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Essay: History of Terrorism: From 1900s to 9/11 and Beyond

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
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  • Published: 23 February 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
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  • Words: 1,000 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Terrorism essays

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 Terrorism started in the 1900s for the use of protesting and creating terror around them in order to manage  a considerable goal. Many organizations are stationed all over the world like some in United States, some in Africa, and others around the middle eastern.  Some common events that happened involving terrorism is the 9/11 attack on the twin towers in New York City or the recent event in Africa.The history with civilians gets terrorized by terrorists and this caused fear around the community involving their safety. The act of terrorism comes from making violence through protesting and rising political debates involving issues concerning religious, political and on a common goal. Before the reign of terror, a terrorist group known as the Sicarii raised terror around the Roman community and caused destruction that turned into a Jewish and the Romans war.Terrorism was noticed by the United States when Maximilien Robespierre murdered numerous  of enemies during the french Revolution. During the french revolution, they classified terrorist and terrorism as “reign of terror”.  Maximilien Robespierre created dictatorship and cutted out monarchy to having liberal democracy. Maximilien gave others around him courage to cause violence in order to get their point across and if so they will cause chaos around them.

Terrorism being a concerning topic, there are different types like political, domestic/international and others. One event that provided a domestic issue and yet a national issue was the 1974 Munich Olympics. An group called Black September organized a kidnapping of Israeli athletes and had them killed for exchange of pursuing the German government to release their people and head leader. Black september changed the concept of terrorism and terrorist to “The terms counterterrorism and international terrorism formally entered the washington political lexicon”(Naftali 85).  

Till this day, many organizations recruit the weak to be involved with their organization. Some organizations in the middle eastern has men who on standby to carry out their dirty work or job. We have to realize that multiple  countries has the “rise of a bureaucratic state, which could not be destroyed by the death of one leader that forced terrorists to widen their scope of targets in order to create a public atmosphere of anxiety and undermine confidence in government”.

One organization in particular that I want to talk about and that has created an atmosphere of fear and became their own force and built their structure named the taliban. The taliban are a popular friction that exist since the late 1900s. This friction came right after the war ending and the government collapsing soon after this war ended. The Taliban is known for spreading terror around their region of Afghanistan due to their strict beliefs and expressing them by violence and gather a stronger organization over the years since 9.11.

The organization was founded by Mullah Hibatullah Akhunzada, Mullah Omar and Mullah Akhtar Mansour. The taliban has a strong belief and policy system install that includes having the opposite sex hidden and force them to leave their jobs and schools to serve their husbands at home. They also enforced higher punishments for any member or citizen that disobey will be punished for the crime that they committed.

Their main goal was to bring order back around their region after the cold war happened.  In offers to bring order back, the bought terror and violence to bring people to their knees and make them surrender. They made direction from starting to Afghanistan and spreading all over the middle east. These members are so ruthless that they will bring harm towards their families if they disobey their commands. The ways that taliban promotes their goal are often times issuing punishment if anyone steps out of line and start to eliminate other possible threats that prevent them from gaining more order. A recent incident that happened was when the taliban murdered a teenage girl who was walking down the street from school. Her name was Malala Yousafzai who spoke out about the violence and terror happening in her region called Mingora. Many viewed this murder differently than others but, Malala was a iconic figure who has courage against the taliban.

The Taliban joined forces with an AL-Qaeda leader named Osama Bin Laden. Osama bin Laden was from Saudi Arabia who has motives to manage many attacks towards the United States. On September 11,2001, the bombing that occurred between the World Trade Center, The pentagon and the airplanes that the group took control over. Millions of Americans citizens died or killed on both airplanes and the collapse of the World Trade Center. This attack has been the deadliest attack that happened on American Soil. After the 9/11, President Barack Obama issues “the health and compensation Act” that will be open for the deaths of firefighters and police officers who died from working under the conditions during the aftermath due to the smoke clouds.  

After the United States eliminated their head leaders by drone strikes and other followers died shortly after, the Taliban was weakened with no motivation or leader to lead this organization to any more destruction. They regrouped and gather even more followers for their army and became stronger.

The Pashtun movement helped the Taliban to emerged with one motive to help restore and secure protection around the region. This movement helped the Taliban to help create their own laws with large amount of power and the bigger the followers became after the death of former leaders. Within their movement and organization, they are still heavily influenced by the religious schools called Madrassas. Some countries stand behind their beliefs and protests like the Saudi Arabia and other known countries surrounding Pakistan.

To conclude , Terrorism is everywhere and there are numerous organizations that are listed as terrorist groups. Many states support these organizations like Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and many others. Many groups get weapons and items from the off grid black market like rifles and big machine guns. These groups served their violence through getting justice from the worse of the worse

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