There are few studies that have been done regarding scientists’ technology adoption and use, Pearce (2010) studied the technology adoption by researchers focusing on Web and e Science infrastructures to enhance research. He found out that limited evidence for disciplinary difference in tool adoption, and age is negatively related to e-research tool adoption. Some of The ICT Adoption and Diffusion Theories that are related to this research include:
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): (Venkatesh &Davis, 2000) presented a theoretical model aiming to predict and explain ICT usage behavior, that is, what causes potential adopters to accept or reject the use of information technology. Theoretically, TAM is based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). In TAM, two theoretical constructs, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, are the fundamental determinants of system use, and predict attitudes toward the use of the system, that is, the user‘s willingness to use the system. (Gatwiri, 2013).
Perceived usefulness refers to the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance, and perceived ease of use (Davies,1989) refers to ―the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free of effort (Davis, 2003).Perceived Ease of Use refers to the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free from effort (Davis, 2003).
The technology acceptance model (TAM) is comparable to diffusion theory in the sense that it emphasize on psychological and social influences. Thus, beliefs, attitudes and intentions are important factors in the adopting of computer technologies (Bates et al. 2007). TAM is based on identifying the association between two main determinants (beliefs): perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU); the user’s attitude (ATT), intentions (BI) and actual computer acceptance and usage behavior. (Nyang’au, 2014).
The TAM assumes that there are some external factors that influence perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. These factors have also intervened in the effect of external variables on user’s attitude towards using a certain technology. The model therefore provides a basis for explaining the adoption process of the technology and the reasons behind or hindering any adoption (Pinho & Soares, 2011).
Theory of Reasoned Actions (TRA): The theory originates from social psychology, and it is a special case of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (Venkatesh &Davis, 2000). (Ajzen, 2010). (developed TRA to define the links between the beliefs, attitudes, norms, intentions, and behaviors of individuals. The theory assumes that person’s behavior is determined by the person’s behavioral intention to perform it, and the intention itself which is determined by the person’s attitudes and his or her subjective norms towards the behavior.
The subjective norm refers to the individual person perception that most people who are important to him think he should or should not perform the behavior in question. (Ajzen, 2010).
Diffusion of Innovations (DOI): DOI is a general theory of how new ideas are spread and adopted in a society, and it seeks to make clear how communication channels and opinion leaders shape adoption. (Rogers, 1962) proposed the first process model, a five-stage model of the implementation and adoption of innovation in organizations. Moore and (Bates, 2007) used DOI to develop ―an instrument designed to measure the various perceptions that an individual may have of adopting an information technology (IT) innovation. The instrument was projected to be a tool for the study of the initial adoption and subsequent diffusion of IT innovations within organizations, (Bates, 2007)
All the above discussed theories have enabled the researcher of the study to understand the factors impacting the adoption of ICTs in the University libraries in Kenya.
2.9 Review on Related Studies on ICT adoption the Libraries
Many studies have been conducted regarding the use of ICT in libraries. For instance in India, Sampath Kumar & Biradar (2010) observe the use of information communication technology (ICT) in 31 college libraries in Karnataka, India by analyzing the ICT infrastructure, status of library automation, barriers to implementation of library automation and librarians' attitudes towards the use of ICT. The survey carried out using structured questionnaire, observation and informal interview with selected college 22 librarians’, the findings show that, , lack of qualified staff and inadequate training programs are the main constraints for not automating library activities. Even though library professionals have shown a positive attitude towards the use of ICT applications and library automation, majority expressed the need for appropriate training to make use of ICT too.
Veeramani & Vinayagamoorthy (2011) in their survey on measures of Information Technology (IT) use in academic libraries in Kuwait founds that IT has mainly help by providing timely information and facilitating real-time access and to promote databases. The importance of information lies in ease of access and utilization by users for productivity and decision making. Al-Ansari (2011) studied about the level of Application of ICT in Special Libraries in Kuwait. His study identified majority of the libraries was partially automated and were still using manual systems for their library operations. Sanni (2015) also examined the application of ICT in management of information resources and services in Kaduna state tertiary institutions’ libraries. His study revealed that application of ICT has impacted most library operations including reference services.
Similarly, Krubu &Osawaru (2011) conducted a study on the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Nigerian University Libraries using interview as method of data collection. The results reveal that the challenges of ICT in Nigerian academic libraries include epileptic power supply, technical know-how, and lack of search skills, inadequate funding and infancy level of automation in libraries. Kaman (2013) studied the use of information communication technologies (ICTs) in academic libraries; his study revealed that use of ICTs in libraries has become great advantage for its users as they open up opportunities for interoperability and information exchange. Users can now access wide variety of information resources such as text, sound, images etc. Furthermore, the study reported that application of ICTs has provided considerable benefits on the way libraries relate to their user communities and become an essential part of evolving information society.
Ogbomo & Muokebe (2014) examined briefly how library and information services have undergone various stages of transformation from inception. Other factors that have hastened the growth of library and information services were discussed and how changes in technology have influenced changes in library and information services in Nigeria. The impacts of ICT in Nigerian libraries were discussed. Measures in place were needed to improve the use of ICT in Nigerian libraries. Initiatives and programs was also discussed with the aimed at strengthening the effectiveness and set backs of ICT in the Nigerian libraries.
Waghmare & Salve (2014) reported in their study that adoption of ICT in libraries has resulted into various improvements in the rendering references services including ask a library, electronic/remote access to reference librarians, 24/7 references and so on. Eguaroen (2011) in his study on attitude towards the use and implementation of ICT by librarians from University of Ibaddan, found that librarian knowledge and training on ICT influence the positive attitude towards ICT.
2.10 Knowledge Gap
With all the literatures reviewed, it is clear that there is a need for ICTs in university libraries. For the developing countries like Kenya, we need to have a well-designed ICT policy which will develop ICT infrastructure of the libraries in the institutions of higher education to meet the competitive information society advantages. This study, therefore, attempted to fill the gap with the existing literature by considering the fact that less developed countries are not alike that it is an imperative to investigate the factors influencing ICT adoption of ICT in University libraries in Kenya.