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Essay: Why It’s Sometimes Justifiable To Break the Rules (Julius Caesar)

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 23 March 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 900 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Julius Caesar essays

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“The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It’s people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages.” -Banksy, Wall and Piece.

This quote is referencing the fact that the rules do not always stand for what is right which speaks volumes on the importance of breaking the rules that that don’t produce the best possible results for everyone. Some might argue that without the blind following of these rules, societies would fall apart, however, that is not the case. It is sometimes justifiable for citizens to break the rules sometimes in order to secure the best future for your country because a citizen would see to the needs of a country better than a government official and the government systems are not always just.
It is sometimes justifiable for a citizen to break the rules in order to secure the best future for your country because a citizen would see to the needs of a country better than a government official. In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Cassius tells Casca that Caesar is not yet a tyrant but could easily become one. “And why should Caesar be a tyrant then?/ Poor man, I know he would not be a wolf/ But that he sees the Romans are but sheep.” (Shakespeare 1.3.104-106). The metaphor states that Caesar is not a wolf. This means he doesn’t prey on the weak. It also says that Caesar sees the Romans are sheep, and like sheep, they are easily manipulated. Cassius says that Caesar is not tyrannical in nature but Caesar recognizes the power he wields and how easily influenced the Romans are. Caesar is in a position where he could use that power for personal gain instead of doing what is for the good of Rome. Julius Caesar is assassinated by citizens of Rome who broke the law in order to secure the future of their country. Therefore, a citizen would see to the needs of a country better than a government official because they are not burdened with the power to make selfish choices.
It is sometimes justifiable for citizens to break laws in order to secure the best future for your country because laws can be unjust. In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Cassius is telling Brutus about the founder of the Roman Republic, Lucius Junius Brutus, who banished the oppressive kings from the city long ago. “O! You and I have heard our fathers say/ There was a Brutus once that would have brooked/ Th’eternal Divel to keep his state in Rome/ As easily as a King” (Shakespeare 1.2.159-162). Cassius says to Brutus that his ancestor would have preferred to be governed by the devil himself before submitting to the rule of a king. This is because kings have complete control over their region and there is no one to oppose them or check their power. Cassius is trying to convince Brutus that it is necessary to intervene with Caesar because a monarch is the last thing the country needs. In conclusion, laws can be unfair so it is a citizens place to step in and take action against injustice.
Some might say that it is necessary to follow the rules without question to maintain a functioning society. That citizens cant pick and choose which laws to follow when it suits them best. However, since citizens aren’t the ones making these laws, they need to bend the rules to turn their society into the one that’s needed. In Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Cassius is talking to Brutus about Caesar’s seizure in front of the crowd. “No, Caesar hath it not, but you and I / And honest Casca, we have the falling sickness.” (Shakespeare 1.2.253-254) Cassius means that they have fallen because they are complacent in allowing Caesar to seize monarchical power. Cassius suggests that tyranny is not merely the fault of one ambitious, power-grabbing individual, but also of those who stand by and allow it to happen. This shows that if citizens don’t challenge the laws, they are just as responsible for any harm that comes to their country. The challenging of the rules will only strengthen the function of the country. Citizens need to bend the rules when the rules hinder the country rom reaching its greatest potential. Therefore, blindly following rules is not a good strategy if you want the country to succeed.
In conclusion, breaking the rules in order to secure the best future for your country is sometimes justified because a citizen would see to the needs of a country better than a government official and the government systems are not always just. Citizens don’t have power like the officials. If exposed to power, a person can be corrupted into using that power for selfish reasons such as to acquire wealth. If the laws aren’t fair, a country could have to submit to the power of one person who would only do what is in their best interest, not the best interest of the country. If the people break the rules when needed, it will improve the country because one less unfair law will exist. If no one questions the rules set before them, nothing will ever change.

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William, et al. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2011.

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