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Essay: Exploring the Tragic Heroes of Hamlet and Oedipus: Avenging Fathers and the Fates They Encounter

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 23 March 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 794 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Hamlet essays

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Mitchell Quinn
Ms. Firosz
World Literature
09 January 2019
Title of Your Report
Hamlet from Hamlet Prince of Denmark is as the title of the book states. Hamlet
Is a story of a tragic hero named Hamlet Prince Of Denmark trying to avenge his father’s death due to his psychotic uncle killing him to take the throne and his previous wife. Towards the beginning, Hamlet is confronted by the ghost of King Hamlet. The ghost tells him to avenge his death and kill his uncle who killed him. Hamlet agrees and acts mad to make everyone think he was crazy. This is when he embarks on his long journey, to see if the ghost was right and to avenge his father as Hamlet says ““And thy commandment all alone shall live. Within the book and volume of my brain“ (Shakespeare 140). Hamlet starts by hosting an play that was similar to the murder of Hamlet’s father. He gets his best friend Horatio and devices this plan and watches if Claudius, his uncle reacts. Claudius got up and left and Hamlet went after to to avenge his father. Now alone, Hamlet is about to strike Claudius on his head but he decides not to kill him then because Claudius is praying and will go to heaven. He waits until a better time instead, which ends up being much later in the book. At the end of the play Laertes and Claudius made a plan to kill Hamlet, without Laertes knowing Claudius is the real villain he agrees with Claudius to kill Hamlet, and if that goes wrong Claudius had a drink of poison to give Hamlet. Laertes would use a sharp poisoned sword facing Hamlet. Though when Claudius puts the poison in, and Gertrude drinks it unaware. Then Laertes charges Hamlet cowardly and cut him with the sword.Gertrude died and Hamlet ends up avenging his father and killed Claudius with the poisoned and makes him drink all the wine. Then Hamlet dies from the cut.

Oedipuas from Oedipus the King is also as the title of the book states. Oedipus the King Oedipus was born to a king and a queen. Both the King and Queen wanted to know what was in stake for this child and went to the oracle for an answer. The oracle said Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother and to prevent this decided to kill Oedipus. Though he ends up surviving because he is instead sent to another kingdom. There he was raised by another king and queen. He grows up and figures out that he never knew these were not his parents. Oedipus heard he would kill his father and marry his mother, he leaves his parents and searches for a new home. While on the road after leaving his home Oedipus runs into a man. Oedipus and the man fight and he killed the man. Which ends up being his father and he went to another kingdom and became King and married his mother. To save his kingdom from the plague, Oedipus must find the murderer or the previous king and remove him from the kingdom. While searching for the murderer he learns from what Jocasta describes that he commited the murder and when Oedipus goes to talk to Jocasta he finds her dead body. He stabs himself in the eyeballs from the from the scene. He is later banished from the kingdom

Based on these two characters, they share many similarities. Oedipus the King and Hamlet the prince are both tragic heros seeking truth about their fathers deaths. Hamlet is a tragic hero because he is blinded by the goal of avenging his father, that at points he could not see clearly through them anymore leading to wrong decisions resulting in his death. Though he did avenge his father just before he died and killed Claudius, saving the kingdom of a king like himself. Oedipus is a tragic hero because he is blinded by the fate of his father’s death, this weakness caused his own downfall leading to his death. The city is suffers because of the pollution of Oedipus, and irony is shown when Oedipus says avenging Laius he will protect himself. Getting children upon Jocasta, the dead king’s wife, he will be taking the place of the son of Laius, which, unknowingly, is himself. This fate was predicted and apparently avoidable according to the story. This is what leads his mother to commit suicide and himself to stab his eyes out due to knowing what he had done sexually with his mother and that he killed his father. Though he did get driven out in order for the plague to end, which ultimately saved the city of theves.

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Essay Sauce, Exploring the Tragic Heroes of Hamlet and Oedipus: Avenging Fathers and the Fates They Encounter. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/essay-examples/2019-1-8-1546911038/> [Accessed 12-02-25].

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