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Essay: Explore Abnormal Psychology & Mental Health: Causes & Treatment

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 25 February 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 908 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Essays on mental health

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Psychological Disorders

Every human being understands what mental health or abnormal behavior is. However, these disorders are not classified in the same way in all cultures since they are culturally conditioned both throughout history and in each specific cultural situation. People who exhibit such behaviors are considered to be "rare individuals" with tastes and behaviors that are far from normal. Abnormal behavior is the study of abnormal psychology, which is an area of ​​psychology that focuses on maladaptive behavior, its etiology, consequences, and treatment. Whomever breaks with the normal every day is labeled as abnormal, as it is breaking with the rules, laws and good manners of society. There are several types of behavior, for example, criminal, eccentric or bipolar behavior.

Abnormal behavior is the result of an inability to manage stress effectively. In many cases, this is considered normal behavior to the individual who respects a certain order, the most widespread order in a society and transmitted from generation to generation in various ways and in its essential principles. With consecutive moments, the so-called "crazy" are not alienated but are integrated into society as crazy. "Abnormal behavior is one that violates social norms and constitutes a threat or produces anxiety in those who observe it" (Davison, 2002). It is considered that something is abnormal because it happens infrequently: it deviates from the norm. A person's behavior is abnormal if it violates social norms (Barlow & Durand, 2001). Sue & Sue (1994) agree they are since they refer that the abnormality is defined in terms of "those behaviors that occur less frequently". Likewise, abnormal behavior is understood as "that which deviates from some norm and which harms the affected individual or others" (Sue & Sue, 1994).

Abnormal behaviors are classified into two categories. One of them is criminal behavior which violates not only cultural norms but also violates laws. This behavior involves criminal acts punishable by law such as robberies, assaults with weapons, sexual violations and murders. The second category includes types of abnormal behaviors that violate the rules of society but are not illegal acts. Eccentric behavior is not about bringing great consequences to third parties, nor does it harm the life of any human being. Most of the time these behaviors are considered abnormal because they are outside of social norms. People who practice such behaviors are considered "rare individuals" with behaviors and tastes that are not normal.

"The concept of mental health is deduced from the very conditions of human existence, and is the same for a man of all ages and cultures. Mental health is characterized by the capacity to love and create, for the liberation of the incestuous links with the clan and the soil, by a feeling of identity-based on the feeling of oneself as the subject and agent of one's own capacities, by the capture of the reality inside and outside of us, that is, by the development of objectivity and reason "(Fromm, 1956). The behavior depends on the particular vulnerabilities, abilities, and concerns of the person experiencing the particular set of conditions. It can be considered that these conditions and the characteristics of the person interact or combine to result in a special product, the behavior of the individual. The fact that the behavior is adaptive or maladaptive depends on the personal characteristics of the individual and the characteristics of the social environment. In addition to having an influence on the final behavior, personal and environmental factors can also influence each other (Sarason & Sarason, 1996).

The factors that influence mental health are psychological, biological, and social. When a biological agent is influencing the mental health of the individual, it is automatically breaking into their psychic structure where the subject creates irrational and stupid ideas that will result in the unchaining of abnormal and deviant behavioral manifestations. On the other hand, when nothing else play social factors as stressors, these will gradually poison the psychic structure of the individual, filling it with resentment, generating in it, irrational and stupid ideas according to their life experiences, where they will trigger abnormal behavior that is misplaced, projected and displaced in society.

Mental health can depend on us having harmony in our lives, respecting good values ​​and norms to preserve the common good. On the contrary, if we manifest maladaptive and alienated behavior, we will break the harmony of the mental health of individuals and our society, obtaining as a response the appearance of abnormal behavior. And in this way, the intentions to preserve a good mental equilibrium will come down, as every day the number of people who join the category of abnormal and deviant is gradually and radically growing, where it becomes more difficult, this fight for mental health and normality. As reflects Sarason & Sarason in their article on 1996, the crisis parade is, in essence," a psychological problem, and its solution a problem of psychotherapy and psychopedagogy." If society adjusts some secondary details of its socio-economic structure and man are educated in love and creative work ensuring their link with their contemporaries through the expansion of their authentic self, the crisis of contemporary society is resolved. Mental health is reflected in a framework that is structured by the behavior of the human being and the structure of his inner balance. The human being depends basically on his ability to achieve the proper functioning of his system in the social environment in which he is born, develops and dies, achieving a harmonious balance of his effective, intellectual, and conative functions.

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