Configuring a high availability load balancing architecture with HAProxy and Keepalived
This paper explores the ideas of redundancy, reliability and scalability by setting up a high availability load balancing architecture on a cluster of raspberry pis using HAProxy and Keepalived.
The practical is split up into two parts. The first part illustrates the concept of load balancing and redundancy by configuring a reverse proxy (haproxy) to distribute incoming traffic to an application across three different servers, in turn.
In the second part of the practical a second load balancer is introduced in a passive/active configuration to illustrate the idea of high availability.
2. Why High availability?
As the name suggests, high availability is used to describe the uptime, or the guarantee of uptime, of a given system [1].
Designing a system with high availability in mind means guaranteeing reliability and the ability to deal with failure, when it occurs. This can be done by introducing redundancy into the system and eliminating all single points of failure.
In life-critical sectors such as medicine or spaceflight, the lack of highly reliable, highly available, fault tolerant systems is particularly vital. If an application were to become unavailable under these conditions, the consequences could potentially be disastrous, or fatal. In business, financial and retail related applications this could mean the loss of revenue, unwanted lawsuits, or worse. The lack of availability causes a ripple effect for all involved: high availability is fundamental to reduce this possibility [2].
High availability dictates that there will always be a response to a request, without loss of data.
3. How it works
Load balancing with HAProxy
As the HAProxy documentation states, HAProxy is a proxy and load balancer for both HTTP and TCP, which provides two essential features:
It listens for incoming connections on any address/port combinations provided. Once these connections are accepted, and any desired processing performed on them (for example, modifying the packet headers), it will forward them on to a cluster of backend servers using the chosen load balancing algorithm: for example, by distributing the traffic to each backend server in turn, or by distributing the incoming traffic to the server with the least amount of connections at the time.
It performs health checks by continuously monitoring the state of the backend servers, and only sending traffic to them if they are valid, to make sure no connections are lost.
High availability with Keepalived
Keepalived is a Linux implementation of the VRRP protocol for Linux servers. VRRP uses elections to define a master node and a backup node amongst the participating routers, which communicate using the multicast address The master router is ‘assigned’ the responsibility of the virtual router, and the virtual router’s address. If the backup node fails to receive VRRP messages from the master node after a given period of time, the backup node takes on the responsibility of the virtual address, replacing the master.
In this practical, Keepalived will run alongside the HAProxy nodes performing health checks on HAProxy and on each other using VRRP. The virtual ip in this case will be the address used to access the web application.
4. Load Balancing
The first part of the setup will deal with the configuration of the web servers and of HAProxy, according to the following diagram:
As the diagram suggests, the setup consists of one haproxy instance which will be configured to point to each of the application servers. When an incoming client requests the application’s address, the request is sent to the load balancer, which decides which server to pass the request on to.
4.1 Setting up the application servers
The application servers consist of three simple nginx instances serving a simple static web page. Each server is identical to the other with the exception of the main title, in order to distinguish between them when the load balancer is doing its work.
4.2 Configuration of HAProxy
Although HAProxy is relatively simple for small topologies like this one, configuring it properly can be extremely finicky and time consuming. For this reason I decided it would be more efficient to do all testing on localhost before deploying the configuration to the pi cluster. The final outcome can be seen below:
log local0
log local1 notice
log global
option httplog
option dontlognull
mode http
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 10000
timeout server 10000
frontend http_in
mode http
default_backend servers
backend servers
mode http
option forwardfor
balance roundrobin
server server1 server1:80 check
server server2 server2:80 check
server server3 server3:80 check
option httpchk GET /
http-check expect status 200
The haproxy configuration file is divided into four main sections.
The first few lines enable global logging and logging for local host, used for troubleshooting later.
In the `defaults` section default values are provided for wait timers and the protocol being used (HTTP) if these are not defined later. The `frontend` and `backend` sections are the most important sections of the configuration file.
The frontend, which I’ve called `http_in`, defines the address/port combinations that haproxy will listen on for incoming traffic. Accepted traffic will be forwarded to the backend servers according to whatever load balancing algorithm is chosen. I decided to use the most simple `roundrobin` algorithm, which sequentially distributes incoming requests to the servers specified in the `backend` section.
An important function of the backend is to guarantee high availability by performing periodic health checks on the servers, ensuring that incoming traffic is only forwarded on to valid, healthy servers: a user should be oblivious to any state changes in the backend, and ideally their experience should not be disrupted by these whatsoever.
Because HAProxy acts as a reverse proxy, the traffic the servers receive is all shown to be sent by the load balancer. HAProxy provides a few commands to avoid anonymity and retain the identity of the requesting client by updating the IP packets with the client’s real address. This is what the ‘option forwardfor’ statement is doing.
At this point, after starting the HAProxy service and navigating to localhost, everything should be working wonderfully and the load balancer should be distributing HTTP requests across each server in turn on every refresh.
4.3 Building the docker images
For simple deployment I thought it would be nice to move each of these services to their own docker images. This will save on hefty installation time and will allow for easily reproducible copies of the load balancer and servers, which would be helpful if I ever wanted to introduce a second cluster or reuse them in a different context.
To construct the Dockerfiles on my OS I used the nginx:1.11-alpine base image for the servers and a CentOS 7 base image for the load balancers. For testing purposes it’s much quicker to start with an haproxy base image but because there are none for the arm64 architecture I chose to build it from source.
The final docker-compose file for the first part of the setup looks like this:
build: ./haproxy
– server1
– server2
– server3
– “80:80"
build: ./nginx
– ./nginx/server1/:/usr/share/nginx/html/
build: ./nginx
– ./nginx/server2/:/usr/share/nginx/html/
build: ./nginx
– ./nginx/server3/:/usr/share/nginx/html/
In the first section, the docker image is built from the `haproxy` folder, which contains a Dockerfile with the same HAProxy configuration as shown before. It exposes port 80 internally (HAProxy is listening on port 80, as defined in the `bind` statement from above) and publishes this port to the outside world.
The servers are all identical, with an even more simple configuration, and are built from the Dockerfile in the `nginx` folder. The `volumes` statement allows to distinguish between each server by using unique index.html pages for each of the servers.
With a docker-compose up the configuration is working exactly like it was before but is now using more easily reproducible docker containers instead.
4.4 Setting up the pi cluster
Because the ip configuration of the raspberry pis was changing quite often, to speed up the process it made sense to set up an ad-hoc ethernet network which also had internet connectivity via the wireless card on my laptop. With this in place all of the devices in the cluster could be accessed via SSH and statically assigned addresses within the local network.
4.5 Ansible
I looked into Ansible as a solution to the tedium of executing the same tasks five times over for each node in the cluster.
The main tasks I had to accomplish were:
Updating & upgrading Ubuntu
Installing software dependencies like Docker
Starting docker
Building and launching the docker images
Installing and configuring Keepalived (for later)
Installing & configuring Ansible
Ansible uses SSH to run these tasks from each device simultaneously. To avoid having to type in passwords every time, I copied the contents of my public SSH key ~/.ssh/ to a file in each device called ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. SSH uses a private and public key pair for authentication. By copying my public key to the authorized_keys file of each device, as long as I can prove ownership of the corresponding private key and the key pair can be verified, passwordless access to the devices is allowed.
Ansible is dependent on Python which must first be installed on each device before it can be used:
sudo apt-get install -y python
Lastly, Ansible will need sudo permissions to properly execute most of the commands. This could be done by modifying the visudo file and adding an extra line for the user, `ubuntu` in my case. Depending on the placement of this new line in the file, it could easily be overwritten by other lines in the file. It would be best practice to make a new file, called ‘overrides’ or ‘myOverrides’ in the sudoers.d directory:
sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/myOverrides
and adding the line:
ubuntu ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
To verify connectivity, I used the ansible `ping` module. This module issues a `ping` which attempts to connect to each device ensuring that python is enabled, and returns a ‘pong’ if successful. To test for all devices:
# Test all devices can be logged on to and execute python with json lib.
ansible -m ping all
Ansible Playbooks
Ansible’s docs describe playbooks as the “instruction manuals” to manage configuration and deployment to remote machines. Playbooks simply create a mapping between certain “roles”, or lists of tasks, to certain devices in the network.
For the tasks described above I ended up with a total of five playbooks:
Install (install.yml)
Runs the install role on all devices, which updates and upgrades Ubuntu, installs docker and starts the docker daemon.
Build images (buildimages.yml)
Runs the docker_server and docker_balancer roles. The docker_balancer role builds the haproxy image on each load balancer and then runs the container on port 80. The docker_server role builds the image for the nginx servers, passing in a parameter for the mount paths (as seen before in the docker-compose file) and runs the containers on the server nodes.
Reboot servers (reboot.yml)
Runs the reboot role, which simply reboots all the devices in the cluster.
Shutdown Servers (servershutdown.yml)
Runs the shutdown role, which shuts down all the devices in the cluster.
Keepalived (keepalived.yml)
This playbook is used later to install Keepalived on the load balancers, and copy over the correct configuration files needed for Keepalived. It calls the keepalived role.
Running the playbook with the command ansible-playbook -i inventories/ha.ini playbooks/install.yml the output looks like this:
And for the docker images playbook, ansible-playbook -i inventories/ha.ini playbooks/buildimages.yml:
Test configuration on the load balancer by doing a curl to localhost:
5. High Availability
Although the current setup contains redundancy in the form of multiple application servers, the load balancer still acts as a single point of failure: if it had to go down, regardless of the number of application servers, the application would still not be accessible to the outside world.
The second part of the setup introduces a second load balancer to avoid that scenario. The load balancers will communicate with each other and perform health checks using Keepalived, which uses the VRRP protocol to allow the nodes to talk to each other by sending and receiving VRRP multicast packets.
Keepalived will run on the load balancing servers, outside of the containers, and perform continuous health checks on the docker/haproxy process. If the master instance were to go down, the backup instance would pick up on this and immediately take its place as master.
Because docker processes are run in isolation on the host machine, the haproxy instance running inside the container can be accessed from the outside. This means that Keepalived can perform health checks on HAProxy itself (not docker) without sitting inside the container. If Keepalived had to be placed inside the container, it would have to be assigned a virtual IP within the docker subnet, making the virtual IP non-accessible to the outside.
Fig. Running the ps -ef command
The diagram below illustrates the passive/active or master/backup roles of the load balancers. This time, the address the client uses to access the web application corresponds to the virtual ip address Keepalived has configured. When the client requests the application, the active load balancer will process the request and pass it on to whichever application server it chooses.
Again, as mentioned above, if the active load balancer were to go down at any stage the passive load balancer would immediately switch over to replace it.
5.1 Configuring Keepalived
The Ansible playbook from earlier is used to install Keepalived with the sudo apt-get install -y keepalived command and to copy over the configuration files, seen below:
# Active load balancer configuration
vrrp_script check_haproxy {
script "killall -0 haproxy"
interval 2
weight 2
vrrp_instance haproxy {
interface eth0
state MASTER
virtual_router_id 51
priority 101
virtual_ipaddress {
track_script {
# Passive load balancer configuration
vrrp_script check_haproxy {
script "killall -0 haproxy"
interval 2
weight 2
vrrp_instance haproxy {
interface eth0
state BACKUP
virtual_router_id 51
priority 100
virtual_ipaddress {
track_script {
Ensure that killall is available by installing the psmisc toolkit:
sudo apt-get install psmisc
Both files start with a vrrp_script which performs the health checks. The script used above contains just one line, "killall -0 haproxy”. The killall -0 sends a signal to the haproxy process to check whether it is running or not. If the script returns an exit status other than 0, the process is dead.
The weight parameter reduces the priority by 2 on “fall”. This means that when the script returns a non-zero code, the node’s priority (if it is the master) will drop to 99 and the backup node, having a priority of 100, will become the master. The device’s state will also be changed to FAULT and the virtual IP removed from its interface. It will then finally stop sending multicast packets.
Both configuration files are pretty much identical, with the exception of the `state` and `priority` parameters. Naturally, the master’s state will be MASTER and the backup’s state will be BACKUP. The master will always have a higher priority than the backup node, and because the weight specified is 2, as per the process described before the difference must always be less than 2 for the failover mechanism to work as expected.
5.2 Troubleshooting & Failover
For troubleshooting, I used the following commands:
tail -f /var/log/syslog
sudo tcpdump -vvv -n -i eth0 host
The first simply prints out the system log. The `tcpdump` command sniffs packets to and from the VRRP multicast address on the given interface ( is a useful link to see all the possible flags and parameters that can be used with the tcpdump command).
The combination of these two commands give a good idea about the state of the nodes and whether they are communicating or not.
An example of the tcpdump is shown below:
This particular screenshot shows that only one of the load balancers is sending multicast packets. This seemed to be a quite a common problem and usually one related to firewalls.
In my case executing the commands below from the load balancers solved the problem:
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -d -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p vrrp -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
The first command allows all incoming multicast traffic on the eth0 interface. The second allows all incoming VRRP traffic (-p specifies the protocol).
IP forwarding must also be enabled, if it is not already. In the /etc/sysctl.conf file:
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
When the devices are properly configured, the syslog gives a great idea to what is happening in the background:
The keepalived process is started and the master node enters MASTER state:
The backup node enters BACKUP state:
The two nodes are communicating and Keepalived is working as expected. Curling the virtual ip shows the same output as before:
To test if the failover mechanism is working, I could either shut down the server, stop docker or the kill the HAProxy instance.
The example below shows what happens when the HAProxy instance is killed:
The master node’s health check to haproxy fails. A new election is forced and the backup nodeenters master state. The old master enters backup state.
This project has shown how it is possible to implement, with proven open source software:
Reusability, thanks to Docker and Ansible
Redundancy, by introducing redundant servers and a passive/active load balancer configuration into the initial setup
Reliability and availability, given by the combination of Keepalived & HAProxy and the healthchecks and monitoring these services perform.
All of these concepts and tools provide the first step towards provisioning a production ready, high availability environment, providing the end user with a much more stable and consistent application.
The docker files, ansible playbooks, html pages and all the configuration files used in this project can be found on my github at
The base images used are available on docker hub from:
– bobsense/nginx-arm64
– project31/aarch64-centos:7 References
[1] R. Strickland, in Cassandra High Availability, Birmingham: Packt Publishing, 2014.
[2] Oracle (n.d.). High Availability [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4- Mar- 2017]
[1] Mitchell Anicas (2017). An Introduction to HAProxy and Load Balancing Concepts [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10- Feb- 2017]
[2] Erika Heidi (2016). What is High Availability? [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10- Feb- 2017]
[3] Servers for hackers (2014). Load Balancing with HAProxy [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19- Feb- 2017]
[4] HAProxy Documentation (2017). Starter Guide [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4- Mar- 2017]
[5] HAProxy Documentation (2017). Configuration Manual [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4- Mar- 2017]
[6] Docker Documentation (2017). Docker Compose [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10- Mar- 2017]
[7] Ansible Docs (2017). Homepage [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20- Mar- 2017]
[8] Cisco (n. d.). What is VRRP? [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 24- Mar- 2017]
[9] Oracle (2017). Installing and Configuring Keepalived [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 24- Mar- 2017]
[10] Keepalived (n. d.). Homepage [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Apr- 2017]
[11] Tobias Brunner (2013). Keepalived Check and Notify Scripts [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Apr- 2017]
[12] Ubuntu Documentation (2017). Iptables how to [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 07- Apr- 2017]