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Essay: The effect of music on health

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  • Subject area(s): Music Essays
  • Reading time: 7 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 27 September 2021*
  • Last Modified: 26 January 2023
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,876 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 8 (approx)
  • Tags: Essays on mental health

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We wake up to different music every day, whether its waking up to an alarm clock or tuning into Spotify on the way to work. Music is beautiful to listen daily, it helps us develop mental energy to keep us motivated and happy. Music is an extraordinary type of articulation and can be utilized to send a political message or create an impression about society. Unfortunately this isn’t done as frequently as it could be today. Music is an extraordinary method to unite individuals peacefully and simply appreciate coexistence. It gives you a sentiment of community with the various individuals that appreciate a similar music you do. Music is an incredible method to connect holes between individuals of various foundations races and so on. Music can open you to various societies and expand your viewpoint. Regardless of whether it’s somewhat strange in some cases. Music is an incredible method to share individual battles and contacting other individuals who are experiencing terrible occasions to possibly lift them up and show them they’re not the only one. According to Harvard Health, “The neurobiology of music is a highly specialized field. But music also has major effects on many aspects of health, ranging from memory and mood to cardiovascular function and athletic performance.” (Harvard Health, 2018) Music is amazing as it has many health benefits including our emotions, mentality and one that has been proven to help reduce is stress. I came across an article written by Jane Collingwood called, “The Power of Music to Reduce Stress.” The article discusses how music has the power to reduce stress in our lives and how music can make a significant impact in our lives. This article’s main focus point is that by listening in to music can have an enormously loosening up impact on our brains and bodies, particularly moderate, calm traditional music. This kind of music can beneficially affect our physiological capacities, moderating the beat and pulse, bringing down circulatory strain, and diminishing the dimensions of pressure hormones. Music, to put it plainly, can go about as an incredible pressure the board instrument in our lives.
The author, Jane Collingwood is a British counselor who operates her own Counseling site to people who need help with stress or any other psychological effects that may be affecting their lives. She wrote this article to educate the public about the positive effects that music has to our health and how it is a mental remedy for stress. According to the article it states that, “Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on our minds and bodies, especially slow, quiet classical music. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones.” (Collingwood, 2018) This statement proves that listening to music has a beautiful relaxing effect that can calm and relax our mind, and body. This not only helps us stay motivated to live a healthier life, but also it reduces the stress level that can cause negative effects including mental breakdowns, and effects that will not help our body and mind. Other beneficial effects mentioned in the article is that listening to music can slow the pulse and heart rate, it can lower your blood pressure and decrease our stress hormones. Many people struggle with high blood pressure, and anxiety. It is extremely difficult to control both struggles because it’s not easy and one simple idea that can help reduce both these negative effects can be listening to music.
The article contains three parts including ethos, logos, and pathos to make the article factual and significant. First, the article contains ethos; as I mentioned the author of this article is credible because she is certified and educated psychologist/counselor. Jane Collingwood earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and she is certified with different certifications including Counseling studies, Therapeutic Counseling, and Psychotherapeutic Counseling. She has dealt with different patients and all with different minds/backgrounds. As she researched and collaborated with other credible people in her field, she wrote and released this article relating in which music helps reduce stress and relieve any negative effects.
The article also contains logos stated by Collingwood. In the article it states, “Musical preference varies widely between individuals, so only you can decide what you like and what is suitable for each mood. But even if you don’t usually listen to classical music it may be worth giving it a try when selecting the most calming music.” (Collingwood, 2018) The logos in this statement is that every individual has different preferences in their music and know what is best suitable for their mood. Its logical that not all people think similarly and everyone has diverse ideas for themselves. This does not really express emotion as everyone has a different preference of music.
The article contains pathos as stated by Collingwood. In the article states, “Listening to music on headphones reduces stress and anxiety in hospital patients before and after surgery. Music can help reduce both the sensation and distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain. Listening to music can relieve depression and increase self-esteem ratings in elderly people.” (Collingwood, 2018) At the point when individuals are exceptionally worried, there is an inclination to maintain a strategic distance from effectively tuning in to music. Maybe it feels like an exercise in futility, not accomplishing anything. In any case, as we probably am aware, efficiency increments when stress is decreased, so this is another territory where you can increase tremendous prizes. It just requires a little exertion in the first place. To fuse music into a bustling life, have a go at playing CDs in the vehicle, or put the radio on when in the shower or shower. Take versatile music with you when strolling the pooch, or put the stereo on rather than the TV. An individual with clinical gloom or bipolar issue may tune in to music to help with their most exceedingly terrible, least states of mind. This proves of the positive effect that music has to our mind and body. The emotions and the stress level can be controlled, and utilized the energy and motivation made by music.
Another quote stated by the article was the balance of both music and meditation. A quote stated by the article is, “Certain music is appropriate for meditation as it can help the mind slow down and initiate the relaxation response. However, not all peaceful or “New Age” music works for everyone. Music with no structure can be irritating or even unsettling. Gentle music with a familiar melody more often is comforting. But search around to find what produces a sense of calm, familiarity, and centeredness for you as an individual.” (Collingwood, 2018) Meditation is a basic technique to get clearness in our musings. It encourages us find inward harmony and fulfillment. It enacts our psyche and causes us build up our intellectual capacities. The best part about contemplation is that it is extremely simple to rehearse. All you need is a peaceful spot and a couple of minutes every day. You will be stunned by knowing the advantages that accompany reflection. However, many people believe that sometimes listening to music will be disruptive when meditating. But there is different type of music that can be used for these purposes. Collingwood provided different examples of music that can be used and how it can be used towards feeling that peace when listening to music while meditating. As she stated, “As music can retain our consideration, it goes about as a diversion in the meantime it investigates feelings. This implies it very well may be an incredible guide to contemplation, keeping the mind meandering.” (Collingwood, 2018) When music comes into place it helps the individual This proves the power of meditation and music in which balances our health, and mind. This type of music therapy is helpful and relaxing for our bodies and minds to recover.
In conclusion, Music is amazing as it has many health benefits including our emotions, mentality and one that has been proven to help reduce is stress. I came across an article written by Jane Collingwood called, “The Power of Music to Reduce Stress.” The article discusses how music has the power to reduce stress in our lives and how music can make a significant impact in our lives. This was an interesting topic to explore and learn about as it makes a positive difference in our lives. The vast majority of us turned into a piece of the music business since we cherish music. However, after some time, we can lose our marvel at exactly how much music adds to our lives and the lives of others. From the sensational upgrades music treatment conveys to the lives of Alzheimer’s patients, to the lasting advantages of figuring out how to play a melodic instrument, to the basic delight of a lovely tune, music influences we all. Music therapy should be a topic that people should consider reading about as it helps many people’s lives, this is a great opportunity to relieve the stress that affects our mind and body. Many people suffer from stress, and it is important to reduce that in our lives as it affects us daily. Depression has become one of the most notable moods that music can help relieve, by using music to expanded focus on negative feelings, which thus can build depressive side effects for in depressed people. Depressed people take part in what the creators call ‘bunch rumination’ when they tune in to obdurate discouraging music. Along these lines they remain concentrated on negative considerations and occasions while enhancing useless idea designs. This focuses to the need to create solid adapting procedures, social help, and the chance to process feelings productively. To be sure, the exploration shows that those tuning in to music with these intelligent and positive systems have,”… an a lot higher probability of being sure. This research explained by Collingwood straightforwardly challenges that social connections, long held as something that makes preparations for melancholy, may really cause an expansion of negative feelings in people with unfortunate adapting styles in gathering settings. At the end of the day, music won’t help, and may really exacerbate the situation, on the off chance that you don’t have solid methodologies set up early. The work is in creating mindsets about negative feelings and creating flexibility. Maybe an approach to begin is figuring out how to challenge your very own considerations. Music has additionally been appeared to build the dimension of synapses, for example, serotonin, which are connected to disposition. Thusly music has been appeared just to make you feel better – yet in addition, to be an extraordinary helper. Music and state of mind are firmly interrelated – tuning in to a sad or cheerful melody on the radio can make you feel progressively tragic or glad. In any case, such disposition changes not just influence how you feel, they additionally change your recognition. Make a difference in your life to live a better life by listening to music. This is truly a great thing to do heal ourselves through the power of music.

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