Climate change directly impacts terrorism on a transnational level

 Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, “You can never win a war against terror as long as there are conditions in the world that make people desperate — poverty, disease, ignorance.”  Climate change is indisputably correlated to a rise in terrorism. Climate change, a shift in overall temperature of the Earth, directly impacts terrorism in a … Read more

Discover JMB: Terrorist Group Operating Behind The Scenes, Growing Menace to Bangladesh and Beyond.

 Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen (JMB) Is an indigenous terrorist group founded in 1998. JMB is committed to establishing an Islamic state in Bangladesh through violence. The group’s main mission is to replace the government of Bangladesh with an Islamic state based on sharia law. Their first known attack was in May 2001. They’ve used many bombings to … Read more

9/11 Attack and War on Terror: Increased National Security and U.S. Actions Since 2001.

 CJ Onelli Ms.Porter U.S History 11 November 29, 2017 National Security and The War on Terror What occurred in Lower Manhattan and Washington D.C. on September 11th, 2001 will be a day forever remembered in history. The terrorist group, Al Qaeda was led by Osama Bin Laden trained and recruited several terrorists in order … Read more

Combatting Terrorism: US Policies, Strategies, and Effects

 Terrorism: A Major International Threat Terrorism is a major international issue in today's global society. Many states are affected, whether indirectly or directly. While most of those states oppose terrorism, others excuse or even support active, ruthless terrorism and terrorist groups. While there is no universal agreement on a definition, Terrorism, defined by the … Read more

9/11 Terror Attack: Remembering The Deeds of Al Qaeda & Osama Bin Laden

To begin, on September 11, 2001 around 8:45am a terrorist attack against America would change all American’s life’s forever. Prior to this time 19 Militants from a known terrorist group named al- Qaeda hijacked four American Airline’s Boeing 767 airplanes. One plane landed in a field in Pennsylvania and another crashed into the Pentagon in … Read more

Operation Cyclone: Shedding Light on US Ignorance of the Strengths of the Jihadist Movement

 Operation Cyclone was an instrument of US Foreign policy used to push soviet expansionism out of Afghanistan and to protect Western interests in the gulf. The funding and provision of arms allocated under the Carter and Raegan administrations was typical ‘shotgun destabilisation’ whereby the United States funded anyone who had a group- in this … Read more

Exploring National Security After 9/11: Balancing Human & Civil Rights With Safety

  Sarah Huckabee Sanders once said, "Let's talk about national security. That's what's keeping most Americans up at night."  After the traumatic terrorist attacks of 9/11, which impacted a whole nation physically, socially, and economically,  all Americans could think about was their safety. The United States of America never saw this attack coming as nothing … Read more

How 9/11 Changed US: Airport Security, Laws, & Islamophobia

 Josephine D’Aquino Paper 2 Modern American History 11/26/2018 How 9/11 Changed America Before September 11th, 2001, airport security wasn’t as strict as it is today. Today we have to take off our shoes, there are limitations to the sizes of shampoo we can bring on airplanes and we can’t travel without going through security … Read more

Terrorists Attack the U.S. – Eyewitness Accounts, Historical Context, and After Effects

 9.11.01 Terrorists attack on the U.S. by Patrick Lalley. Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers.  Austin, Texas, 2002.  44 pages. Reviewed by Jasmine Powell. The terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, is a topic that is near and dear to me because I was just 5 years old when this tragedy happened.  On … Read more

Remembering 9/11: US Politics Post-al-Qaeda Twin Tower Tragedy Unavailable

 September 11, 2001 was one of the most devastating days in United States history that continues to haunt the nation. On that fatal day, four commercial airplanes were hijacked by an Islamic extremist group named al-Qaeda and crashed into the Pentagon and World Trade Center. Many people woke up that tragic morning with no … Read more

Exposing Western Media’s Lie: Unmasking Third-World Terrorists and Yellow Journalism

 The Opinion Blog Western Media and it’s obsession with masking third-world terrorists  
 Last week, Pakistan-based militants decided to pay India a visit for the second time this year by attacking our army camps. As an Indian, I have grown tired of watching our brothers lose their lives over senseless attacks. The Uri … Read more

George W. Bush’s War with Iraq After 9/11: Understanding the Doctrine of Preemptive War

 Essay two   Within nineteen months after 9/11, an attack which left America shaken, George W. Bush decided to go to war against Iraq. After the tragic terror attack on the World Trade Center, America felt vulnerable as it had never felt before.  At the time, people could scarcely believe that an attack of … Read more

Shedding Light on Human Rights Violations: Guantanamo Bay & Other Inter. Black Sites

 Guantanamo Bay and International Black Sites: The Legal Human Rights Violation Sites Introduction The land of the free and the brave, a nation that blacks out documents to the point of being incomprehensible in a court of law, the land in which a prisoner can be held without official charges for an indefinite amount … Read more

9/11: Conspiracy Theory or Inside Job? Exploring Theories and Explanations

 The events that took place on September 11th, 2001, were some of the most egregious tragedies to ever occur on American soil. On this day, nineteen extremists from the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out attacks on multiple locations within the United States. Two of the planes were flown into … Read more

Ban on Burqas in Europe: Balancing Public Safety with Religious Freedom?

 Across the European Union, several countries have completely banned the covering of the face in public places or have at least put a partial ban in place. Although these bans include any type of garment or headwear that conceals the face, this topic has become a more pressing problem, with international attention, because the … Read more

Terrorism – definition, evolution & root causes

Defining Terrorism The term terrorism is mired in a definitional quagmire. Although several definitions have been postulated by experts, policy makers and security agencies; no consensus has been reached. This lack of definition has rendered the term an “opportunistic appropriation” (Saul, 2008, P. 3); and an “essentially contested concept” – “concepts the proper use of … Read more

The normal criminal justice system should be used for countering terrorism

In 2000, The Terrorism Act was introduced to remedy problems of increased terrorism. In this Act “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where– (a) the action falls within subsection (2)….. (5) In this Act a reference to action taken for the purposes of terrorism includes a reference to action taken for the benefit … Read more

The changing image of and support for the IRA

Directly after Bloody Sunday, the narrative of victimhood emerged in the nationalist movement, emphasizing the lives lost during the march and the bloodshed caused by the British army. That was one of the pivotal events that created a cycle of violence between the unionists and nationalists, especially with the resurgence of the IRA. However, despite … Read more

9/11 fear and distrust

In popular media, the portrayal and aftermath of 9/11 resulted in stories and documentaries depicting people distrusting “the other” and even their own governments. After 9/11, many people felt paranoid that intruders from other countries would continue to bring war on US soil. This prompted many US citizens to sign-up for the draft and fight … Read more

State support of terrorism as a foreign policy strategy

Once considered a tool of extremists and radical groups, terrorism has grown to be accepted, supported and used by some states as a legitimate foreign policy strategy. While there is a plethora of reasons why states may turn to terrorism as a means of achieving their goals, much of the reasoning behind state and state-sponsored … Read more


The definition of the term ‘terrorism’ has fuelled a major debate for scholars who deem the work to have alternative meanings as the definition of the work differs considerably depending on the context and the producer of the text it is used in. Nevertheless, for the purpose of this essay, Terrorism is the unlawful use … Read more

Forms of terrorism – definitions, causes, impact

Forms of terrorism have been prominent throughout history dating back to the eleventh century and farther in order to change the flow of politics by the use of extreme violence such as destruction, persecution, and assassinations. Even in our modern times the same ideology is relevant, however, terrorism has been exponentially radicalized creating even more … Read more

A critical review of Contemporary Terrorism and the War on Terror (Colin Wight)

A critical review of Contemporary Terrorism and the War on Terror”, chapter 8 of Colin Wight, Rethinking Terrorism: Terrorism, Violence and the State, (London, Macmillan Palgrave, 2015) pp. 193-220. Colin Wight begins by defining terrorism, in particular the he focuses on Islamic terrorism and specifically Al Qaeda’s history and modus operandi  The author states defining … Read more

Importance of International Humanitarian Law in armed conflict regarding terrorism

Chapter one 1.0. Background of study Terrorism is no more a new occurrence is the world but systematic tool to inflict terror and vulnerability in a society with the motive of achieving political objectives. It majorly attracts attention through frightening of people and ones this becomes successful, there would definitely be a significant human and … Read more

How effective is Guantanamo Bay as a method of counter-terrorism for the US?

This essay aims to assess the issues surrounding the US detention centre in Guantanamo Bay and whether or not it has been successful as a method of counter-terrorism or simply a huge failure and a black stain on US history (Cohen, 2015).  There have been various investigations into the validity of Guantanamo. From the sources … Read more

Definition of terrorism and overuse of the ‘terrorist’ rhetoric

The turn of the century has seen the rise of ‘terrorism’ as one of the most pressing domestic and global political struggles. Terrorism is a multi-faceted, unpredictable and seemingly undefinable entity, thus making it’s preventing and understanding a costly and difficult burden. In this essay, I will make certain points clear; firstly, our inability to … Read more

Criminal and terrorism overlaps & the potential for future crime-terror nexuses

Throughout history, terrorist groups have adapted their techniques and tactics to achieve desired goals. These terrorist organizations have complemented traditional terrorist methodologies with evolving infrastructures, operations, and economic activity borrowed from the criminal world. Practitioners have slowly acknowledged the organized crime and terror crossover, first identified by academics, in the real-world operations. Though academics and … Read more

UK and the Netherlands counter-terrorism measures

As members of the European Union, the UK and the Netherlands have focused on many similar aspects in their preventive counter-terrorism measures as responses to home-grown terrorism. In general, nearly all European states adopt the same approach to preventive counter-terrorism policies due to similar cultural base, so their policies are based on a “narrow and … Read more

Al-Qaeda & foreign policy of the USA against terrorism – theory of realism

Introduction Al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack was a turning point for the US in its fight against terrorism. The attack took place on US soil and was the most horrific attack by the terrorist groups. Thousands of people died as a result of the attack. He felt that it was more necessary to use direct military intervention … Read more

Terrorism in autocracy

Terrorism in autocracy, differences between single-party and multi-party rule; a Chinese-Russian comparison. Abstract Taking the People’s Republic of China (Hereafter PRC) and the Russia Federation (Hereafter RF) as examples of single-party rule and multi-party rule respectively this essay will explore the effects of authoritarian regime type in reducing and deterring terrorism. By examining the theoretical … Read more

Risk assessment of socio-economic structure of Pakistan due to terrorism

Abstract The Govt. policies in Soviet-Afghan war led to influx of militant groups (Mujahidin) in our country and our status as frontline ally of US in war against terrorism triggered these militant groups (Mujahidin) to inflame militancy and violence in our country. As a developing nation terrorism is affecting adversely the social and economic structure … Read more

Terrorism today and ISIS

When we turn on our television or when we flick through the pages of a newspaper, one of the things that very often catches our attention are the Terrorist attacks which take place pretty much everyday all over the world. As long as we talk about a violent action that could be seen as wrong … Read more


From ancient times, terrorism—random and systematic intimidation, coercion, repression, and destruction of human lives and property—is used by groups and states as an instrument of psychological and physical violence in the struggle for power within and among nations. The misuse of viciousness by both powerless and strong actors looking to progress practical or nonexistent political, … Read more

Causes of terrorism

The absence of a situation cannot exist as a known opposite to the situation. An absence of off light is darkness. There could not have been an opposite because light can be measured by its intensity while darkness cannot be measured. This idea can be applied to an absence of good is bad and an … Read more


Background to the Study Ideology is a powerful message that motivates and propels ordinary human beings into action. Ideology, a dynamic and an evolving brief system, is created by the interpretation of events by ideologues. Ideology, not poverty or illiteracy, is the key driver of politically motivated violence. Ideology frames organizational structure, leadership and membership … Read more

Terrorism and the law

While trying to state the objectives of terrorism, it is import to separate the old time terrorism from the newest generation terrorism. Terrorist groups with secular ideology and non-religious affiliations must not be put alongside with religiously oriented and millenarian groups even though the ‘newest’ terrorism group have religious inclination which makes them similar to … Read more

International law and terrorism

Introduction Spain, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey and now also Belgium and France are one of the countries who are victims of horrifying terrorist attacks. Terrorism used to be sporadic, however, during the years 2013-2016, terrorist attacks evolved into systematic attacks. Terrorism is not only a national crime, but also, a crime of international concern, … Read more

New media and terrorism

The new form of media available on online web services or in other words the internet media is known as new media. New media consists of various webs services such as social networking sites, online data, search engines, blogs, video games, e-mail etc. Most of the technologies described as new media are generally digital, which often … Read more

The EU-US counter-terrorism cooperation


After the attacks on 9/11 both the European Union and the United States of America realised that something had to change. “One of the EU’s top priorities on the agenda after 9/11 was to enhance cooperation with the United States” (Grajny, 2008, p. 7). This chapter will analyse the EU-US counter-terrorism cooperation. Therefore, the second sub question of this thesis is:
2. What does the cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism between the European Union (and more specifically Europol) and the United States of America (and more specifically the FBI) look like?

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Understanding insurgency vis-a-vis terrorism and conflicts

Internal conflicts contain intrastate wars, where all violence is confined within the country’s borders. Such conflicts typically concern opposition groups fighting for territory or political rights. They stressed that, internal conflict can erupt within ethnic groups with opposing interests. Conflict is ‘‘internal’’ when it take account of the home-based government and internal resistant groups; conflict … Read more

Human Intelligence in Federal Terrorism Cases

Abstract The September 11th attacks changed everything. Domestic policy alterations were among the most significant changes after 9/11. Specifically, the 2002 Ashcroft Attorney General Guidelines and the 2008 Mukasey Attorney General Guidelines were at the forefront of post 9/11 policy changes. These Attorney General Guidelines changed the way the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigated … Read more

Nuclear Terrorism

Success in preventing nuclear terrorism requires numerous actions across a wide array of fronts. A multilayered defense strategy provides a comprehensive and balanced approach to stopping nuclear terrorism. Such a strategy involves disrupting and destroying terrorist cells, blocking terrorists from the sources of nuclear weapons and weapons-usable materials, developing and deploying radiation detection equipment, and … Read more

Counterterrorism and weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

Abstract Counterterrorism is the prime goal of the US national security; especially deterring any form of use of WMD within the US. This is because United States is facing many threats of WMD from terrorists and rogue states. Thus, this article discusses weapons of mass destruction, the historical utilization of the WMD by terrorists within … Read more

America's Preparedness and Vulnerability to Chemical and Biological Terrorism

Counterterrorism is the prime goal of the US national security; especially deterring any form of use of WMD within the US. This is because United States is facing many threats of WMD from terrorists and rogue states. Thus, this article discusses weapons of mass destruction, the historical utilization of the WMD by terrorists within the … Read more

Terrorism and the IRA

Since the start of 1974, the military armed wing of the Northern Irish political group Sinn Fein called the Irish Republican Army (IRA) had caused a terror outbreak in Northern Ireland against the dominant United Kingdom by using bombs as a traditional means of intimidating the British Loyalists. The IRA claimed to use these methods … Read more

What challenges are posed by international terrorism to democracy?

One man’s terrorist, they say, is another’s freedom fighter. Terrorism is a global phenomenon that is complicated to define and explain. It is a matter of varying perceptions. A Palestinian who took up arms against Israeli occupation is deemed a freedom fighter in the Palestinian circles but from the frame of reference of an Israeli, he is a terrorist. In the global arena, terrorism has posed a number of challenges to democracy. These include; weak civilian institutions, corruption, incompetence, insurgency and last but not the least, death and destruction.

Investigating terrorism

The paper discusses the role of the investigating task force in relation to terrorism. It describes the three types of undercover operations involved together with the equipment coverage applied. Extremism and its three facets are also explained, differentiating it from terrorism. Finally, it briefly describes the four basic approaches that are used in investigating terrorist groups.

Writing essays on terrorism

Terrorism is an age-old problem that exists in many countries around the world. It is a topic of considerable interest as it has a direct impact on global security, politics, and economics. The vast amount of literature on terrorism, as well as the complexity of the issue itself, make it a popular essay topic.

Essays on terrorism should start by discussing what terrorism is and the various forms it can take. Terrorism can be defined as the use of force or violence against persons or property for the purpose of achieving a political, ideological, or religious goal. It is important to note that terrorism can take many forms, such as bombings, hijackings, kidnappings, and assassinations. It is also important to note that terrorism is not limited to one particular group or ideology, as it can be committed by individuals, organizations, or governments.

When discussing terrorism, it is important to consider the causes, motives, and goals of those who commit such acts. For example, those who commit terrorism may be motivated by political, religious, ideological, or economic reasons. It is also important to consider the factors that may lead to the radicalization of individuals or groups, such as poverty, alienation, and political repression.

Essays on terrorism should consider how terrorism affects society and how society responds to terrorism. It is important to note that terrorism has a direct impact on the lives of victims, their families, and even entire communities. It is also important to consider how terrorism affects the economy, politics, and security of countries.

Finally, essays on terrorism should consider the various strategies that can be used to combat terrorism. This includes strategies such as military intervention, diplomatic efforts, economic sanctions, and intelligence gathering. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to combating terrorism, as each situation requires a tailored approach based on an understanding of the context and goals of the terrorist group.