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Essay: The Role of Classification Systems in Natural and Human Sciences

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
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  • Words: 1,317 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)

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with reference to two areas of knowledge.

When we speak about classification systems, we are actually discussing our shared knowledge across several areas of knowledge. Classification of knowledge represents a set of rules used to organize data within the knowledge framework, and specifically the word ‘classification’ means the division of elements sharing similar qualities into distinct categories. The word ‘steer’ can be explained as providing the direction, the guidance and the goal to the ‘acquisition’. In classification of knowledge, we often have inherent biases, and these biases steer the acquisition of new knowledge. While the production of new knowledge may be incompatible with some parts of our existing classification systems, but on the whole, our classification systems are well-rounded and comprehensive enough to give direction and clarify new knowledge. Natural sciences and human sciences will be looked at in this essay as two areas of knowledge.

It is acknowledged that there are explicit classification systems in different fields of natural sciences. However, what role does classification systems play in natural sciences? And to what extent does our classification systems improve over time? The use of classification system is vital for every step forward in natural sciences. For instance, in biology, we have kingdoms and domains for classifications of animal species. Therefore, so many different animals can be classified and categorized specifically. As we all know, biologists often find new species or animals over a period of time. As a consequence, these animals need to be classified to a specific category. So, our kingdoms and domains for animal classification can be used and guide biologists to classify which kingdom or domain should this animal belong to.

Explicit classification systems are indispensable in areas of natural sciences, it not only helps scientists to identify existing substances or animals conveniently, but also guide our new scientific knowledge into groups. Our modern international taxonomic systems as an example, it changes over time when there are new species comes out. There were only 2 kingdoms at the start of the classification system, and nowadays we have 7 kingdoms in total. This represents that our ecosystem has grown hugely over this period of time. More and more new animals have been found and some animals also extinct from the ecosystem. Our technology has been developed and the world has changed as well, consequently new knowledge will come out over time.

Another example is classification systems in astronomy, as we know that planets outside the earth are also classified into groups, which is classification of solar systems. Astronomer identifies them using their locations, so there are inferior planets, outer planets and superior planets. As a result, scientists are clearer about the whole solar system by using this classification system. Then, when they find new planets within the solar system, they are able to identify them quickly using their locations. It will be challenging for them to identity new planets without the classification system since there is no guidance for scientists to classify them. Therefore, it is indispensable for scientist to have their own classification system in order to make progress more efficiently. Classification systems are not only used in biology and astronomy, but also many other fields of natural science, like chemistry, classify elements according to certain chemical function or structural properties. In consequence, with examples above, it is obvious that our existing classification assists our knowledge toward natural science become clearer and more well-structured.

Natural science is one of the fields that widely used classification systems, in human sciences, classification systems are also being used. While many people think that natural sciences use classification systems mostly, however in many areas of human sciences, classification systems also exist.

Even though some knowledge is difficult to be classified or categorized, some other perspectives can be applied and choose the most suitable one to classify them. Breaking complex concepts could gradually reduce our ambiguity towards things, sophisticated concepts can break into constituent basic concepts which can be broadly understood by different groups and disciplines.

Art is one of the areas of knowledge that is hard to be fully understood, however classification systems are able to help people get know more about it efficiently. Art can be presented in many different forms, such as, poetry, painting and so on. However, some artworks are vague towards its own category. Even though we put different art categories together, and identify them, we still cannot classify it right. However, if we put one extra classification determinant in the system, it will classify the object correctly. For example,

 Non-reproducible   Reproducible

1. Painting  1. Prose

2.   Sculpture  2. Poetry

3.  Collage  3.   Film

4.   Cartoon   4. Photography

5. Music 5.  Dance

The reproducible versus non- reproducible element distinct the whole classification, it helps people to identify artworks clearer, and classify them into the best suited category. These sub-categories can even be more specific if people still not sure about the classification of their artwork. For example, some paintings made from oil, water and so on which are non-reproducible, but some paintings are made in computers’ software, those painting can be reproduced. And then, people should add one more sub-category to the reproducible side. As a consequence, if something is hard to be classified or categorized, we can look at another perspective and see if it works better.

Since human sciences consists of a range of different subjects, the school usually classify it into psychology, economics and so on. Therefore, classification systems are used in our subject division as well. For instance, in our IB diploma programme, our subjects are divided into six different groups, and we need to choose one from each of them (or choose one from science group or humanity group instead of the arts). Consequently, students are aware the subject they choose belong to which group and be prepared to learn that subject. For human science, the IB organization divides them into 10 subjects, which are a variety of choices. This classification systems helps students to be clear about what they want to learn and know more about the subject itself before they start learning it. If the subject classification is not correct, it will cause student a lot of problems while they are studying. My friend in China as an example, he chose to do history at the start of year 11, because he really enjoyed studying history when he was in year 10. However, in the middle of year 11, he gave up doing history and chose to do economics instead. He said that the history he learned was not pure ‘history’, the history that his school teach also include some global politics elements. And my friend does not like politics at all, so he lost his motivation to do history. As mentioned above, classification represents the division of elements ‘sharing similar qualities’, consequently the classification system of subject in my friend’s school is wrong since politics and history are two different subjects.

With examples above, it is true that classification systems are essential for many different areas of knowledge in our society. It exists everywhere in our daily life and helps us to make choices. We have looked how classification systems are used in natural sciences and human sciences, and our classification systems have been improved over time. However, our classification systems need to be updated frequently since there are more and more new knowledge come out.

In conclusion, biases lead our classification systems to the correct pathway, therefore people will not be confused about knowledge they want to gain. And in my opinion, classification systems are able to give guidance to the acquisition of new knowledge. However, new knowledge can also help classification systems to improve itself. Existing classification systems will not be perfect forever, it is impossible that people group knowledge and classify them all without mistakes. The essence of classification systems can be found across many areas of knowledge, we will not have so many successful progresses in those areas without the huge help from our classification systems.

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