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Essay: Social media in marketing (draft)

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  • Subject area(s): Marketing essays
  • Reading time: 21 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 26 April 2020*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 6,119 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 25 (approx)
  • Tags: Social media essays

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“Digital and Social Media Marketing workbook is your will help you develop practical skills to advertise, engage effectively on social media. In this workbook we will discuss strategies and use different platforms to advertise our brand. Also benefits various levels of skill and experience, and will empower you to maximize the impact of your marketing through powerful digital tools.”

What is Social Media?

Social Media is the term for online sites that let people communicate with a community of peers in real- time.
Social media sites such as Facebook, twitter and linkedin are used by hundreds of millions
of people across the globe to keep in contact with friends and family, find, share and promote content.

Who is using Social Media?

Social media use has increased massively in recent years Over 52% of the population has a Facebook profile and sites such as Facebook and twitter now play a very important part of their day-to-day communication with peers, friends and family.

How do people use Social Media?

People use social media for a variety of purposes including:

  • communicating with their network of friends
  • Finding out about news and views online
  • networking for business

But perhaps the most important way people use social media is to post comments and content. People use sites such as Facebook and twitter to tell their friends and peers about what’s happening in their lives. their ‘status updates’ can range from the funny, the life changing to the ridiculous.

Sites such as Facebook and twitter are social sites – so people frequently respond to other status updates – by commenting, retweeting or liking the post.

Posts, depending on their popularity, can reach a wider audience if they are liked, commented on or retweeted, sometimes giving them a viral effect.

How can organizations use Social Media?

It’s not difficult to understand why major brands, small businesses, charities and public organizations are using social media.
the power of traditional media has decreased in the past decade.

While some forms of traditional media such as TV and radio have remained relatively robust, other media such as newspapers and magazines have witnessed massive declines in readership figures.

People are using new forms of media including search engines, email and social media to communicate, shop and socialize. because social media is so important in many people’s lives, it makes sense that you will want to use social media as part of your marketing.

Social Media Marketing Benefits?

  • Connect with modern consumer – who uses variety of media and devices, but is increasingly moving away from print media
  • Boost online PR and exposure for your brand to carefully selected niche groups
  • Improve key business areas from customer service to marketing and HR

Self Assessment

Before we dive in, give some thought to the factors that will impact the social media channels that are likely to be useful to you. What are your assets? What are your resources? Use the questions below to help you.

1. How much time do you or your staff currently spend on marketing and communications tasks?

2. How much time do you expect to devote specifically to social media?

Self Assessment

3. Which social media channels do you or your staff have experience with, either personally or

professionally? Facebook Twitter Blogging
Photo sharing sites (like Flickr) Video sharing sites (like YouTube) Other Other

4. What assets are available to your organization?

  • Experienced writers
  • Experts in the topic area of your mission
  • Lots of organizational photos
  • Experienced photographers
  • Organizational videos
  • People with experience creating videos

Why use Social Media

Not enough organizations ask the questions ‘why do we want to use social media?’, and ‘what do we hope to get out of it?’
So your first step in a social media strategy is to be very clear about what you want to use social media for. this part of the strategy is where you map out your objectives. Below we have listed a wide range of goal and objectives

  • Research and learning
  • Market research
  • Promote an event reach a niche / target audience online
  • Promote interesting content
  • Identify new leads
  • Recruit staff
  • Raising profile of key staff/CEO
  • Improving PR coverage
  • Promoting content
  • Improve reputation

Why use Social Media

Consider the business and marketing objectives above.
Map out your main objectives for using social media. Are they SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely?

Self Assessment Page 1 of 2

Before you can make decisions about which social media to use, you should be clear on your goals. Be specific—“reaching out to people” is too broad, for example. This type of goal will make identifying your strategy difficult and measuring your progress all but impossible.

We’ve created a list of sample goals to get you thinking about your own. Check off all of the reasons why you want to use social media with your organization.

  • Research and Learning Store traffic
  • Get your fans to talk about you (word of mouth)
  • Build excitement prior to an event Build your email list volunteers
  • Getting feedback from your constituents
  • Increased Relevant Visitor Traffic and Page Rankings Recruiting new members, advocates or patrons
  • Get press coverage
  • Gathering photos or videos from supporters Coordinating people in an action or a project Other Other Other Lead generation
    Increase Brand or Issue Awareness
  • Reach a youth audience
  • Get people to take a particular action Solicit donations for your organization
  • Branding your staff as experts on a cause or issue
  • Keeping your supporters updated on happenings Letting supporters publicly support your cause
  • Supporting a particular group of members, alumni, etc
  • Connect with other like-minded organizations
  • Understanding what people are saying about you
  • E-commerce sales Reputation management Promote an event
  • Draw traffic to a particular online resource
  • Get supporters to solicit donations for you
  • Recruiting
  • Getting your constituents to talk to each other
  • Building a community around an event or topic
  • Disseminating information about an issue or topic
  • Tell stories about the work you do
  • Changing hearts and minds on a particular topic
  • Keeping up to date with a particular issue

Self Assessment Page 2 of 2

Organizational use Social Media

Many organizations are not aware of how they can potentially utilize social media across the whole organisation. as part of the strategy, you will need to consider how social media can operate across the organisation from HE to customer service and PR.

Organizational use Social Media

Review the chart below and identify the areas where you could improve your business functions?

Business Improvement Examples Primary Channels Could we Use? How could we use?


(B2C) Promoting the brand on line

Reaching defined demographics (using Faceb ook to advertise to you ng people)

Building brand loyalty (encourage brand fans to follow you on social media and engage via content)

Organizational use Social Media

Review the chart below and identify the areas where you could improve your business functions?

Business Improvement Examples Primary Channels Could we Use? How could we use?


(B2B) Gaining leads online (an accountant could u se social media to identify leads and connect, engage with them)

Organizational use Social Media

Review the chart below and identify the areas where you could improve your business functions?
Business Improvement Examples Primary Channels Could we Use? How could we use?
PR Improving media relations ( identify main journalists an d connect with them online)
Profiling Senior Staff onli ne / improve ceo reputation
Improving promotion of eve
nt and live engagement.
Identifying and engaging wi th stakeholders
Integrate into crisis commu
nications plans and activity
Organizational use Social Media
Review the chart below and identify the areas where you could improve your business functions?
Business Improvement Examples Primary Channels Could we Use? How could we use?
Service Responding to customer enquiries and complaints
Broadcasting announce
Measuring Goals
Having defined what you want to achieve with social media, you now need to complete a short benchmark for measuring success.
this is not a case of measuring the number of followers you have on social media channels. instead you will want to measure the impact you are having online. the social media measurements i find most useful are:
 Engagement with customers
 How quickly and effectively you responded to customer queries online
 Identifying influencers and leads
 Engaging with influencers and leads
 How people engaged with your content (likes, positive comments, retweets, shares etc)
 Networking at events
 Online media coverage
 Website traffic
Assessment Page 1 of 2
Goal What is the purpose How is it measured? What defined success?
Engagement with Customers
Assessment Page 2 of 2
Goal What is the purpose How is it measured? What defined success?
Effective social media requires a commitment to do it well and to resource it effectively. in order to manage social media effectively, you will need to do the following:
 Plan the types of content you are going to use
 Produce content (posts, photos etc) on a very regular basis
 Grow your social media community on different channels
 Engage with your social media community in real time
 Monitor your social media channels regularly
Looking at the list above you may feel you don’t quite have the resources to do social media effectively. So the next step in your social media strategy will be to:
• Assess your organization’s main resource gaps
• Try to secure additional resources
Identify the following gaps in your resourcing and management in the exercise below:
Resource Gap Relevance to your
organization Next Steps
no budget Approach management and make a strong case for social media inv estment and training
key staff do not know how to use
social media In-house Social Media training
Staff do not have time to use soci al media Additional social media resource. reduction in other marketing activi ty in favor of social media
Social media has been left to one person / overstretched Training other members of staff in how to use social media additiona l resources
Securing Resources
Securing the right resources for your social media activity may well be the most important factor in your social media success.
the secret to securing the valuable resources – usually people, training and budget – is to make a
persuasive case for using social media.
The case should focus on:
• The value and benefits of using social media to the organization
• How the organization can benefit by improving key areas of the business by using technology such as
social media
Finally, it’s very helpful to have a senior manager or board level champion who supports the use of social media. they will be a key ally in securing resources.
Defining your target Audience
the next stage in your social media plan is to map out the target audiences you want to reach. However, before you do this, you need to consider some important points about reaching and influencing people in the digital age.
People use social media channels such as Facebook and twitter to socialize, learn new things, to relieve boredom, research and be entertained. is it any wonder they ignore corporate PR stories online?
With Social media you have to attract people to you brand online and then be a combination of useful,
funny, caring etc. enough for people to engage with what you are saying.
So, you have to ask – why would sometime with limited time and lots of distractions want to follow you on twitter or friend you on Facebook? Why would they want to interact with your content?
Defining your target Audience
if your organization has a PR / communication plan it will be useful to review it to find out if have a list of target audiences already defined.
Types of audiences you may want to reach include:
 Current clients or customers
 Potential clients and customers
 Journalists
 Bloggers
 Thought leaders
 Stakeholders
 eNewsletter readers
 Staff
 Local businesses
 Networking contacts
Assessment Page 1 of 2
1. Who are your target audience on social media, who do you need to reach?
2. What kinds of content will resonate with them?
Assessment Page 2 of 2
3. How are you going to engage with them?
4. What do you want to motivate your audience to do?
“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it invite to look at. Make it fun to read.”
– Leo Burnett
Social Media Channels and your Audience
The social media landscape is made up of hundreds of different social media sites – however there are a handful of very dominant sites:
Facebook – the world’s most popular social media site
Twitter – second most dominant social media site, based around short tweets
LinkedIn – World’s largest business networking sites
In addition to the social media ‘heavyweights’, there are a variety of popular social media sites including:
YouTube Instagram Pinterest
Which Social Media Channels are Relevant for you?
The vast majority of organizations will want to concentrate their social activity on the dominant social media sites. you also have to consider where your audiences are online. if you a public body or brand then Facebook and twitter are two of the obvious channels to use. However, if you are a B2B firm, then you may want to concentrate on LinkedIn.
Your Opportunities
Customer Service
Which Social Media Channels are Relevant for you
Your Opportunities
Event Networking
How to build an audience Social Media
The best way to grow an audience on any social media channel is to post great content and engage with
But you will also want be proactive in finding the relevant audiences and current contacts on social media. this stage in your strategy is about building your social media audience.
Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform. if you are a small business, brand, charity or government organization – you will want to include Facebook as your main social media platform.
97% of social advertisers chose it as their most used and most useful social media platform.
Points to consider in your Facebook Marketing:
• Facebook is used by people to socialize online with families and friends – so you need to develop really
interesting or useful content that resonates with your audience.
• Facebook effectively punishes Pages that post poor content – by showing your posts less.
• businesses that are good at Facebook use a combination of stories, humor and are topical
• effective Facebook marketing is increasingly driven by good quality images
The main marketing opportunities with Facebook are:
• Creating interesting stories about your brand
• Using Facebook ads and Promoted Posts to reach a wider audience
Classification: Top social sharing site specializing in all forms of content
Audience: Broad, all ages
Peak Engagement: 12-3 PM Weekday
Key Considerations: Facebook remains the top social media site in the world, a melting pot of opportunity with over 2 billion pieces of content shared daily. Given its active user base, it remains the focal point for social media engagement for many businesses.
9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM
Twitter is a real-time social networking platform which is witnessing major growth. In fact, the UK has
around 15 million active
• Keeping up to date with their interests / news
• Contacting businesses (customer service)
• Live chatting with friends / business contacts at events
• Find out about breaking news
Business can use Twitter effectively by:
• Promoting interesting news and information
• Networking at events and with stakeholders
• Help with customer service issues in real time
• Use cultural and news trends to raise your visibility online.
Classification: Microblogging site limited to 140 characters; real-time engagements
Audience: Broad, younger generations & older working professionals
Peak Engagement: 12-2 PM Weekday
Key Considerations: Twitter enjoys the second largest base, with over 500 million active users. The size of its user base presents some awesome engagement opportunities, making a channel impossible to ignore.
B2B performs 16 % better during
business hours
B2C performs 17% better
on weekends
12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM
LinkedIn is a networking tool for professionals. used by millions of business people across the globe, the
platform allows you to:
 Research potential leads, contacts or potential employees
 Build a powerful community of connections
 Raise your visibility and that of your company
Classification: Business-oriented social network
Audience: Niche, working professionals ranging from Millennials to older generations
Peak Engagement: 7-9 AM Weekday
Key Considerations: LinkedIn gives an opportunity for your audience to make a direct connection to your business. Highlighting your services is fair game as the majority of users who connect with you are considering your business in a professional capacity. Don’t forget to provide value — businesses that succeed on this platform provide great resources.
5-6 AM 7-8 AM 9-10 AM 12 AM 1-2 PM 3-4 PM 5-6 PM
Classification: Social network
Audience: Youth
Peak Engagement: 8-9 AM Weekday
Key Considerations: Instagram gives an opportunity for your audience to make a direct connection to your business. This platform is the center of youth.
2 AM 4 AM 6 AM 8-9 AM 11 AM 3 PM 5 PM
The best time to post is between 8-9 AM. Avoid
posting at 3-4 PM
Posting a video on Instagram at 9 PM gets 34% more interactions
Post content more during off-work hours than during the work day, aside from peak times
Tactics Social Media
Your tactics are the most important factor in making social media work for your business. In this section you will review the two broad types of tactics that will be used to fuel growth and interaction on social media:
Content: The types of posts and visual content that you develop and publish on a regular basis
Engagement: How you interact with people on social media
Why is content so Important to Social Media Success
Two of the biggest reasons some businesses perform poorly on social media
• Boring, irrelevant content
• Lack of engagement and interaction with people on social media channels
In order to be successful in social media marketing, you need to interest your fans and followers in the news feeds section. this is the section that people check to find out news and updates from friends, family and brands.
The newsfeed is a competitive space! So you need to develop and promote content that interests people in what is essentially their personal media space.
The key to marketing successfully in social media is through content that people will like, share or post positive comments on. So how can you do this successfully?
The 80:20 Rule
Brand Content 20%
Audience Focused content 80%
Think About
1. Some of the events, news, new products etc. that you would like to promote in the next few months.
2. Several major cultural events, TV shows, upcoming holidays and relevant celebrity news happing today.
Write down your ideas for
1. 1 brand focused post on Facebook
2. 4 audience focused content posts for Facebook
5 strategies that will help drive Engagement
1. Create dialogue with your customers by following up on comments on your published content.
• a. Build a private list of Twitter users you’ve engaged with and continue to build on those relationships. There is great potential to turn contacts into customers.
• b. Engage in deep listening.
• i. Monitor for @mentions and be timely. 71% of consumers who receive a quick brand response are more likely to recommend that brand to others.
• ii. Listen to keywords relevant to your brand and industry, and proactively reach out to potential customers.
2. Measure what content your audience is engaging with most to learn what works.
3. Share, mention, and compliment other people’s content that you like. You will create new relationships and add value to your own content by showing that you’re engaged as well.
4. Attach images to your Tweets to help improve engagement. Tweets with photos average a 35% boost in retweets.
5. Participate in Twitter Chats to learn from others and converse with your audience.
Tips on how to increase engagement
317 Million Active Users 2 Billion Active Users
Tips on how to increase engagement
800 Million Active Users 106 Million Active Users
Best practices for top Social Media
Social Media Success
Social Media Success
Social Media Success
Share Converse Promote
Social Media Engagement
In order to develop your social media content, you need to think about and answer the following questions:
• What social media channels will you use?
• How will using them help your business and marketing objectives?
Facebook Twitter
Facebook Content
What types of issues, events, news etc. might form the basis for your social media stories on Facebook?
Think about the types of seasonal and cultural events that might be happening in the next few months and might be relevant to your organization. use them to generate a list of 5 social media posts on Facebook.
Twitter Content
What types of tweets might you develop to:
• Promote news and events in your industry
• Be visible and interact with people at an event
• Promote a product
• Engage with a customer
LinkedIn Content
Similar to Facebook and twitter, you can raise your visibility in LinkedIn via the status updates section. Some of the areas you might like to include in your LinkedIn content are:
• Commenting on a new development, news, controversy in your industry
• Promote an event
• Comment on a post from an industry peer
• Promote content you have developed (blog post, online guide etc.)
Engagement Exercise
You are organizing an event on behalf of your organization – what types of content can you develop to:
• Promote the event
• Create engagement during the event
• Follow up after the event / call to action
Facebook Action Plan
Frequency To Do List
Daily  Post to your page once daily.
 Check for comments and engagement and reply.
Weekly  Create a posting schedule for the week to keep posting on track and not
 Take a quick look at Facebook Insights to see which posts have had the best reach and engagement to get a feel for what is resonating with your audience.
Monthly  Record Facebook metrics.
Quarterly  Review your analytics for the past 3 months, comparing to the previous quarter.
 Review your profile to make sure all information is up-to-date and optimized.
Annually  Reevaluate this strategy to determine what has worked and what hasn’t.
Twitter Action Plan
Frequency To Do List
Daily  Check for comments and engagement and reply.
 At minimum, post 3 times per day.
 Monitor Twitter for keywords and engage.
Weekly  Create post schedule for the week.
Monthly  Record Twitter metrics.
 Review optimal posting times in Followerwonk and adjust schedule as needed.
Quarterly  Review your analytics for the past 3 months, comparing to the previous quarter.
 Review your profile to make sure all information is up-to-date and optimized.
Annually  Reevaluate this strategy to determine what has worked and what hasn’t.
Instagram Action Plan
Frequency To Do List
Daily  Check for comments and engagement and reply.
 If implementing a hashtag campaign, review images using the hashtag.
Weekly  Post to your Instagram account at least twice during the week sharing those photos to Facebook, Twitter as well.
Monthly  Record Instagram metrics.
Quarterly  Review your analytics for the past 3 months, comparing to the previous quarter.
 Review your profile to make sure all information is up-to-date and optimized.
Annually  Reevaluate this strategy to determine what has worked and what hasn’t.
“Video can be a powerful communication tool for small businesses. YouTube offers not only a platform for hosting videos but the potential to attract a valuable audience.”
Since its launch in 2005, YouTube’s popularity has exploded, making it the world’s second most popular search engine. Google, which now owns YouTube, gives prominence to video content within its own organic search rankings.
YouTube Marketing – tips and insights
Before you start creating content, check out what’s already out there. What are your competitors doing and what is getting YouTube views and engagement? Look for inspiration from what small businesses in different industries do.
Keyword research
The simplest way to find out what’s out there is just to do a YouTube search within the search box. Like on Google, the predictive sentence completion will show what the popular terms are. Then you can delve deeper with a Google Adword search tool.
Consider your video titles
In terms of SEO, the title of your video is particularly important on YouTube, so use specific, interesting, descriptive titles where possible. Choosing the right categories and tags will also help your content reach the right audience. As well as the tags that YouTube suggests for you, you can also add your own
Don’t stress about perfection
‘The good news is, you already have what you need to shoot, edit and share slick video in your pocket – a phone – and anyone can learn to do it,’ says Alex Pell, founder of Dashboard Media, who helps train small businesses in creating video content. ‘In these days of widespread video blogging, people don’t expect perfection either. They just want to be informed and, ideally, entertained. Having a clear message and premise is more important than what equipment you use.
YouTube Marketing – tips and insights
Work towards a target length for your videos, paring out footage that doesn’t add anything, to create something impactful. ‘Short videos usually work best,’
Create content – but not for the sake of it Popular YouTube channels generally have consistently updated video content. But choose quality over quantity; better to concentrate on fewer high-quality videos that really inform and inspire your audience than establish a lower standard for your business with a stream of mediocre or irrelevant ones.
Customize your channel
YouTube allows you to customize your channel, which will help differentiate it from other YouTube pages. Stamp your brand identity on it by using your logo, color tone and messages or slogans that you want viewers to associate with your business.
Encourage viewers to subscribe so they get notified whenever you upload a new video.
YouTube Marketing – tips and insights
Descriptions play an important role
Don’t commit the common mistake of having no description for your video at all. As well as providing your audience with useful information, your description will be important for SEO. Keep your video descriptions short but informative, and include your important keywords, links and calls to action.
YouTube Marketing – tips and insights
In general the better your videos, the more views you will get. However, when it comes to increasing your audience, spreading the word is just as important as creating a great video. Unless your video is shared wildly and goes “viral”, which is a rare occurrence, views are still going to be proportional to how well you spread the word.
Widen your channels
The video you’ve created for YouTube doesn’t have to stay exclusively on YouTube, of course. ‘It can be well worth uploading your video on other channels such as Facebook and Twitter to get more mileage and reach different audiences across multiple platforms.’
Cross pollinate
Just because you create a YouTube channel, it doesn’t mean people will go looking for it so spread the word across other social media platforms. When you post a new video that you want people to see and share, write a blog post about it, tweet the link and post it on Facebook. You can also embed videos on your website – especially tutorials and product demos.
Tips for making the most of your Social Media Engagement
When it comes to social media, you have to be very selective in the way you handle content across channels. Be it your Facebook fan page or Instagram Stories, every network has its own niche and way of operation.
For example, your Facebook audience will expect more business or product related posts while your Instagram story viewers would love a peek into your workshop, inventory or any behind the scenes footage. Primarily, social media marketing can only work if you do it right or follow the basic rules of activity as well as engagement.
Tips for making the most of your Social Media Engagement
Time: Engagement is time-sensitive. You can’t really stop engaging depending on time of day once you begin. However, unless you have a dedicated team of content creators and managers working behind your social media channels around the clock, you can’t be active all the time. So, selecting a dedicated timeframe for social media engagement is a must.
Channels: Every social media channel works differently, although their purpose remains the same. So, figure out how you’ll be using each channel for engagement. For example, you can use Twitter for resolving customer queries as well as Facebook Messenger.
Tools: Metrics can help you scale any project. By using tools, you can take a deeper look into the kind of engagement you’ve been doing and which channels perform better than others. Metrics can also tell you when your audience is the most active so you can change your daily engagement schedule.
Now, let’s take a step forward to figure out how to enhance this activity.
You use these six strategies:
Tips for making the most of your Social Media Engagement
Initiate conversation with your posts.
When you schedule content to publish on your social media channels, you are most likely to post about your project or the category centered around your current project. In order to draw maximum engagement on your posts, make sure they are actually engaging enough. That means they should ask questions or relate to your audience in some way. For example, if you’ve designed a smart home security solution, you could talk about the recent burglary statistics or ask people if they’ve faced any similar situations before talking about your product. Create posts with questions or relevant industry statistics.
Participate in conversations under trending hashtags.
There are several hashtags trending every day on every social media channel. These are usually day- specific or a certain event-specific (emoji day, moon day, etc.). You can make use of these specific hashtags and engage in conversations trending under them. However, be specific in the threads you join and make sure they are somewhat related to your project theme. You could also create related posts with the hashtag if required. For example, if your project is related to yoga, you could choose the #MondayMotivation hashtag to draw more attention and engagement.
Tips for making the most of your Social Media Engagement
Create your own branded hashtags.
Now, to make the most of your current audience, start creating your own brand hashtag right from the beginning. Twitter is a great platform where you can start generating buzz around your hashtag with Twitter chats. Buffer does this really well. They have been doing Twitter chats for quite some time now with their hashtag #Bufferchats. You can do the same on Instagram and use them in your stories or ask your audience to share their thoughts on your projects with your hashtag for increased engagement.
Dedicate one of your social media channels to customer support.
One of the best ways you can drive more engagement to your social media is by turning it into a major channel for customer support. Since 2016, social media has been considered to be one of the most popular means of customer care. But, you have to make sure your turnaround time is as fast as possible (within one to four hours). It is important to select only one channel for customer care in the beginning so that you are able to handle the queries on time. If you have enough manpower to handle more channels, go for it!
Tips for making the most of your Social Media Engagement
Resolve queries through live videos.
At present, both Instagram and Facebook give you the opportunity to go live with your audience. So, anytime before or even after your launch your campaign, you can simply go live for more engagement. It gives you access to real queries from potential backers instantly and you can go through any previous queries you received from your audience at the same time. The idea is to be vocal about your project and why you chose to do it in the first place.
“With these quick tips, you can jumpstart your social media engagement for your campaign right away.”
Knowledge based Q&A
Q1. Importance of Social Media
Q2. What are the elements of a viral video?
Q3. What are the best practices on Twitter?
Knowledge based Q&A
Q4. How can you boost Facebook reach?
Q5. What are the tricks that can drive more traffic to our blogs?
Q6. How can we allocate a budget for social media advertising?
Conclusion: The importance of Digital and Social Media Marketing
Conclusion: The importance of Digital and Social Media Marketing
Building a loyal community
Ability to create a community of people who are loyal to your brand and to foster this relationship is what makes social networks such a perfect places for modern businesses. You are now able to gather those who are interested in your business or your area of expertise by building your online community.
In addition, you are able to broadcast your message, to promote your company by introducing it to the community of loyal followers. Working on engagement and creating an authentic and valuable environment, you will be able to make the most out of that community, which will result in multiple benefits for your business.
Conclusion: The importance of Digital and Social Media Marketing
Learn from the community
The feeling of community will allow you creating an atmosphere from which you can learn about your customers and about your products as well. Interaction with buyers will help you explore their motives and needs when buying from you, as well as what inspires them to buy.
Interaction with potential buyers will help you discover dilemmas they might have, as well as
what drives them to make a decision to buy or not to buy.
Your online community will help you learn about your target audience, how they feel, how they react, what they expect, etc. This kind of feedback is valuable information, as it will affect other aspects of your business in a positive way.
Conclusion: The importance of Digital and Social Media Marketing
Work on product development
Having learnt from the community, you can now integrate the knowledge into improving your products, improving packaging or perhaps your relationship with the clients. You will learn the things buyers like and do not like, so that you can work on developing your products even further, in order to adapt to the demanding market.
Furthermore, you have to compare the trends on the global market. Staying competitive on the market is only possible if you are familiar with the current conditions and demands, which have tremendous impact on sales. Besides product development and improvement, social media is a good way for introducing products.
Conclusion: The importance of Digital and Social Media Marketing
Improve sales
Another major benefit of social media marketing, which results in increasing profit of your company, is improving sales, regardless if you own an online shop or you want to encourage people to visit your business on a specific location.
When it comes to online shopping, social media can help you drive traffic to your online store, where you can convert the social followers into buyers. Your goal is to maximize the clickthrough rate, which will ensure that the visitors are actually visiting your online store. As a result, they are more likely to buy from you.
Local businesses can also benefit from social media, as you can ask users to share images, to
check in to the location, which will increase visibility of your business on social networks. In both of these cases, social media is good for working on branding and establishing loyal relationship with the customers, which is something that will help you improve sales in the future.
Conclusion: The importance of Digital and Social Media Marketing
In the world with over 70% of internet users active on social networks, who spend at least one hour a day on average on those social networks, we have to conclude that social networks have become a sort of reality in which people communicate, interact, and obviously trust. We also have to be aware that over 60% of those users access social networks via mobile devices, with strong indicators that this percent will only increase in the future years.
In such world, we have to admit that social networks are a new dimension of reality that has become a part of the business world as well. Over 90% marketers report they are or will be using social networks for business, while over 60% of them claim to have acquired new customers over social networks.

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