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Essay: Simple Harmonic Motion – lab report

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  • Subject area(s): Science essays
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 8 October 2015*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 833 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)

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Simple harmonic motion is a motion that repeats itself every time, and be constant movement vibration amplitude, fit the wheel with an offset from the body into balance and direction is always subject to the balance
This movement is described with a capacity of vibration (which is always positive) and the time the league (the time it takes the body to work full vibration) and frequency (number of vibrations per second) and finally phase, which determines where the movement began on the curve, and have both frequency and time constants league either vibration and phase capacity are identified by primary traffic conditions.
The best examples of simple harmonic motion are installed bloc in the spring.
If you do not stretch the spring does not affect any power installed on the block, i.e. the system is balanced and stable. When block away when the subject of stability or the balance spring will exert force to return it back to the original position.
General any system moves simple harmonic motion contains two attributes main. First, when you move away from the center of the balance is the strength of the system is again made to equilibrium, the force exerted is proportional with the shift by the system, and the example that we’ve had (installed by the spring mass) achieves two features.
Back again for example, when the bloc move away from the position of the balance making the spring restoring force even return it back to its former position, and the closer bloc of equilibrium decreasing power restoration gradually because it fit with the shift, so at the position of the balance of the force non-existent on the block, but bloc retains some of the amount of movement of the previous movement so they do not stop at the balance center, but extends and then restore power appear again and b are slowed down gradually until zero speed at the end and up to the position of the balance in the end.
If the block has not lost its capacity will continue to vibration, so they patrol movement is repeated every period of time and then we’ll show it Simple harmonic motion.
Apparatus and Experimental Procedure:
1: Rectangular beam clamped one one end and free on the other
2: Spring attached to the free end of the beam
3: Dashpot (an oil-filled cylinder with a piston)
4: Chard recorder (a slowly rotation drum with a paper roll moving at constant speed)
5: A felt-tipped pen attached to the end of the beam
6: Speed control unit (controls the turning speed of the chart recorder)
7: A ruler
8: A stopwatch
9: Small weights Keeping the paper taut
Now we start to switch the speed control on, vibrate the beam and start the chard to turn after we make sure that the weight it catch the chard strongly and the recording pen is touching the chard. Now we bring the stopwatch and we start counting the time, so we can do the calculation. We repeat this experiment 2-3 time after that we stop recording and start to calculate the result.
Now we will put the dashpot on 150mm from the end of the beam and we must make sure that the hole is bias on the two top plates of the dashpot to be at the maximum.
Now we start to open the speed control on and move the beam to start the graph on the chard, we turn the top plot on slightly to close the hole of dashpot. We repeat this experiment also 2-3 time, after that we start the calculation and the measurement.
Each of the reasons for errors
A- Timing the oscillation (start and stop) human reaction time error
B- Measurement error
C- Error for parallax
D- Pend casing extra damping
Calculation and Result:
S/n Total length measured Number of oscillation between measured length Average wavelength of one oscillation Calculated speed Time of one oscillation (T) Frequency (F)
1 15 5 3 14.50 0.20 5
2 14.73 5 2.94 14.50 0.20 5
3 14.73 5 2.94 14.50 0.20 5
V= length (m) / time (s)
V= 45.10 / 3.11 = 14.5
?? = ln A0 / A1
Holes open fully Holes open partially
Reading Period T(s) Frequency f (Hz) A0 (mm) A1 (mm) Log dec A0 (mm) A1 (mm) Log dec
1 0.20 5 20.54 17.57 0.156 19 13.45 0.34
2 0.20 5 21.82 17.98 0.19 19.57 13.57 0.36
3 0.20 5 21.30 17.73 0.18 19.05 13.57 0.33
Average 0.20 5 21.20 17.76 0.173 19.19 13.53 0.34
Effects the spring constant and the mass of the oscillator have on the characteristics of the motion of the mass. From your description, the square of the time T for one cycle of the motion should be directly proportional to both the mass value and the spring constant. That is, if the mass is doubled, T squared should double. If the mass is tripled, t squared should triple also. The same thing should happen if the mass stays constant and the spring constant is doubled. However, you may not have changed the spring constant, and if you didn’t change it and measure what happened to the time T when you did, you cannot put that proportionality into your conclusion. Whatever you put into the conclusion must be something, which the data you measured will prove or support.

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Essay Sauce, Simple Harmonic Motion – lab report. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/science-essays/essay-simple-harmonic-motion-lab-report/> [Accessed 07-02-25].

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