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Essay: Explore the Mysteries of Shakespeare’s Life in Elizabethan England

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 23 March 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,194 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: Shakespeare essays

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Diego Garcia

Aldo Demesa

English 1B

Ms Viernes

Jan 9 2019

Shakespeare and Elizabeth England Webquest

1. How much do we know about Shakespeare’s life? Why?

Many things from Shakespeare’s life remain as a mystery or gaps within his life because there are only to reliable sources over his life. This sources are his own work and some church documents or legal documents.

2. Where was Shakespeare born?

Shakespeare was born on stratford upon avon, United Kingdom

3. What date was he born on?

Shakespeare was born on April 23 1564.

4. Did Shakespeare ever get married? If so, to whom?

Shakespeare was married to a woman called Anne Hathaway.

Shakespeare established himself as an actor and playwright.

6. What day did he die? What is unusual about this date?

He died on April 23, 1564. What’s unusual about this is that its the same date as his birthday.

7. What did he leave his wife in his will?

He left his wife in his will his “second best bed”


8. What were the two major religions in Elizabethan England?

The two major religions in Elizabethan England were Catholic Religion and Protestant religion

9. Who dictated the favoured religion?

The favoured religions were dictated by the Reigning Monarchs

10. Which Monarchs reigned during this time? When?

Monarchs who resigned in this time where Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth I.

Queen Mary (1553-1558)

Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603)

11. Which religion did each Monarch believe in?

Queen Mary was catholic and Queen Elizabeth was protestant.

12. How did each Monarch treat those who did not follow their favoured religion?

Queen Mary burned alive does who chose to be protestant. -Queen elizabeth let people practice catholicism as long as they didn’t theratend the kingdom.

13. Why did Queen Elizabeth I ban all performances of religious plays and stories?

Queen Elizabeth banned all religious performances to stop the violence over religion. She believed that the catholic religion should be allowed to practice “without the fear of recrimination,” (Religion in Elizabethan England, pg2).

Elizabethan period

14. What was the Elizabethan period?

The Elizabethan period is known as the age of renaissance which brought new ideas and new thinking.

15.When was this period?

The elizabethan period was during 1558-1603 also known as the Renaissance.

16. What was the most significant invention of this time and why?

The invention of the printing press during the Renaissance. The printing press allowed for people to print stuff to extend their knowledge, learning and different interest. The printing press increased knowledge and learning in different subjects such as astrology, science and technology.

17. What did this lead to a renewed interest in?

This renewed the interest in things like science and the study of the supernatural. It created superstitions including things like witches and ghosts.

18. During this period, what were unexplained events blamed on?

The unexplainable things that happened were blamed on witches which were blamed as if the witches were the women.

19. Why were people of this period superstitious?

People of this period were superstitious because they feared of God and the superstitious beliefs.

20. What were the four humours and what were they associated with?

The four humours were part of what is called the shakespearean cosmology. This inherited form the ancient greek philosophers Arrissoles, hippocrates and galen. They were basically the bodily fluids. The four humors are associated with “personality traits, which is why we still talk about someone being “good-humoured.” Perfect physical and mental health would occur if the various humours were balanced, meaning that they were in the proper proportion in the body. However, no one was ever thought to be perfectly balanced.”(Elizabethan Humors, mason.gmu.edu). Each humor was differentiated by their element which also lead to different wind directions, astrology, season adolescence and other things. Each humor could be identified by those characteristics whether it was south or north, aquarius or libra or different things.

The four qualities were cold, hot, moist and dry the humours of these qualities determined the behavior of all the things created in the human body like melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine.

21.How was Elizabethan Class structure maintained?

Elizabeth class was maintained by which clothes a person wore. This showed which class they came from. Also, women had to learn how to household and be conducted into the social class she was married.


24.What did education depend on?

Education depended on the financial and social standing of the family.

25.What was the main purpose of schooling?

To teach children appropriate behaviors depending on their social class was the main purpose of schooling.

26.Why were students taught latin?

Latin was the main language of education in that time in Europe which influences schooling to teach students in latin.

27.What were girls from wealthy families educated from?

How to conduct herself and how to govern household was the way wealthy girls were educated.

29.Why were courses in universities taught on Latin?

Latin was the language of international affairs and the way in which men were expected to communicate which lead to universities teaching in latin.

Elizabethan Theatre

30. What was the general feeling towards plays during this period in time

31. What was the name of the first theatre?

The name of the first theater was “The theatre”

32. What was the name of them most famous theatre?

The name of the most famous theater was “The globe”.

33. What happened to this theatre?

This theater caught on fire and burned down after a cannon fired during a show.

34. Where did people sit or not sit?

People would sit depending on their social class. Most of the people sat in the open pit while rich people could watch the play sitting down or from a chair set.

35. When did they have performances? Why?

The was no artificial light so the performances had to be done in the afternoon.

36. How many women performed in these plays?

Women roles had to be performed by younger kids since women were not allowed to perform in the plays.

37. What did the audience do if they didn’t like the performance?

Yelling and throwing things to the performers would be a way of insulting them and making them clear they didn’t like the performance.

Shakespeare’s influence

38. What does Shakespeare’s work provide reference for?

Shakespeare provided reference inside his playwriting to the times in which he lived and to mythological figures.

39. What were Shakespeare’s histories a tribute to?

Shakespeare histories are a tribute to the english monarchy and to the Britain. Shakespeare was no exception in paying homage to their patrons inside their his playwrights.

40. What was Shakespeare attempting to do with these tributes?

“By showing the glorious past Shakespeare is not only attempting to legitimize Elizabeth’s position on the throne, but also his position as a “favored” playwright,” (Shakespeare for Elizabethan England, musesrealm.net).

41. How many words did Shakespeare invent?

Shakespeare invented over 1700 words from changing nouns into verbs, combining words and many other things.

42. Give an example of a word or phrase we have gotten from Shakespeare.

An example of a word Shakespeare invented is “assassination”.

43. Name one poet who was influenced by Shakespeare.

John Keats was influenced by Shakespeare. He was a romantic poet.Shakespeare would help him spark his creativity.


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