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Essay: Steroids in sport

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  • Subject area(s): Health essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 23 October 2015*
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,306 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)

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Steroids are becoming the most commonly used drug in the sport’s world today. “I will use whatever influence and popularity that I have to discourage young athletes from taking any drug that is not recommended by a doctor. What I will not do, however, is participate in naming names and implicating my friends and teammates.” ‘ Mark McGwire, the retired slugger who ranks sixth in major league history with 583 career homers. This sports icon was found guilty of steroid use in 1998 after dropping a Major League ‘record’ of 70 home runs. He is now a hitting coach for the Los Angeles Dodgers and to this day regrets doping. Before becoming a coach for the Dodgers, Mark was named hitting coach under Tony LaRussa despite being caught for doping in 2005. Steroids are now extremely common is professional, college, and even some high school sports. College athletes don’t use the drug as much as they did back in the ’90s and early 2000’s but there still are users and they don’t understand the consequences. Now the problem is how are people going to stop the doping and do they even want to stop it? It’s these types of questions that raise eyebrows in society.
Anabolic Steroid- A synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle. Such hormones are used medicinally to treat some forms of weight loss and (illegally) by some athletes and others to enhance physical performance. Anabolic steroids are only one type of steroid. Other types of steroids include cortisol, estrogen, and progesterone. These are different chemicals and do not have the same effects. Steroids work in two portions: first it works by increasing protein production to help the muscle build faster and stronger. Then the second portion is blocking cortisol from the muscle tissue. When steroids do this process is fat is greatly reduced so muscle mass will increase. Steroids were first created in the 1930’s and are now used today for treating AIDS, forms of cancer, and for sorts of therapy to help a patient stimulate muscle growth and a heavier appetite. Also a huge use of steroids is for the bone marrow to prevent engraftment syndrome in stem cell transplantation. Steroids help fight against chronic wasting conditions like AIDS. From the steroids building muscle and body mass it can sometimes prolong the AIDS treatment and helps a patient possibly fight the infection longer. It usually isn’t effective due to the fact that AIDS is a constantly working virus. In the US steroids are classified as a Schedule III controlled substance. That means the drug is punishable by law if being used without a prescription and first offense you can be put into jail for up to a year.
‘If you are very interested in steroids, the truth is, you should be. The trouble up till now isn’t the steroids themselves: it’s the overdosing. Here are some of the effects of major steroids: Anadrol: perhaps the most potent and most painful oral steroid. They are very hard on your body and should only be taken by veteran juicers. Clomid: used at the closing stages of a cycle to resume the natural testosterone production.’
These types of steroids are found to be the ‘best,’ but in reality no matter what some say; steroids will always cause the same problems as the rest of any anabolic steroids.
Athletes and steroids are beginning and have mixed very well to become powers of their sport. The MLB and NFL have become major roles of performance enhancing substances and those who have been caught have been suspended at least 60 games in the MLB and four-five games in the NFL. A major player of steroids in the MLB as of right now is; Alex Rodriguez, the New York Yankees former 3rd baseman and was suspended for 211 regular season games which comes down to one season and a partial season plus any post-season playoff games. Alex is now the Yankees DH (designated hitter) and has been clean of roids for a year and he has just surpassed the great Willie Mays on the all-time home run list when he hit his 661st homerun. He also passed Willie Mays on the all-time doubles list and is still be accused of using steroids after he had to pass many test so he could be pronounced clean.
‘The number of games sadly comes as no surprise, as the deck has been stacked against me from day one,’ Rodriguez said in a statement on Saturday.
As you can see ‘A-Roid’ was punished to full extent and he paid the consequences. One player who was a user in the college and went on to play in the NFL was; Brian Bosworth, he was accused in the ’80s of using steroids while playing at the University of Oklahoma. For those who don’t know who Brian Bosworth is, you may know The Boz. The Boz is a lifestyle he says and Brian was an antagonist to the College Football Board. He would tape his ankles and write all sorts of names, sayings, and other comments that would provoke players and coaches.
‘I stopped it in March when I felt fine,’ he said. ‘What I did not know was that the steroids I took would take about a year from clearing my body.’ ‘ Brian Bosworth NCAA Press Conference
When the Boz was caught using he swore that it was prescribed and it was only for the pain in his shoulder. Most believed him but the NCAA didn’t and that’s what counted. What the Boz also didn’t know is that from the altercations he caused when he played the NCAA decided that his actions needed responsibility. His coach Barry Switzer also walked to the Boz’s beat and really didn’t care what kinds of trouble Brain stirred up. Barry was just there to clean up the mess and have Brian’s back.
Steroids have also become a hit in college and high school athletes. Many students want to get an edge over their opponent and also get some looks from scouts from the next level. What they don’t understand is the after effects or consequences of the drug are far more misfortunate than a user could imagine. Most athletes use the drug for tone and bulk the drug builds and also the stamina and agility that is similarly built.
In a 2002 National Institute of Drug Abuse study, 2.5% of 8th graders, 2.5% of 10th graders, and 4% of 12th graders admitted to using steroids at some time. (Steroid Abuse Moves Into the Scholastic Arena, 2008) It is reported that 6% of athletes have used steroids, but the actual number is thought to be much higher. (Abuse, 2006) Some steroid use is from young men and women concerned about general body image. Girls make up about one-third of all steroid use in high schools. (Steroid Abuse Moves Into the Scholastic Arena, 2008) -Abuse, N. I. (2006). Anabolic Steroid Abuse.
There it goes to show that even a non-athlete student can be a user and he/she is just using the drug to bulk up or help with maybe a summer type body. Girls are what seems to be found as interesting since it’s usually a guy trying to get bigger for whatever reason they may have. The girl uses them to not bulk up, but get toned and be just a little bit thinner for the bikini body look. Most girl or women users aren’t athletes and if they are users they never become athletes and reduce their chance at being healthy and having to deal these with problems down the road. In the collegiate area of sports, an athlete is under a microscope that can catch you at will. Drug testing can be more effective and could come around more often.

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Essay Sauce, Steroids in sport. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/health-essays/essay-steroids-in-sport/> [Accessed 05-05-24].

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