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Essay: The Life-Changing Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 26 February 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,063 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: World War II

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History is unique in the sense that it allows for the present to be aware of how humanity came to be. Throughout the past there are life changing decisions that have a greater impact that what can just be a momentary consequence. And no matter what humanity chooses; the past is always captivated and altered with a variety point of views. The Nuclear bomb on Hiroshima being one of them. This bomb was the life changing decision in the end to a drastic war. Although it ended the World War II it began a brand new war against humanity itself.  

By August of 1945, Japan was at loss in World War II. Both the United States and Japan knew it. How long would it be, however, before Japan surrendered?  Japan was split between surrender or fighting to the end. Japan decided to fight. Halfway through the month of July of 1945; President Harry S Truman had been noted that the test of the atomic bomb was a green light. “The most terrible bomb in the history of the world.” President Truman stated after being confirmed of the green light of this disastrous bomb. “Thousands of hours of research and development as well as billions of dollars had contributed to its production.” This was not a theoretical research project. Its creation was meant to be obsolete, kill, and destroy on command within a massive scale. As president, Harry Truman’s decision was life changing for millions and it was in his hands if the weapon would be used in order to end the war. “It is an awful responsibility that has come to us,” the president stated. Till this day people ask if there were other alternatives to the bomb. In detail, I believe Harry S Truman had three alternatives; to keep conventional bombing of Japanese cities, to invade Japan, or to alter and illuminate the bomb on an unpopulated island near Japan to establish fear and power.

In addition, Secretary of War, Stimson, believed that the atomic bomb was a faster way to alter the war and speed things up. For example, in “Hiroshima: Why America dropped the Atomic Bomb” Truman states that, “at least as much concerned with the role of the atomic bomb in the shaping of history as in its capacity to shorten the war.”(7) Stimson’s persuasion towards President Truman worked. The damage was done and the influence of the decision was vital. The dropping of the bomb was now a message with political deaths and aftermaths. However, within the messages many say that hostility was a priority. The hostility towards Russia. For example, Secretary of state Byrnes calculated that “our possession and demonstrating of the bomb would make Russia more manageable in Europe.” (11) The power was in the mind of the United States and this weapon was a statement towards them running for the gain of that power.

Today people ask themselves if there were other alternatives or options besides the bombing on Hiroshima. Even though that topic will forever be up for debate many have concrete options and the following three are some that humanity believes President Truman had at his deposition.  

First was to get Conventional Bombing of the Japanese Home Islands. Meaning that the United States began simultaneous conventional bombing of Japan as early as 1942. However, the mission did not take place until around the middle of 1944.  Between April of 1944 and August of 1945, there was an estimate of 340,000 Japanese people that were killed and about 470,000 more wounded in air combat. A single firebombing attack on Tokyo in March 1945 killed more than 80,000 people. Truman later stated, “Despite their heavy losses at Okinawa and the firebombing of Tokyo, the Japanese refused to surrender.  The saturation bombing of Japan took much fiercer tolls and wrought far and away more havoc than the atomic bomb. Far and away. The firebombing of Tokyo was one of the most terrible things that ever happened, and they didn't surrender after that although Tokyo was almost completely destroyed.”

Second, Ground Invasion in Japanese Home Islands. This meant that United States would initiate a day on day ground invasion of the Japanese home islands. However, recent history demonstrated that the Japanese were not a nation to surrender so easily.  They had been willing to make great sacrifices to defend the smallest islands. They were likely to fight even more fiercely if the United States invaded their homeland.

Lastly, the demonstration of the Atomic Bomb on an Unpopulated Area. This alternative was to demonstrate the strength of atomic bomb in order to scare the Japanese into surrendering.  A nearby island target was considered, yet it raised several concerns. This was a new weapon, not fully understood. The world would be watching the and a new weapon so frightening that an enemy would surrender without a fight. This would raise questions like “super weapon” didn’t work? Or if it would encourage Japan to fight harder? And with only two bombs in existence at the time. Therefore, was it really worth to expend 50 percent of the country’s atomic weaponry in a demonstration?

In conclusion, many ask themselves if racism and public opinion had a role in the final decision of dropping this bomb. And although humanity has a variety points of views a vast amount chooses to say yes. The reason being is because many say that the Japanese were not nearly as prestigious as the White because of how they looked. And dropping this on Germany or Russia would not be the best equivalency in terms of power because they wanted a race with not much saying. For example, going back the book “Hiroshima: Why America dropped the Atomic Bomb,” in the end, Ronald Takaki states, there was a desire to intimidate the Russian, anti-Asian prejudice and most tellingly, the psychological makeup of Harry Truman contributed to this century's most momentous military decision.” (Back of Book) The reasons why this bomb was dropped varies on whose side one is on. However, all we do know in humanity is that it ended a war yet began another. This weapon being the most destructive known to mankind. Although not used since then on civilians. Many asks themselves as to when a nuclear war will begin once more. On the other hand, many asks themselves if there will ever be peace here or peace anywhere after that.

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