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Essay: Fast Consumerism Aiding the Development of Type II Diabetes

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  • Subject area(s): Science essays
  • Reading time: 2 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 21 January 2020*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 584 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 3 (approx)
  • Tags: Diabetes essays

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With the invention of technology, people have become accustomed to the ease of fast consumerism. This has lead to an increase of fast food chains and sedentary lifestyles in both developed and developing countries. Unhealthy food is easily available for consumers at an extremely low price. With the invention of the dollar menu, it is now easier to consume large amounts of unhealthy food with only a few dollars. Online shopping has also added to this epidemic, since everything can now be ordered online and delivered straight to the door. This deadly combination of large caloric intake and little to no exercise is a major risk factor in developing Type II Diabetes Mellitus (6).
It is estimated that in 2035 the number of individuals diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus is estimated to be approximately 592 million, which is almost double the amount of patients from 2014 (5). Type II Diabetes Mellitus is characterized through either insulin resistance or low insulin production (3). Insulin is secreted from beta cells in the pancreas, which act as a signal for insulin receptors on cells in other regions of the body (1). Insulin acts as a positive feedback loop meaning that the higher the glucose levels in the blood stream, the higher the insulin level. These insulin signals then lead to the uptake and break down of glucose. Insulin resistance is referred to as cells inability to uptake glucose in the presence of an insulin signal. Low insulin production is developed when beta cells overproduce insulin and, therefore, shorten their lifespans. This will lower the amount of cells that will produce insulin, which will lead to a need for an insulin injection (1,4).
There are several complications associated with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. A person is at an increased risk for liver, kidney, bladder, and colorectal cancer if they have developed this disease (6). This may be due to overlap within the risks of these cancers and Type II Diabetes Mellitus. The increase may also be due to hyperinsulinemia, which promotes carcinogenesis. Type II Diabetes Mellitus also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, and diabetic retinopathy. A higher glucose level will lead to an increased low-density lipoprotein, thus increasing the amount of plaque in the arteries and, therefore, the chance of cardiovascular disease. Diabetic neuropathy is due to a decrease in blood flow to the extremities because of the build up of plaque in the arteries, which leads to non-healing wounds. When the kidneys are unable to filter out microalbumin, this leads to diabetic nephropathy. This is caused by kidney failure due to the high glucose levels in the blood stream. Hyperglycemia also leads to damage of retina vessels, which results in diabetic retinopathy (6).
The most prevalent causes of Type II Diabetes Mellitus are a high caloric intake and a sedentary lifestyle (5). Obesity can lead to the development of Type II Diabetes Mellitus, since the beta cells will overproduce insulin until apoptosis due to the large caloric intake (4). There is believed to be a genetic component of Type II Diabetes Mellitus, but the exact genetic component is still unknown (6). A large consumption of alcohol, nicotine, and soft drinks is also linked to the development of this disease. Alcohol, nicotine, and soft drinks increase blood glucose, which will have to be broken down through insulin, so increased levels will directly correlate to increased insulin levels. It is important to note that just because there is an increased risk of Type II Diabetes Mellitus, it does not meant that the disease will be developed.

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Essay Sauce, Fast Consumerism Aiding the Development of Type II Diabetes. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/science-essays/fast-consumerism-aiding-the-development-of-type-ii-diabetes/> [Accessed 08-02-25].

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