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Essay: Uncover the Life and Writing of William Shakespeare, Britain’s Best Writer of All Time

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
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  • Published: 23 March 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
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  • Words: 1,161 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: Shakespeare essays

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William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwriter, and actor. He was believed to be Britain’s best writer of all time. He was also often called Englands national poet and the “Bard of Avon”. Throughout his life, he was author of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and several other poetical compositions. Some of his work today is widely used within schools all across the world, and is still sought after amongst those who have a mindset for reading dramatic novels.
William Shakespeare was a very talented man known for his various works of literature. His works include poems, plays, and sonnets. His works are then broken down into tragedies, comedies, and histories. Shakespeare left this world centuries ago, but his writings continue to live throughout the world today. He has greatly impacted the world of literature and his existence will forever be remembered.
In 1564, William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon (Hazell 32). It seems that Shakespeare’s career began around the year 1592. This was a tough time for playwrights and actors. There was an outbreak of the bubonic plague which caused concerns for those wanting to watch because of being surrounded by those potentially carrying the disease, thus making it hard for the playwrights and actors to find work (“William Shakespeare.” 653-654).
Not only was disease an obstacle William Shakespeare had to overcome in his work, he was also forced to face hampering from religious aspects as well. Leaders in the Puritan community looked down upon plays, acting, and other things of that nature. These authorities thought that these activities would sway people from focusing on the importance of practicing their religion. Plays and such were not allowed to be performed while in the city of London. They were banned. Eventually, despite all the obstructions, plays and theater came to be a popular thing although still forced outside the city (“The Changing Status…”).
After overcoming the troubles of becoming an actor and a playwright, William Shakespeare has become well renowned. His works reach to people all around the world despite the language barriers and different races and cultures. For centuries, the popularity of his works has grown. This has lead to his works being translated into all languages of the world. So despite whatever language a person may speak, his words can still reach people all around the world (McMillan).
Along with being translated into every language, Shakespeare’s words reach and are accepted by multiple races and cultures (McMillan). A reason William Shakespeare is accepted by multiple races could be the fact that he does not ignore the issues and “tensions” between them and instead makes light of them by including them in his plays such as Othello and The Merchant of Venice. He addresses the struggles between different colors and religions. He never takes a designated side; he simply tells a story which is what has helped him be so well accepted (“Race – Introduction”).

Shakespeare was born April 23, 1564 to John and Mary Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Shakespeare and Hathaway had 3 children, Susanna, Judith, and Hamnet. Hathaway and the children lived in Stratford while Shakespeare started his career in London amongst other actors and poets.
His father, John, was one of the 22 Glovemakers at that time, making him a wealthier individual. John also found time to “operate as a ‘wool brogger’ – an unlicensed, and therefore illegal, wool dealer” (John shakespeare) His remaining life was accompanied by numerous court dates for his illegal activities. Although fined, John never was jailed.
William’s mother, Mary, was a very interesting character. Her father, Robert, left to her in his will a hefty amount of land as well as a lump sum of money. As there is evidence to suggest that Mary helped to create her father’s will, it is concluded that she is one of the more fortunate women of that time period and was literate.
William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in November 1582 and they remained married until Shakespeare’s death. At the time of their marriage William was 18, while Anne was 26—and pregnant with their first child. The average age of marriage was 26 years of age, so Anne would have been an eligible young lady of her time. William, on the other hand, was still a minor in the eyes of the law and so required permission from Anne’s father to marry Anne. Shakespeare’s early marriage also meant that he wouldn’t legally be able to complete an apprenticeship.
Born in 1556, Anne Hathaway is thought to have grown up on a 90-acre farm in Shottery in Warwickshire, a short distance from her husband’s hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon. The oldest daughter in a large family, it is thought that Anne’s mother died when she was around 10. When Anne’s father died in 1581, he left a small sum of money to her in his will, which he dictated she should use to marry.
Shakespeare created many plays of which included, but were not limited to: Tragedies, comedies, Histories, Sonnets, as well as many others. Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays and over 150 short and long poems, many of which are considered to be the finest ever written in English. His works have been translated into every major living language, and some others besides that.
William Shakespeare, the most famous of all English writers, has written
many works. One such work is Much Ado About Nothing, a comedy that includes
humor, love, and deceit. Several incidents in the life of the author influenced
him to write this play in the fashion that he did. These events come from his life and the point in history in which he lived, thus producing Much Ado About
Shakespeare’s life has very much to do with the style of his writing as his stories are from his past experiences. Shakespeare had a life that involved both the good and bad aspects of love. He was married for a short while, however, the marriage was suspected to be an unhappy one because he spent much
of his later life away from his family. Shakespeare’s misfortune in love is
shown in Much Ado About Nothing when it is said, “Speak low if you speak love.”
Understanding how Shakespeare uses language in this way and his craft to its fullest demonstrates how the power of words impacts the story and audience. It allows for greater insight into the author himself and can reveal the depth to audiences and scholars alike. The power of language holds great significance not only in Shakespearean study but of our daily lives as well. Every nuance Shakespeare creates leaves a clue to a greater truth or understanding of our humanity. Exploring the works of Shakespeare with this in mind allows for audiences to gain more appreciation and awareness of the depth of language and communication through his dialogue and characters as Shakespeare: “asks us to adorn the actor with our thoughts and ‘carry them here and there, jumping o’er the times’” (Bevington xiii).

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