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Essay: Exploring Reason Why EED Students Maintain Regional Dialect: Dialect Maintenance of Ganesha University of Education Students

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 12 minutes
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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 18 September 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 3,363 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 14 (approx)

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1.1.Background of the Study

In this study, the researcher is focusing on one branch of linguistics study which called as sociolinguistic. Hudson (1996) stated that sociolinguistics is “the study of language in relation to society.” So if we talk about sociolinguistics, we will discuss about society as well. In sociolinguistics, there are also some branch of its study for example the relation between language and culture, language maintenance and shift, language and ethnicity, language and social class and many more. But among those studies, in this occasion the researcher is going to focus on one topic about language maintenance. Based on the researcher’s understanding, language maintenance refers to a condition when the speakers of a certain language still use or speak their language when they become a minor society in a major society who speak different language. Concerning about language maintenance, it is not always about the speaker who speak with different language in the major society, but also about the different in term of “dialect” that is used in the major society.

In sociolinguistics study, the subject that talk about dialect is language variation. In this aspect, language may changes or different from one region to the other region, from one situation to another one and etc. In short, the varieties of language which caused by social factors refers as language variation. Dialect here refers to the kind of language which are different in term of vocabulary, grammar, as well as pronunciation, (Holmes, 2013). Dialect may different in from one region to the other one, because the geographical factor is one that may involves the difference. For example, in Bali the dialect of Gianyar society is different to the dialect of Singaraja society. The difference may come from the pronunciation or even vocabulary uses. Van Herk, (2012) stated that language maintenance is “The study of how language survive, or the continued use of (minority) language in the face of a more regionally, socially or politically dominant language.” How the language survive can be studied by using language maintenance theory or study and this is very interesting since in our society, the number of people which came from different society groups might be a lot.

This research was related with the research that conducted by Nirmala (2015). Her research with title “Javanese Cultural Words in Central Java as a Language Maintenance Model” used non participant observation, page filling and note taking technique to collect the data. The result of her research shows that cultural words used or preserved in the local newspaper may automatically preserve not only Javanese cultural words but also Javanese cultural identities. The identity that may be conveyed is the identity of spiritual life of Javanese people, togetherness, and sociability. Based on the result in Nirmala`s study, it can be concluded some people have reason why they maintaining their dialect.  

Regarding to the discussion above, it is interesting for the researcher to conducting this study which discuss about language maintenance in term of dialect. Since there are a lot of students who came from the other city or region outside Singaraja, This city has become a place which consist of many people who came from different society. With many kinds of society, those who come from other region outside Singaraja may still use their regional dialect or may be influenced by Singaraja dialect and start to speak with it. So that, the researcher conduct a study about “Dialect maintenance by English Education Department’s students of Ganesha University of Education.” to find out the information about dialect maintenance that is performed by EED’s students since there are many students who come from other region outside Singaraja. This problem also important to be researched because it has important implication for education especially for English Education Department. This research is about sociolinguistics which means that through this research the researcher`s comprehension about sociolinguistics can be enriched. As the result, the researcher will be more ready to teach about sociolinguistics for English Education Department`s students in the future.  

1.2.Scope of the Study

This study is limited only on analyzing why dialect maintenance is performed by some students of English Education Department of Ganesha University of Education which come from outside Singaraja.

1.3.Statement of Problems

There are four major questions that is used to discuss the study which is can be stated as follows:

1)Why some of EED students which is came from outside Singaraja maintain their dialect?

2)How some of EED students maintain their regional dialect?

3)What are the factors that help some of EED students which is came from outside Singaraja maintain their dialect?

1.4.Objectives of the Study

This study is aiming on several research objectives which can be stated as follows:

1)To know why some of EED students which is came from outside Singaraja maintain their dialect.

2)To know how some of EED students maintain their regional dialect

3)To find out what are the factors that help some of EED students which is came from outside Singaraja maintain their dialect

1.5.Significance of the Study

The significant of the study is to help the researcher to know about the dialect maintenance that is performed by some of EED students who came from outside Singaraja. How it conducted, the reasons behind it and the factors that make the dialect maintenance occurred. So that the result that will be obtained from this study can enrich the readers knowledge (in general) and the researcher knowledge (specifically) about dialect maintenance.

1.6.Definition of Key Terms

1.6.1 Conceptual Definition Dialect

Dialect refers to the kind of language which are different in term of vocabulary, grammar, as well as pronunciation, (Holmes, 2013). Dialect Maintenance

“The study of how language survive, or the continued use of (minority) language in the face of a more regionally, socially or politically dominant language.” (Van Herk, 2012).

1.6.1 Operational Definition Dialect

Dialects are the variants or varieties of a language used by different speakers who are separated by geographic or social boundaries (Francis, 1992; Romaine, 1994). Dialect Maintenance

Language maintenance refers to a situation when a speaker or a group of speakers of a certain society still speak with their native dialect or regional dialect when the speaker or the group of speaker stay in a new society which the major society speak different to the speaker or the group of speakers’ dialect.




2.1.1Definition of Dialect

Dialect is a part of a language variation study which is one of sociolinguistics studies. Dialect refers to the kind of language which are different in term of vocabulary, grammar, as well as pronunciation, (Holmes, 2013). Another definition of dialect comes from Nordquist (2016), he stated that dialect is a regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar and/or vocabulary. This definition also in line with the definition of dialect from Francis, 1992; Romaine, 1994 as cited in Elfenbein, et all, dialects are the variants or varieties of a language used by different speakers who are separated by geographic or social boundaries. According to Trudgill in his book with title Sociolinguistics: An Introduction, there are two types of dialect. The first one is social dialect and the second is regional dialect. Social dialect a variety of language that reflect social variation in language use based on the certain factors related to the speaker such as education, occupation, income level (Vance, 2011). Regional dialect is a distinct form of a language spoken in a particular geographical area (Nordquist, 2015). Every group of society will have their own dialect which is different to the other society. Language that is used often reflect to one’s social identity. For example in Bali we have several regencies and those all might have different dialect to the other. Gianyar dialect might be different to Tabanan and Singaraja dialect. This differences based on the region influences is called as regional dialect. Since dialect is a part of language variation study, the term regional dialect is there because the geographical differences from one region to the other region. So that, in short we can say that the variation of language in term of dialect is caused by geographical factor. Since dialect of one region or regency is different to the other, indirectly one’s dialect can be seen as the identity or specific criteria of one’s society. When an individual who came the other region and staying in one places which the society is different to that individual’s society and when he/she speak by using his/her dialect, the people in that society may identify this individual’s homeland.

2.1.2The Definition of Language Maintenance

Language maintenance refers to a situation when a speaker or a group of speakers of a certain society still speak with their native dialect or regional dialect when the speaker or the group of speaker stay in a new society which the major society speak different to the speaker or the group of speakers’ dialect. Van Herk, (2012) stated that language maintenance is “The study of how language survive, or the continued use of (minority) language in the face of a more regionally, socially or politically dominant language.” How the language survive can be studied by using language maintenance theory or study and this is very interesting since in our society, the number of people which came from different society groups might be a lot. According to Janet Holmes, (2013), in his book entitled “An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (Learning about Language). 4th Edition.” There are several factors which explained how a minority speaker of a language maintain their language, namely: (1) A language can be maintained and preserved, when it’s highly valued as an important symbol of ethnic identity for the minority group; (2) If families from a minority group live near each other and see each other frequently, their interactions will help to maintain the language; (3) For emigrate individuals from a minority group, the degree and frequency of contact with the homeland can contribute to language maintenance; (4)Intermarriage within the same minority group is helpful to maintain the native language; (5) Ensuring that the minority group language is used at formal settings such as schools or worship places will increases language maintenance; (6) An extended normal family in which parents, children and grandchildren live together and use the same minority language can help to maintain it; (7) Institutional support from domains such as education, law, administration, religion and the media can make a difference between the success and failure of maintaining a minority group language. By those seven factors, he believe that language maintenance can be performed by the minority group, because those factors will support the act of language maintenance.

2.1.3 Communication Accommodation Theory

The act maintain a language if we look at the purposes besides to keep the original language itself, maintain a language in a major society also can involves a social distance among the society and this situation related to a theory namely communication accommodation theory. Communication accommodation theory was develop by Howard Gilles in 1970. Smith (2013) points out that accommodation is the constant movement toward or away from others by changing your communicative behavior. The style of speech changes depending on several factors such as the setting, the topic, the person that interact with us, the purpose of the interaction and so forth. For example we tend to speak more polite when we talk with someone that older with us. In other words, we accommodate our way to communicate by adapting to the condition (Dimitrios, 2013).  

There are two basic strategies in communication accommodation. The first was known as convergence which means the act of reducing social distance by adapting our communication behavior to the others.  The second is divergence which means creating social distance. There is no an effort that is made by the speaker to reduce the social distance. It is not an effort to disagree with one-another, it is more than two people have made a choice to dissociate themselves from the person and the topic. It can serve as a way to maintain a social identity and can be used deliberately to have “identity, cultural pride, and distinctiveness” (Hooks & Murphi). Divergence occurs often when there is a difference in power between communicators. This can be seen in conversations between parent and child, physician and patient, interviewer and interviewee, etc. Giles contend that divergence is used to contrast self-images in a conversation. The divergence is carried out by the individual who wants to imply a status difference between the two communicators.


There are several studies that related with dialect maintenance. The research comes from Barbu, S. et, al (2014) and Nirmala (2015).

Barbu, S. et, al (2014) conducted research about dialect maintenance. The title of his article is “The Maintenance of Regional Dialect: A Matter of Gender? Boys, but not Girls, use Local Varieties in Relation to Their Friends` Nativeness and Local Identity. The research was described by using questioner, the social network of 117 10-11 year old girls and boys living in the same restricted area. The aims of the study to understand how children and their peers contribution to the maintenance of regional dialect. The result of his study shows that boys produced the regional dialect more frequently when talking to native long-standing friends than non-native friends whatever their length of acquaintance.

The second research that related with this research comes from Nirmala (2015) with her journal with title “Javanese Cultural Words in Central Java as a Language Maintenance Model”. This study used non participant observation, page filling and note taking technique to collect the data. The result of her research shows that cultural words used or preserved in the local newspaper may automatically preserve not only Javanese cultural words but also Javanese cultural identities. The identity that may be conveyed is the identity of spiritual life of Javanese people, togetherness, and sociability.

From both article can be seen that peers of communicating contribute the maintenance and there are some benefit of maintaining regional dialect. These inspire the researcher to conduct the similar study. The researcher focused and decided on dialect maintenance by English Education Department students which come from outside Singraja.



3.1Research Design

This study was descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative descriptive research has aim to understand the phenomenon experienced by the subject that produced data in the form of qualitative description (printed / audio) about data observed (Sandelowski, 2000). This type of research is the most appropriate one since the researcher only described the reason of dialect maintenance that is performed by EED`s students which come from outside Singaraja.

3.2Setting of the Study

The setting of the study is Faculty of language and art Undiksha. The research took the campus of English Education Department as the setting of the study.

3.3Subject of the Study

The subjects of the study are the students of English Education Department which is came from outside Singaraja. The number of students used as samples were 20 EED`s students

3.4Object of the Study

The object of the study is dialect maintenance that is performed by some EED’s students who come from outside Singajara.

3.5Technique of Collecting Data

This study involves two techniques of data collection. The technique of data collection used are interview and observation.


Interview is the process of obtaining the data information by asking question and answered directly by the informant. The used of interview is to find out the information that is needed for this research. There are 6 questions which were asked to the informant about their reason in maintaining their regional dialect to communicate.


There are 3 types of observation according to McLeod (2015). They are: (1) controlled observation; (2) naturalistic observation; (3) participant observation. In this study the researcher conducted naturalistic observation which means the observation involves studying spontaneous behavior of participants in natural surrounding (McLeod, 2015). The researcher recorded social interaction of the EED`s students which come from outside Singaraja.

3.6Instrument of the Research

According to the technique that is used to collecting the data, there are two instrument that are used in this research. The instruments are as follows:

1.Interview Guideline

Interview guideline contain several questions to lead the informant give the information needed in this research.  Those questions were asked to 20 EED`s students which come from outside Singaraja about their reason in maintaining their regional dialect.

2.Human Instrument

The researcher play an important role in collecting the data because the researcher record the interview to find the data and observe the social interaction of 20 EED`s students to get the data about their dialect maintenance.

3.Hand Phone

Hand phone has feature to record voice. So in this study, the researcher used hand phone to record the interview. Hand phone used when the researcher doing interview with EED`s students who come from outside Singaraja.   

3.7Process of Data Collection

The process of data collection is follows several steps. The process are as follows:

1.Preparing the instrument

In this first steps the researcher preparing the instrument that is needed to collect the data from the informant. The instrument was an interview guideline which consist of several question that will lead the informant to give the information needed for this research. The questions were formulated in form of an open-ended question which require a complex answers, so the information obtained will be more details.

2.Selecting the informant

In this step the researcher selecting the informants that will used to obtain the data or information that is needed for this research. The criteria of the informant is that, the informants should came from the other city outside Singaraja. The researcher selected 20 students of English Education Department.

3.Investigating data by interview

In this step the researcher obtain the data and the information from the selected informants by using the data collection technique which has been mentioned before. Interview technique was chosen to gain detail information from the informant. The procedures was the researcher asked the informants based on the interview guideline provide before and record the interview by using hand phone. The researcher doing the interview in campus when the informants have leisure time.  

4.Investigating the data by observation

In this step the researcher obtain the data by observing the 20 EED`s students which already selected when they do interaction in campus with others students. The researcher record when they interact with others secretly to make them use their dialect naturally so the researcher get accurate data.


The next step is the researcher transcribes the audio recording into written text to help the researcher easy to analyze the data. Transcribing is needed to help the researcher in analyzing the dialect maintenance that is perform by EED`s students which come from outside Singaraja.

6.Collecting the data

This is the final steps of data collection. In this step the researcher collect the data which have been obtained from the informant and the result of observation in the previous step. The answers of each informants were varies and the answers of each questions were details enough to be used as the data which will be discussed in the discussion section.

3.8Process of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the process of data analysis will follows several steps. The steps are as follows (Miles and Huberman, 1984):

1.Data Reduction

In this step the researcher need to summarize, select the main point and focus on the important data and delete the data which is not important. The data that is found might be too much so data reduction is needed.  The result of data reduction will give clear illustration so the researcher will be easier to continue to the next step. This research only concerned with dialect maintenance so the other information that is not related with dialect maintenance will be removed.  

2.Data Display

The next step after data reduction is data display that is stated in particular form. In this study the data is displayed in the form of description. The result of interviewing the interviewees will be displayed in the description form. By using description make the data easier to be understood so the researcher can arrange the next plan based on what already understood.

3.Conclusion  drawing/ verification

The third step of data analysis is conclusion drawing and verification. In this step the researcher drew conclusion based on the analysis of the data to answer the research question.   

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