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Essay: Shakespeare’s Reflective Views on Women in Patriarchal 16th Century Society

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 23 March 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 787 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Hamlet essays

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Shakespeare’s Hamlet is reflective of the 16th century, a male dominating society. At the time, the productions of the play included male actors for all female roles and are therefore reflective of the perceptions of women in the society. The docile, disgustful, and vulnerable perceptions of women in Hamlet are pivotal in depicting Shakespeare’s views on women and the patriarchal society.

Shakespeare’s perception of women to be docile as clearly shown through his attribution of the characteristics of frailty (as established by the line “frailty, thy name is woman” in Act I, science ii, line 146) and obedience or loyalty is depicted through Ophelia. As Laertes is about to leave for France he tells Ophelia to not forget the advice he has given her, she responds by saying “T’is in my memory locked, and you yourself shall keep the key of it”. (I.iii.86) The imagery helps provide the translation that Laertes is the master of Ophelia’s mind. Ophelia’s almost elated tone suggests her accordance with being submissive which reinforces societal patriarchy. Male dominance is further shown through Polonius’s repetition of the name “Mary” when speaking to Ophelia. Although it may not seem degrading to be called Mary, as it is a direct reference to Virgin Mary (the mother of Jesus) who is known to be the purest, in context it suggests Polonius otherwise. Evidently represented in the line “Marry, I’ll teach you” (I.iii.105) where Polonius’ use of negative connotations (by the emphasis of “Marry” through the use of a caesura in the beginning of the line) shows assertion of male dominance. Ophelia’s docility is further shown during her conversation with Hamlet about the prologue. She says “T’is brief, my lord” and to which Hamlet responds “As woman’s love”. (III.ii.138-9) It is not in what Ophelia says but rather her silence that demonstrates misogyny as she deems it to be okay for Hamlet to criticize the love of all women and indirectly accuse Ophelia of being capable of such. Ophelia shows a great deal of loyalty to her father, regardless of the countless times he has undermined her and embarrassed her in public by reading the letters she received from Hamlet, when she brings flowers. She says “I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died” (IV.v.181) Violets are a symbol for faith and fidelity, which in direction, Ophelia would be saying the line to Laertes rewarding him for being loyal to their father by coming back. Yet this line provides a double entendre, as it shows her display of allegiance to her father even when he is dead. The demonstrations and inflictions of obedience and loyalty upon the women in Hamlet are very much reflective of how society, at that time, distributed and accepted power.

Shakespeare’s disappointment in the female subgroup is evident through Hamlet’s condescending and disgust-filled attitudes towards the women in his life. Gertrude, although of high order and a dignified title, is presented as lascivious by Hamlet’s use of lewd tone while he confronts her of her sins. By the personification of “modesty” in the line “blurs the grace and blush of modesty” (III.iv.41) Shakespeare is suggesting that women must be virtuous and partake in premarital sex. In the 16th Century, make-up was only worn by prostitutes as a method to enhance their seductiveness. Shakespeare uses a symbol of a female’s innocence (a rose) and imagery of it being lost in the line “…takes off the rose…and sets a blister there” (III.iv.43,45) to continue Hamlet’s harsh comparison between his mother’s sin and sins of a prostitute. Shakespeare’s repugnance towards women is further represented when Hamlet discusses Guildenstern and Rosencrantz’s love life. Hamlet hears about how “lucky” they have gotten with a new Lady and responds with “in the secret parts of Fortune? O most true, she is a strumpet”. (II.ii.231-2) Shakespeare’s use of anthropomorphism of “Fortune” is delivered by Hamlet in a very nonchalant tone making it seem like just friendly banter. However, the harsh connotation of the word “strumpet” and nasty comparison of Fortune to prostitution reveals Hamlet’s misogyny. As a broader interpretation, Hamlet’s vehemence demonstration provides readers with a better understanding of Shakespeare’s obsession with the theme of appearance versus reality; women are known to be symbols of purity and by depicting Hamlet’s mother as sinful and incestuous Shakespeare insinuates that not all women are as pure as they seem.

The vulnerability of women plays an importance in their ability to be easily deceived and used as pawns in the political schemes of men.

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