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Essay: Research proposal: Assessment of learning experiences in Nursing

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Research Problem:
The problem of this present study is to investigate the assessment of learning experiences in nursing based on their feedback during their course.
Research Significance:
The significance of the present study is to explore the nursing students learning experiences in the classroom. It is an important component of nursing education. Therefore, Assessment of learning in the classroom should be effectively facilitated in order to adequately prepare nursing students for the work they do after qualifying.
Research Objectives:
The objective of the present study is to
– assess the amount of distribution of the study effort.
-identify the different tasks and learning.
-assess the quantity and timing of feedback.
– identify the follow up learning.
– assess the quality of feedback.
Research Methodology:
The Assessment experience questionnaire (AEQ) will be administered to the final year nursing students to elicit the information, College of Applied Medical Science, Mohail; The questionnaire contains six scales, each containing six items. The information will be collected during the class hours. Instructions will be given to them to elicit the correct information. Finally, the data will be analysed to investigate where the assessment could be changed to improve the student learning especially in nursing.
Research design:
Descriptive research design will be selected for the present study to improve the student learning in future.
The present research will be conducted to assess the learning experiences of nursing students in College of Applied Medical Science, King Khalid University, Mohail, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Final year nursing students will be selected as a subject because they need to know their learning experiences during their course.
Instrument The standard Assessment experience Questionnaire will be used to elicit the information during their course study to find whether the students learned adequately with regard to their assignment, feedback, timing of quality (AEQ). It contains six scales, each containing six items.
Literature Review
Learning experiences of nursing students in the classroom is an essential factor to enhance their knowledge during the course of study. Learning experience is a continuous process which the students focus their attention on, how much they study, on their quality of engagement with learning and also through their feedback. The present research will help the nursing students to enhance their knowledge based on their feed Learning also takes place if nursing students are given the opportunity to practice real nursing by doing. Task participation can be referred to as students offered opportunities to learn and getting involved in providing holistic patient care. (Henderson et al.2012).
Grealish and Ranse (2009) state that task participation and accomplishment facilitates learning than mere application of theory to practice. Therefore, if students are able to participate and accomplish a task that is challenging then theory is been translated into practice therefore, learning takes place.
Rogers reveals that significant learning is more likely to take place when students perceive the relevance between the topic under discussion and their own learning commitment to learn. The learning environment should encourage collaboration (Mc Million &Dwyer 1990) as according to Bernard (1992) learning is a partnership.
According to Gibbs and Simpson (2003) study identified the eleven conditions under which assessment supports student learning. The survey describes its characteristics under each scale and provided the plans for the future development.
Learning practice takes place if students know what they are doing is right or wrong. This is done through feedback that is provided to students. Mentors, preceptors and nurse educators during teach (Clynes and Raftery 2008) feedback helps students to gain confidence as through feedback students know their progress.
Research Methodology
Subjects and Methods
Final year nursing students will be selected as a subject because they need to know their learning experiences during their course.
The Assessment experience questionnaire (AEQ) will be administered to the final year nursing students to elicit the information, College of Applied Medical Science, Mohail. The questionnaire contains six scales, each containing six items. The information will be collected during the class hours. Instructions will be given to them to elicit the correct information. Finally, the data will be analysed to investigate where the assessment could be changed to improve the student learning especially in nursing.
Research design
Descriptive research design will be selected for the present study to improve the student learning in future.
Final year nursing students will be selected as a subject because they need to know their learning experiences during their course.
The present research will be conducted to assess the learning experiences of nursing students in College of Applied Medical Science, King Khalid University, Mohail, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Ethical Consideration:
The present study explores the learning responsibilities and accountabilities of all nurses including in research roles and also for maintain their professional knowledge.
The standard Assessment experience Questionnaire will be used to elicit the information during their course study to find whether the students learned adequately with regard to their assignment, feedback, timing of quality (AEQ). It contains six scales, each containing six items.
Statistical Designs
Descriptive statistical design will be used to identify the learning experiences of nursing students
Scoring system
The assessment experience questionnaire will be used to collect the information. All the questions related to the learning experiences during their course. It contains six scales, each containing six items, each question have strongly agree, agree, not agree, strongly disagree, disagree. The researcher will have the plan to score the items according to the objectives. The high score and low score will be taken according the six scales to assess the nursing students learning experiences to monitor the impact of changes.
Clynes MP, Rafterry SE 2008, Feedback. An essential element of student learning in clinical practice. Nurse education in Practice, 18: 405-411.
Graham Gibbs and Claire Simpson (2003), Student Support Research Group, Open University, Walton HallmMilton Keynes, MK7 6AA.
Grealish L, Ranse K 2009. An exploratory study of first year nursing students learning in the clinical workplace,Contemporatory Nurse, 33: 80-92.
Henderson A, Twenty man M, Heel A, Lloyd B 2006. Students’ perception of the psycho-social clinical learning envirnment.An evaluation of placement models. Nurse education Today, 26: 564-571.
Henderson A. Cooke M, Creed DK, Walker R 2012. Nursing students’ perceptions of learning in practice environments, A review. Nurse Education Today, 32: 299-302.
M.C. Kennan G (1995) Learning theories made easy: humanism. Nursing Standard.Vol, 9(31):29-31.
Mc Millan M, Dryer J (1990) Facilitating a match between teaching and learning styles. Nurse Education Today.
Roger C (1983) Freedom to learn for the 80’s.Charles E.Merrill Publication Company, London.

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