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Essay: Embrace Humanity's Future: A Transhuman Exploration w/ Elon Musk

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 26 February 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,189 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: Tesla essays

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Much of the Human identity is based on the unique and amazing power of the human brain. That’s why A.I.’s encroaching on that domain, scares so many It’s already easy to envision a doom and gloom future and the idea that we may no longer be the smartest, only adds to that fear. Couple that with the singularity occurring, and we may be left so far back behind, that it’ll be laughable that we were once the smartest beings on this planet. But that doesn’t have to be our future. There is an alternative path we can take, that myself and our great overlord Elon Musk are going to try to convince on. That Path is A Transhuman Future. Elon Musk warns that A.I.’s will soon make humans irrelevant if nothing is done. One of the big reasons is an input/output issue. We posses the ability to take in information & process information in a much faster and robust way, compared to outputting said information. Our eyes and brain work faster than our mouths and hands can. Computer systems don’t have these issues, and as such computer systems can communicate at trillions of bits per second while humans are confined to about 10 bits per second Elon proposes going about fixing this issue with a neural lace, a sort of mesh that forms a third layer above the limbic system and the cortex. Signals would be picked up and transmitted wirelessly thus allowing it to interact with brain activity, but not interfere with it. This mesh would allow us to increase our output by removing the output bottleneck. Instead of composing a text with your thumbs you would be able to send a text with your mind. Mind texting isn’t the only benefit of the Elon lace. The neural lace would also allow us to live more symbiotically with A.I.’s, instead of having to compete with A.I.’s, A.I.’s would be used to augment human ability. In the long-term it’s likely that there will need a more robust fusion of humans and machines in order to remain relevant, as we approach the singularity even a human brain boosted with a neural lace would be much too slow The Singularity is the point at which we build A.I.’s so powerful, that they in turn will be able to create an A.I. smarter than themselves. This Smarter A.I. will then create an even Smarter A.I. which will create an even smarter A.I. and onward. The real kicker here, is the speed at which this will occur. Time is relative and as computational processes get better and better, it will be possible for A.I.’s to do what seems like thousands of years of work in mere minutes. In the most conservative situation the difference in the intellect between the endgame A.I.’s and current Humans will be the difference in intelligence between a human and housecat. Things that come fairly easily to humans, are incomprehensible to housecats, and with these A.I.’s it’ll be no different. Unless we continue to grow with the A.I’s we will be left at the whim of this new apex being, and we can only hope that they will treat us as kindly as we treat our cats. There are of course ways we can go about bettering our chances that A.I.’s will be beneficial to humanity, but that’s a topic for a different video. It’s important to note that even if we fully merge with machines, we may still be left behind in the singularity. Even if the A.I.’s have our best interests in mind, it’ll likely not be resource efficient to continually upgrade us, and as such they may decide that the best long term decision would be to advance without us. However at the very least transhumanism will allow us to live symbiotically with A.I.’s and solve many of the limitations of the human existence. In fact some of us have already started merging with machines in the way of mechanical limbs. While augmented organs don’t seem near, fully functional augmented limbs are in our near future. Not only can augmentation lead to less risk of injury ,it can also be great for restoring quality of life to individuals who have either lost functionality of their limbs due to genetic reasons, accidents, and even the disease that affects everyone, aging. Not only will transhumanism help us overcome our mental limitations, it will also help us overcome our physical limitations. Even for those that don’t want to live forever, I think most people would enjoy spending their final years not being confined to places only accessible by a walker. But what about the possibility of being hacked? Well that certainly is a concern. I am not a cyber security expert, nor is it really possible to know the security gaps in future augmentation systems, but it is a real possibility that these systems run the chance of being hackable . However organic brains are just as hackable, with an off switch to consciousness being discovered in 2014, and recently, scientists discovered a proof of principle that memories can be erased as well. It is only a matter of time till a country or an individual weaponizes brain manipulation, and unlike machines, upgrading the software & hardware of the organic brain will likely be much harder. Perhaps the best system would be a mix of organic and machine systems , that way when one system is attacked the other can carry the weight until the other system is restored, but we won’t really know until the time has come. All this may be very scary, and don’t worry that response is natural. For the first time in human history, humans may lose our spot as the most intelligent beings on Earth. It’s only normal to have reservations on how we should proceed. However the only wrong step we can make is to not move forward, because if we do not move forward due to our reservations, someone else without those reservations will. We’ll likely make many mistakes on the way, some may be even be catastrophic, but hopefully we’ll do what humans do best and adapt. Thanks for watching! A few things before you go, First, If you haven’t played it already, and you're down with futuristic FPS’s, I’d recommend Deus Ex; Human Revolution. It’s a great game that covers transhumanism and many of the themes I covered in this video. It’s a little outdated and a little slow to pick up, but once it picked up I couldn’t put it down til I finished it. Second, if you haven’t seen all their stuff already, kurzgesagt is a awesome youtube channel with some awesome videos, and if you’re looking for a video to start with I’d recommend their video on CRISPR. Lastly, Thanks again, see ya.

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