of Rosaline. When Romeo refuses his suggestion, stating that he can’t possibly be taught to forget about Rosaline, Benvolio swears to himself “I’ll pay that doctrine, or else die in dept,” meaning that he’ll prove [Romeo] wrong or die trying(Shakespeare 1.1. 231). Benvolio shows not only his concern for Romeo but also his dedication and commitment, swearing on his own life. Benvolio’s quality as a true friend exceeds the qualities of any individual.
In Romeo and Juliet, there are many examples and qualities of a true friend such as the Nurses thoughtfulness for Juliet, Romeo’s fervor when trying to avenge his friend, and Benvolio’s caring and devoted personality. These relationships are formed through a network of shared experiences– fibers that intertwine to create a stronger bond– threads that when combined together produce a powerful rope– but unlike rope, which can have the disadvantage of splitting or left permanently broken, our relationships can be rebuilt and redeveloped.
Essay: Exploring True Friendships in Romeo and Juliet: A Literary Analysis Explore True Friendships in Romeo and Juliet: A Look at Literary Analysis
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- Subject area(s): Essay examples
- Reading time: 3 minutes
- Price: Free download
- Published: 23 March 2023*
- Last Modified: 22 July 2024
- File format: Text
- Words: 742 (approx)
- Number of pages: 3 (approx)
- Tags: Romeo and Juliet essays
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