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Essay: Technological Innovations of the Late 19th Century

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  • Subject area(s): History essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 18 September 2015*
  • Last Modified: 6 August 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,167 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)

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As the late 19th century progressed, technological ideas and inventions began to thrive. The notion that technology would impact life as we know it was an unbelievable idea to comprehend. People had no idea that something so simple such as the light bulb would become so vital to them and for centuries to come. Inventions such as the typewriter, barbed wire, telephone, Kodak camera, and electric stove were created; however, the major inventions created and used tremendously today are medicine, electricity, and transportation.

A vaccine, or otherwise known as a vaccination, is something that stimulates someone’s immune system against a disease. Vaccines can prevent infections and actually cause them not to re-occur. The invention of the Rabies and Anthrax vaccines not only saved lives but helped scientists conduct and produce more accurate and successful research. Discovered by Louis Pasteur in 1882, the innovation of the rabies vaccine was monumental. Rabies is a critical and sometimes fatal infection that one could get from contact with a ‘rabid’ or wild animal. When this virus enters the body and spreads, it travels slowly through all the nerves and eventually reaches the brain, where it becomes fatal. The number of deaths due to rabies worldwide each year is approximately 55,000. However, due to the invention of the rabies vaccine, the number of fatalities and illnesses decreased substantially.

Louis Pasteur also discovered the anthrax vaccine in 1881. Anthrax is an infection caused by bacteria called ‘Bacillus anthracis’. These bacteria make spores that have a protective shell. This disease is most common in farm animals, living in soil and affecting domestic animals like sheep and goats. Although it is very rare for humans to contract it, it is still possible. This vaccine is used to cure and stimulate the growth and spreading period of anthrax. The development of these vaccines marked a significant advancement in public health and immunology.

Another innovation that helped spark the medicine and science world was the invention of the stethoscope. Developed by Rene Laennec in 1816, the stethoscope is most commonly used to listen to the sounds of the heart and lungs in the human body, measure blood pressure, and less commonly to listen to blood flow. Some even called it a historical ‘hearing aid’. To most children who did not understand the concept, scientists would often refer to it as a flexible tube. The invention of the stethoscope was a basic way to tell if an individual had threatening symptoms, such as the flu. Clearly not as advanced as we have today, but the stethoscope was, and still is, a handy and essential tool for doctors and medical staff to determine how the body is responding on a regular basis.

The discovery of the x-ray by W.C. Roentgen in 1895 was one of the biggest inventions of all time. An x-ray shows doctors any gas and solid-like particles, which pass through your bones, allowing doctors to examine it usually against a bright light. A generated computer produces pictures of what your bone may look like at that given time, usually for a specific bone. This made people fully aware of their body and the condition it was in. It made it easier for people to detect and diagnose the kind of pain they were in much easier. The discovery of the x-ray revolutionized the field of diagnostic medicine, enabling non-invasive insight into the human body’s internal structures.

Electricity: Lighting Up the World

Electricity’s development and widespread adoption were pivotal in transforming society. Thomas Edison’s invention of the practical incandescent light bulb in 1879 was a groundbreaking achievement that paved the way for widespread electric lighting. This invention significantly extended the productive hours of the day, enhancing both industrial productivity and quality of life.

Nikola Tesla’s contributions to alternating current (AC) technology were equally transformative. AC power systems, as opposed to Edison’s direct current (DC) systems, allowed for the efficient transmission of electricity over long distances. This technological breakthrough facilitated the widespread distribution of electrical power, making it possible to electrify entire cities and eventually rural areas.

Electricity also played a critical role in the development of other technologies. The invention of the electric motor revolutionized industries by providing a reliable and efficient source of power for machinery. This, in turn, contributed to the rapid advancement of manufacturing and transportation technologies, including electric streetcars and subways, which transformed urban transportation.

Transportation: Shrinking Distances

The late 19th century witnessed significant advancements in transportation technology, which dramatically reduced travel time and expanded human mobility. The development of the internal combustion engine by inventors such as Nikolaus Otto and Karl Benz led to the creation of automobiles, which revolutionized personal and commercial transportation. By the early 20th century, cars had become a common mode of transportation, fundamentally altering the landscape of cities and rural areas alike.

The expansion of the railroad network was another monumental development during this period. Railroads facilitated the rapid movement of goods and people across vast distances, contributing to the economic growth of nations. The completion of transcontinental railroads in countries like the United States and Canada opened up new frontiers for settlement and commerce.

Additionally, advancements in aeronautics began to take shape during this era, setting the stage for the eventual development of powered flight. The Wright brothers’ successful flight in 1903 marked the beginning of the aviation industry, which would go on to revolutionize global travel and commerce.

Academic Theories and Social Impacts

The technological advancements of the late 19th century can be analyzed through various academic theories. Innovation diffusion theory, proposed by Everett Rogers, explains how new ideas and technologies spread through societies. According to this theory, innovations are adopted by different segments of society at varying rates, influenced by factors such as perceived benefits, compatibility with existing values, and the complexity of the innovation.

The social construction of technology (SCOT) theory, developed by Trevor Pinch and Wiebe Bijker, posits that technological development is not just a matter of scientific and engineering advances but also shaped by social, economic, and political factors. This perspective emphasizes that technology and society co-construct each other, meaning that societal needs and values influence the direction of technological development, and new technologies, in turn, shape social structures and practices.

The widespread adoption of electricity, for example, can be seen as both a response to the growing demand for safer, more efficient lighting and as a catalyst for new social and economic activities that were previously impractical or impossible.


The late 19th century was a period of remarkable technological innovation that laid the foundation for many aspects of modern life. The development of vaccines, medical devices like the stethoscope and x-ray, the harnessing of electricity, and advancements in transportation significantly improved the quality of life and transformed societies. These innovations can be understood through academic theories that highlight the interplay between technology and society. As we continue to innovate and develop new technologies, understanding these historical advancements helps us appreciate the profound impact of technological progress on our lives.

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