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Essay: Anne Frank’s diary review

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  • Subject area(s): History essays Literature essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 27 July 2024*
  • Last Modified: 1 August 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,121 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: Anne Frank essays

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Anne Frank was one of many Jews that were tortured and killed during World War II. Anne and her family along with three other families hid for two years in the attic above her father business place, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Anne kept a journal to pass time and to record events of herself and the adventures of the other families. The diary was discovered by Miep Gies, who assisted in keeping the family safe over that period of time. Upon discovering Anne’s dairy Miep Gies kept it a secret and return it to Otto Frank Anne’s father.
Anne Frank died at the age of 15, weeks in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, just weeks before the war ended, and before being liberated by Allied troops.  She did not use the people real name in the journal to protect them if they ever got captured. The book covers the daily struggle of keeping the family unit together.  Many days and nights were spend communicating with one another, but many times it was spend being with stress out  and wondering if or when they will be rescued or captured.
The dairy is written not as a story but rather the  daily events and occurrence of the adventures of Anne Frank stay in the attic.  I will describe the ups and down of the daily struggle for survival from the point of view of Anne and also from the other families hiding in the attic. I will also discuss the emotion stress and physical and psychological burden place on them during their time of their ordeal.  Her first input of the journal started on June 1942 until her last written statement of August, 1944 will all be covered.
Summary of chapters
The first few chapters the birth of Anne Frank and a brief history of her early childhood. Anne stated that the one of the main reason was that Jews as a law must only be educated in Jewish school. She was very active and popular student in her school. She even played all types of sports while in school.  It also covers the world that they lived in that they were always and kept an open eye and mind of the action of the Nazis.
Planning hiding places would always be directed by the parents, giving the children to enjoy themselves and not burden of such unwelcome sadness.   The time came when the Frank family was forced to leave their home.  Anne called the attic the Secret Annexe place. This place will be her home that she shared with other families for two years.
The main topic in this chapter covers an over view of the families involve in the hiding in the attic. Their names, professional and a brief history of all the family members. They discuss their roles and responsibilities among themselves and the don’ts and does if they are captured or freed.
While in hiding they still celebrated such events as birthdays, anniversaries and Jewish events. Anne stated these events always created a must feeling of calm and stress free atmosphere. Anne did not see eye to eye with her mother, she comminuted and share ideas with her father than her mother.
Anne stated it was very stressful on a daily basis wondering if or when this is the day of their captured. One day they discovered that the warehouse was sold, this created another problem that added to their existing way of life. The rats population was controlled by Mouschi the cat, without the cat it would be possible to live in the attic.
Anne enjoyed her 14 birthday with presents from her parents and other members of the hiding group. Boredom, nightmares, anxiety was discussed on a regular basis among all of the inmates. The food supplies started to decreased and also their cloths started to get old, worn-out and small. Sharing of clothes became the only solution for this problem.
Money and sugar was discovered stolen, this created a high level of distress among all the members. At nights they all would gather and discussed their plans on what they would do on the first day of their freedom. Some would state a hot bath, fresh bread even to sleep without hearing the loud noise of the bombs.
The chapter covers many mistrust, undercover and fears among the adults in the attic.  Allegations of all unwelcome truth started along with short fuses started to show its ugly head. This would last a few hours but before going to bed it will be discussed and solved.   Anne usually keep away from those types of bad situation. A massive dispute between Mrs. van Dann and Anne’s father came to a heated argument silly things such as walking to close to each other or talking in their sleep can start uneasiness very fast.
Anne wrote in her journal her first experience of poppy love. Peter Van Daan is the unknown subject of her affection.  The war created many ideas of life that effects Anne.  It forced her to grow up fast before her time, to protect her childhood her father continue to encourage her with childhood games and many bed time stories. As always the inmates continue to create unnecessary friction among themselves. Her father continue to act as peace maker and judge when called on for his option.  Anne wrote about her emotion or lack of towards her. It created a high level of mistrust between her and her mother, she is not sure how to deal with this type of rejection.
August 1st 1944, the last entry into Anne’s diary. She wrote about having an inner self that is private only to herself and another part of her known to the outside world.  Anne statement shows a high level of growth and wisdom her gained while hiding in the attic. It also shows she is still searching to find herself, but still managed to look at the situation with no remorse and ill towards the other inmates. The Reading this chapter it clearly shows that Anne and the other inmates had no idea of any betrayal by one of their friends.
Opinion/Review Statement
A sad but very enlighten book. It’s such a wonderful book from my point of view it shows the will to live and given the unlikely conditions humans would do anything to survive. Kindness, corporation and communication can be achieved if applied. I would strongly recommend this book to all schools, libraries and to all governments and politicians base on the fact that we all can live together regardless of the other personal option and likes and dislikes. I as a youth had seen and witness kindness towards others without accepting anything in return.

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