Determinants of Awareness in Concern to the Climate Change Among Malaysian Students

Abstract Climate change continues to be an issue that generates a lot of discussion globally. With various initiatives, protocols and declaration being set out to avert the consequences of an unchecked environment usage, the factors that contribute to knowledge and awareness of climate change will present an area of study to academicians. Studies carried out … Read more

Leonardo DiCaprio on climate change

At the United Nations Climate Summit held on September 23rd, Leonardo DiCaprio addressed more than 100 world leaders regarding what he termed “the greatest challenge of our existence on this planet”. In his speech, he emphasized the risks of climate change and encouraged leaders to take immediate action, stressing that this issue transcends partisan debates … Read more

Responding to Climate Change: How Will Biodiversity and Life on Earth Adapt?

A multitude of biologically significant environmental changes are projected to occur as a consequence of anthropogenic climate change (Solomon et al., 2007). How will life and biodiversity on Earth respond to the current and projected climate change? Scientists and policy makers recognise that this is one of the most important questions in science at the … Read more

Classical Realism View on Climate Change: Understanding How States Prioritize Their National Interest

 Paste your essay in here… Classic realism is one of the fundamental views which philosophers and other scholars have on the world. It was mainly established after the Second World War and it is the result of realists trying to explain what happens within international relations after the effect of human nature has been … Read more

How Do Climate Changes Affect the Earth?

 Paste your essay in here…How do climate changes affect the earth? Climate change is a change in the distribution of weather patterns when that change is an inconsistency, Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather within the context of longer-term average conditions (Wikipedia, … Read more

Dangerous climate change

How can the Dutch state contribute in the best way possible to move towards a viable prevention system to prevent dangerous climate change? When nature speaks, humans can only listen. Introduction Human intervention has caused an increase of the temperate, which would have catastrophical consequences by inaction. Resolution 10/4 2009 of the UN Human Rights … Read more

Investments in climate change

To mitigate the climate change catastrophe, “investments in low-carbon energy technologies will need to at least double, reaching $500 billion annually by 2020, and then double again to $1 trillion by 2030”.1 Green investment gap is very wide as a result of morose macroeconomic environment following 2007 crisis which led to a sluggish economic activity … Read more

Willingness to Pay (WTP) for international Climate Change mitigation efforts

This study builds on the work of Berrens et al. (2004) and Bergstorm et al. (2004) to investigate the impact of access to information concerning the payment vehicle used on the individual’s Willingness to Pay (WTP) for international Climate Change mitigation efforts. The subject of the study is the UK’s future contributions to the Green … Read more

Impact of climate change on science, technology and our society

Introduction: At the point when changes in the normal climate happen, we call these climate changes. They can be characterized by the contrasts between normal climate conditions at two separate circumstances. Climate may change in various courses, over various time scales and at various topographical scales. Lately, researchers have turned out to be occupied with … Read more

Green Bonds

1. Introduction   Demographic change, increasing natural resource demands and urbanization have had critical roles in the enhancement of climate change at a global scale (Satterthwaite, 2007). The resulting climate change-generated hazards, carry uncertainty about the magnitude, timing and distribution of climate impact (Wiltshire, 2014). This presents a challenge for governments and nations and thus … Read more

Can climate change be having a positive impact?

Can climate change be having a positive impact?   Giving a rise to potential for de-extinction. De-extinction has always been a phenomenon seen as unfeasible and a matter of fiction. However, the resurrection of species categorised as extinct is becoming a possibility due to climate change. With scientists making epic strides in genetic studies and … Read more

Heat Mortality and Energy Policy in the Changing Indian Climate

I. Introduction The Republic of India has emerged as a regional and global power with massive economic growth and a flourishing young citizenry, despite pressing problems such as overpopulation, environmental degradation, poverty, and corruption. Building a new India for 1.3 billion people, and whether it relies on fossil fuels or renewable energy, will be a … Read more

Locally grown food versus grocery bought produce / Invasive Species & Climate Change

Environmental issues can occur through harmful aspects of human activity on the environmental or even effects of climate on plants and animals. Locally grown food and climate variation among invasive species fit into these particular areas of issues. There is such discussion on whether we should shop from locally grown markets, or whether to shop … Read more

Exploring Climate Change Issues and Human Action Impact.

 Paste your essay in here…Grace Le Professor H. Daehler Hayes Philosophy 212, Section 8 19 November 2018 Climate Change Issues Many researchers and scientists believe that climate change is mainly caused by human action which refers to the “greenhouse effect”. The greenhouse effect happens when the layers of atmosphere conserve heat radiating from Earth … Read more

Shale gas has the potential to aid progress on climate change

Summary Shale gas has the potential to aid progress on climate change, despite what environmentalists may believe.  Policymakers should support shale gas.  Without natural gas, energy companies may revert back to the burning of coal, a more damaging fossil fuel.  I propose three actions the Environmental Protection Agency can take to use shale gas to … Read more

Climate Change & Indian Potato: Threat or New Opportunity?

Climate change refers to long term conspicuous deviation from usual prevalent climate bringing variation in normal temperature, rainfall and atmospheric circulation with abnormal expression in extreme climate such as floods, droughts, extreme temperatures etc. can be termed as climate change (Ghadekar et al, 2001). India produces about 24 million tonnes of potato from 1.32 million … Read more

Obama’s climate change plan

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! I am glad to see so many of you here today. My name is xxxxxxxxxx and I am a student at Columbia University. Today’s talk is going to be about Obama’s climate change plan, as I am studying economics. I will first of all present Obama’s climate change, and the reasons … Read more

Perceiving the Global Effects of Climate Change for People in the US

In the United States, climate change sparks considerable debate shaped by public opinion, leadership, and policy. Extensive scientific research indicates that anthropogenic activities have been responsible for a temperature increase over the past century (Oreskes, 2004). However, how people perceive climate change significantly influences their response to this global crisis, thus playing an increasingly critical … Read more

Cause and impact of climate change

From the 20th century onwards, there has been an increased level of atmospheric carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide produced by the use of fossil fuels and agricultural practices. This phenomenon, known as climate change, has significant impacts on our planet, including rising sea levels and an increase in extreme natural events, from destructive cyclones to … Read more

Climate change issues in India

Climate change refers to the  disruption of weather patterns due to the change in chemical balance of  the ecosystem. It is mainly caused by greenhouse gases and other land and air pollutants that are present predominantly due to the industrialisation of mankind. These substances cause an imbalance in the environmental equilibrium and cause extreme weather, … Read more

Review of ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ (Al Gore, climate change film)

Former Vice President Al Gore provides a heartfelt, informative, and overall convincing portrayal of what goes on behind the scenes of the fight against climate change in his documentary entitled “An Inconvenient Sequel.” Given today’s current political situation, I believe that the topics discussed in this film are more relevant now than ever before. As … Read more

Greece – a country vulnerable to climate change

Greece Introduction Greece is located in the Balkan Peninsula. It is the land of high peaks and having more than 1400 islands makes it among top tourist destinations. In the after-World War II period, Greece witnessed fast commercial and societal alternation. Greece associated with European Union in 1981. Greece has the population of 11.4 million … Read more

Reducing Climate Change-Driven Erosion and Landslide Risk through Sustainable Agriculture (JCDT)

CBA Jamaica: Reducing Climate Change-Driven Erosion and Landslide Risk through Sustainable Agriculture (JCDT) The community based adaptation objective is to integrate climate change risks into sustainable community management of natural resources by strengthening the resilience of communities addressing climate change impacts and to generate knowledge and lessons for replication and up scaling.  Three impact indicators … Read more

Long term relative and absolute gains (climate change, immigration)

The world is imperfect as it is lead and managed by imperfect people making challenges, which is inevitable.  Success is often defined by the wise, not by avoidance of challenges but by how one responds to challenges, and this applies to countries as well.  Countries are constantly managing forces that challenge their stability; economic, political, … Read more

Rainwater Harvesting: The key to water efficient buildings

Draft 1.0 Introduction In communities and rural areas where there is no surface water, where groundwater is deep or too salty, acidic or is generally unpleasant to drink, another source of clean water must be sought. In areas that experience regular rainfall and the least air pollution, the most sustainable and appropriate alternative is the … Read more

High Seas Conservation in the Southern Ocean

High Seas Conservation at the Bottom of the World: Collaborative Governance, Participatory Mapping, and Conservation Opportunity in the Southern Ocean The Context: The Sixth Mass Extinction In 2005, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment reported that according to the IUCN Red List between 12% and 52% of various well-studied, higher-order taxa were at risk of extinction (Mace … Read more

Fighting Climate Change & Driving Sustainable Development (Bank)

Introduction I work for GarantiBank BBVA which is a Dutch subsidiary of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA). The bank as a group has a sustainability strategy around climate change and sustainable development called Pledge 2025; it pledges to mobilize €100bn in green finance, sustainable infrastructures, social entrepreneurship and financial inclusion through 2025 (BBVA, n.d.). This … Read more

Climate change directly impacts terrorism on a transnational level

 Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, “You can never win a war against terror as long as there are conditions in the world that make people desperate — poverty, disease, ignorance.”  Climate change is indisputably correlated to a rise in terrorism. Climate change, a shift in overall temperature of the Earth, directly impacts terrorism in a … Read more

How divided opinions on climate change frustrates progress

The human population’s unnatural acceleration of global warming has the potential to yield quite disastrous and widespread effects. Global warming is an important issue because it will deliver consequences to anyone and anything living on Earth. However, people who have the most influence on this issue cannot seem to meet and discuss the issue at … Read more

Impacts of Global Warming and Climate Change on the Arctic

The issues of global warming and climate change are prominent in society today, as they are becoming increasingly more intense, affecting ways of life. One place where climate change and global warming have a major impact is the arctic. That arctic is warming at intense rates, affecting its environment and habitats, raising the global sea … Read more

What can realistically be done to stop the harmful effects of climate change in the world?

Abstract I constructed a question for this project that is currently becoming a cause for global discussion.  I am very interested in the geographical aspects of our world as it is surprisingly unpredictable at times. In the past couple of years we have seen an increase in the world death toll due to natural disasters … Read more

What are the main causes of climate change and why is it so difficult to address this problem?

July 30th, 2018 Question: “What are the main causes of climate change and why is it so difficult to address this problem? What are the possible second and third order consequences of mitigation and adaptation response strategies that could be implemented to minimize the impacts of climate change?” I. Introduction Climate change is happening now. … Read more

Impact of climate change on grain yield of rainfed durum wheat

1. INTRODUCTION Today, climate change has become one of important emerging issues and the biggest concern of mankind as a consequence of scientific evidence about the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007a, 2007b, 2014a), successive scientific assessment reports proved that global average … Read more

How does climate change affect health?

More intense heat waves. Stronger and more frequent hurricanes. Shrinking glaciers. Rising sea levels. Longer droughts. More frequent wildfires. Shifting flora and fauna. The effects of climate change are and will continue to be felt across the globe. In addition to growing ecological effects, we can expect to experience increased effects on health resulting from … Read more

Impact of climate change and biodiversity loss

Global Climate Change is a phenomenon that involves the warming of the planet due to anthropogenic manipulation of the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect involves the warming of the earth due to outgoing longwave radiation from the earth’s surface becoming trapped in the earth’s atmosphere by gases called greenhouse gases. Examples of greenhouse gases include … Read more

Should BP invest in solar or wind energy production?

Executive Summary With the upcoming impacts of Brexit, the UK energy market is under increasing pressure on budget planning and future investment decisions particularly reaching environmental targets. BP is increasingly working towards expanding its renewable energy sector and is currently facing uncertainties regarding how Brexit will impact the European Investment Bank’s subsidy program therefore impacting … Read more

Observed Climate Change (roots, impacts, future response strategy)

The severity of the world’s climate change issue has long been underestimated by many. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “Climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time”.1 From 1880 to 2012, the annual temperature of the globe has increased by 1.5 F (0.8 C). … Read more

Climate change impact relative to extreme drought and flood in godavari river basin: A assessment using hydrology model

1. Introduction The availability of water in a larger river basin is significantly impacted by climate changes. Global warming is major concern worldwide in recent year in a river basin [1]. There have been dramatic changes in the flow of major rivers worldwide that reduces a river basins natural ability to adjust and absorb the … Read more

Livestock agriculture and meat production are major contributors to global warming

The purpose of this essay is to show that livestock agriculture and meat production are major contributors to global warming by emitting green-house gases. Global warming and climate change are one of the most controversial topics in the world today. Global warming is an increase in atmospheric temperatures all over the world. Global warming also … Read more

Climate change speech

A. Attention Getter: Our world is going to end in 2030, at least according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and it’s not due to non-recyclable plastic straws (Miller, 2018). B. Relevance: As people who hope to live on this planet, this is terrifying and a stark reality we must face if we … Read more

Increase in global atmospheric and oceanic temperatures, and the rise in sea level

In the United States, climate change can create a great debate based on public opinion, leadership, and policy. There is extensive scientific research stating that anthropogenic activities have been responsible for a temperature increase over the past century (Oreskes, 2004), but the way people perceive climate change shapes their response to this global crisis. This, … Read more

Tanzania – Tackling Climate Change

The Earth is our precious home, and therefore we all suffer together from the effects of climate change. In recent years, Tanzania has suffered through a number of climate relate disasters, the mountainous and densely forested terrain have been through droughts, flooding, widespread crop failures and the population suffer from intensifying disease exposure. With a … Read more

Deforestation – disruption of the water cycle, increase in soil erosion and climate change

When it comes to deforestation, fingers point in all directions for the blame. The blame stems from the negative impact deforestation is causing on the earth, and the things certain individuals do to cause this. Forests are spread worldwide and they come in all different shapes and sizes. Thousands of years ago there were more … Read more

The Cattle Industry and Global Climate Change

Introduction: Steak, hot dogs, and hamburgers. They’re engraved into the very fabric of American lifestyle and culture, it’s hard to imagine a life without beef products. Then again, imagining a life with damaged rainforests, rising sea levels and blazing temperatures seems far in the future as well, but that’s where we’re heading. Staggering heat and … Read more

Impact of climate change in Switzerland

According to the environmental and energy study institute, climate change can be termed as the rise in the average global temperature due to an increase in the concentration of atmospheric greenhouses, resulting in numerous climatic shifts and impact around the globe. Climate change can be caused many factors such as solar radiation, volcanic eruptions and … Read more

Rising global temperatures and ocean temperatures

Rapid changes in the global climate is a growing topic of concern worldwide. One important component of climate change is the trend in rising global temperatures. Though the use of indirect temperature measurements (such as tree rings and ice cores), unanimous conclusions have been made that average global surface air temperature has risen by a … Read more

The legitimacy of global warming is unconvincing

One of the most prevalent stories we hear about today is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system and its related adverse effects. This phenomenon is referred to as global warming, or climate change. Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming. Many notable figures … Read more

Tackling climate change

Adequate water supply is defined as the provision of sufficient amount of water by public, private organisations or by individuals. An environmental challenge is a process of achieving a goal of environmental sustainability due to the problems that prevent overcoming obstacles. Climate change is a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, especially a change due … Read more

Impact of discounting on future generations (climate change)

Climate change will influence human, biological and physical systems in the near, as well as in the far off future, but uncertainties hinder getting an accurate picture of how mankind and the environment will be affected. The anticipated consequences range from coral bleaching through acidification of the oceans, to increased severity of natural disasters such … Read more

A study report for climate mitigation in Brunei, Borneo

Introduction Borneo is the largest island in Asia comprising of three politically-divided regions: Indonesia (Kalimantan), East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), and Brunei. This report specifically appeals on the need, extent and potential for climate mitigation action in Brunei, the independent Islamic Sultanate located on the northern coast of the island. The report will first discuss … Read more

Industrial activities’ impact on climate change

Industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon has raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and has caused much of the observed increase in Earth’s temperature over the last 50 years. Climate change is a global issue caused by human contributing to greenhouse gases. I personally think that we need to attempt to make a change … Read more

Russia’s stance on climate change

In 2015, the Russian Federation submitted its 2030 Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the United Nations. This was a document that outlined Russia’s climate change and emissions related goals, based on their government’s own research and data. It contained emissions targets which said Russia would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions levels, so they were … Read more

How do we know that global warming is caused by human activities?

Scientist across the globe have devoted their lives to researching the effects of warming to the planet. Having the ability to analyze scientific observations and data has increased their knowledge of the issue that has continued to grow over time. They believe that this warming effect is due to human activities, the main culprit being … Read more

The effects of climate change on the Great Barrier Reef

Climate change is a global issue – a crisis that will be felt by all corners of the world. A local region that is significantly impacted by the effects of climate change is the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef, located off Cairns in northern Queensland, is the world’s largest coral reef system. Climate change, … Read more

Analysing two articles on Climate Change (David G. Victor 2006/Foster & Clark 2009)

The issue of climate change has been discussed by several professional and has recently become a growing concern in international policies, due to the potential security threat it can cause. But there are several different stances on the causes of climate change and the possible solutions. Both articles tackle different perspectives and solutions to climate … Read more

Impact of climatic change & global warming on sea and ice volumes

a.) The impact of climatic change and global warming on sea and ice volumes: Climate change is a long-term change in the earth’s climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature. Climate change affects the mass balance of glaciers and ice sheets. When the temperature exceeds a certain temperature for … Read more

Climate change demands drastic change to save humanity

Deforestation, coastal destruction, extreme weather events are just some of the costly irreversible effects of climate change. This terrifying crisis that we are currently facing demands drastic change to save humanity and the degradation of the environment. Human activity has resulted in the increase of atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide by more than thirty percent … Read more

How does the presentation of climate change in American media differ according to audience, purpose and scale?

World Studies Extended Essay Introduction Global Climate Change has become a growing concern among nations on a global, national and local scale. Global Climate Change is used to describe the recent changes in patterns of temperature and rainfall, sea level, habitats and the incidence of drought, floods and storms, resulting from changes in the earth’s … Read more

Does climate change have natural causes?

BODY PARAGRAPHS NATURAL CAUSES One major argument of climate change doubters is the fact that there are many natural factors such as Volcanic eruptions and Movements of crustal plates which can naturally emit greenhouse gasses and/or affect global circulation patterns of air and ocean water, these natural causes “although natural” still have effect on the … Read more

The Deterioration of the Earth By Human Activities

In recent years, the grave consequences of environmental problems have raised increasing concerns. Plenty of problems such as the rising of the global temperature, air and water pollution, energy crisis which are mainly caused by human activities have threatened the ecosystem. However, people are not often aware of how serious the issue is only until … Read more

Global warming – manufacturing doubt

It is in the interest of our most powerful and profitable industries to manufacture doubt among the public as well as manufacture products and pollutants. Global warming is a threat to big business. In the American capitalist market, businesses maximize their profits by eliminating all unnecessary costs. Global warming is “a gradual increase in the … Read more

What are the main impacts of climate change?

From a social perspective, the impacts of climate change have drastically affected people’s lives and communities; the World Health Organisation estimates that the warming and precipitation trends due to anthropogenic climate change of the past 30 years has already claimed over 150,000 lives annually (Patz et al, 2005). This shows the lethal impact of climate … Read more

China’s struggle with climate change

Climate change has undoubtedly been happening around the world, is currently happening, and will also continue to happen. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), it is widely believed that present climate change is a result of the “greenhouse effect.”  The greenhouse effect is an increase in temperature as a result of heat … Read more

Global warming – a major challenge for our society

Global warming, also referred to as climate change, is the observed century scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system and its related effects. Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time and adds considerable stress to our societies and to the environment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten … Read more

Climate change is negatively influencing resources in South Africa

As South Africa’s climate changes, it poses major threats to South Africa’s resources. Climate change worsens existing environmental issues and adds to the strain on natural resources and damages the biodiversity of the environment. South Africa has a diverse biodiversity with a full range of landscapes including: forestry and desserts. However, the effects of climate … Read more

Can carbon pricing schemes significantly mitigate GHG emissions as intended?

Introduction Despite speculation surrounding the speed and scale of global warming, it cannot be denied that the threat of anthropogenic induced climate change beckons. Greenhouse gases (GHG’s) continue to be produced at a high rate and are being trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the perpetuation of dramatic global warming.  Although the science is settled … Read more

Climate change articles review

Houghton, J. T., Meira Filho, L., Callander, B. A., Harris, N., Kattenberg, A., Maskell, K., & Wall, G. (1998). The science of climate change]. Environments, 25(2), 133. Retrieved from http://lrc- ntid=8387 J.T. Houghton, in The Science of Climate Change, has no insights of his own, and instead discusses the findings from the Intergovernmental Panel … Read more

Climate change and the North American monarch butterfly

People are becoming more and more concerned with the climate, and the adverse effects that climate change has on the populations of organisms. The majority agreement within the scientific community is that climate change is very real- in fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the National Oceanic and … Read more

Climate change – from rising sea levels to disappearing bees

Since the 1800s there has been a general trend in increasing temperatures across the globe. Through numerous ice ages and warm periods Earth’s climate has changed due to natural phenomena. However, the Earth’s change in climate today is due to human impacts rather than natural phenomena. Continuing this trend of rapid climate change and global … Read more

The effects of climate change on Toronto

Toronto, situated in southern Ontario, Canada, directly resting on the bank of Lake Ontario, is the province’s capitol.  Comprised of 140 neighbourhoods, Toronto boasts as one of the most diverse cities in the country.  The city’s downtown hosts a population of approximately 3 million people, while the greater Toronto area (GTA) is home to over … Read more

The costly task of accurately measuring climate change – should we bother?

Climate change is an adjustment in the measurable conveyance of climate examples when that change goes on for a broadened timeframe. Another climate understanding will not unravel environmental change, however it ought to bump the world onto a lower-outflows way. Exploration must drive more profound changes by making an interpretation of proposed arrangements into workable … Read more

Humans growth causing global warming – Climate Change Mother or Nature

“Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us” (Bill Nye). Climate change is one of the most debated topics in history, many people believe fully in it while others are in denial that climate change is caused by humans. Could climate change … Read more

About Climate Change

What is climate change? Climate change is the significant and lasting change of our weather over sustained periods of time. There is an international consensus that human activities over the last 50 years have altered the Earth’s natural climate. Excess production of greenhouse gases and changes to our natural ecosystems (such as deforestation) are contributing to global warming.

Changes in climate can occur through both natural and human-induced causes and it’s a real problem temperature have been going up around the world for many decades. Reliable temperature records began in 1850 and our world is now about one degree Celsius hotter than it was in the period between 1850 and 1900.

The change is even more visible over a shorter time period compared to average temperatures between 1961 and 1990, 2017 was 0.68 degrees warmer, while 2016 was 0.8 degrees warmer, thanks to an extra boost the naturally-occurring El Niño weather system. While this temperature increase is more specifically referred to as global warming, climate change is the term currently favored by science the communicators, as it explicitly includes not only Earth’s increasing global average temperature, but also the climate effects caused by this increase.

Global efforts are now focussed on keeping temperatures from increasing more than two degrees above that pre-industrial average, and ideally no more than 1.5 degrees. That goal may still be possible if the international community pulls together.

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner and loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat and waves are some of the effects it has and we have to prevent that before it gets worse or irreversible.

Impacts of climate change include Heat waves, Heavy downpours, Sea-Level Rise, wildfires and drought. Sea level has risen about 8 inches due to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets. The warming of seas and oceans is also making coastal storms more damaging. Scientists predict sea levels in the United States could rise 1 to 4 feet in the 21st century and could be even higher if glaciers in Greenland or Antarctica melt especially quickly. Threats to habitats and animals. As temperatures warm, many plants and animals are migrating to higher elevations or away from the equator. Some animals may have difficulty moving or adapting to new habitats.

Less ice means less white snow to reflect the sun’s rays. That speeds up the melting process. Scientists predict that by 2050 there will be no Arctic ice in the summer. The dark ocean that replaces it will absorb even more heat. The Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the region. As the ground weakens, it brings cold air south and pumps warm air north. That’s what causes blizzard-like conditions along the U.S. East Coast. The resulting of fresh water is shifting the global circulation of the oceans. Typically, surface waters traveling toward the poles become colder. As they chill, they become denser and sink. Once they hit the ocean floor, they roll back toward the equator melting glacial ice puts fresh water into the equation. It is less dense than salty water. As a result, it doesn’t sink as it should. It stays on the ocean’s surface, slowing the ocean conveyor belt.

Economically Stanford University scientists calculated how much global warming would cost the global economy. If the world’s nations adhered to the Paris Climate Agreement, and temperatures only rose 2.5 percent, then the global gross domestic product would fall 15 percent. If temperatures rose to 3 degrees Celsius, global GDP would fall 25 percent. If nothing is done, temperatures will rise by 4 degrees Celsius by 2100. Global GDP would decline by more than 30 percent from 2010 levels. That’s worse than the Great Depression, where global trade fell 25 percent. The only difference is that it would be permanent.

Nations around the world are upping their game in the fight against climate change, even as President Trump recently announced the U.S.’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. And despite this reckless move, American mayors, state leaders, county officials, governors, major companies, and millions of citizens across our country have pledged that they’re “still in” when it comes to the agreement, and supporting the goal of limiting future warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius.

There are many ways to prevent climate change at the governmental, community, and individual level. For example, governments can establish policies and regulations to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Businesses can install renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to decrease the number of greenhouse gases they produce. Families can bike or walk to work or school.

Nations around the world are upping their game in the fight against climate change, even as President Trump recently announced the U.S.’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. And despite this reckless move, American mayors, state leaders, county officials, governors, major companies, and millions of citizens across our country have pledged that they’re “still in” when it comes to the agreement, and supporting the goal of limiting future warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius.

You at home can start helping the world by pushing for reduced methane emissions from fracked gas, using energy wisely and efficiently by changing to energy-efficient light bulbs, unplugging computers, TVs and other electronics when you’re not using them. wash clothes in not hot water. Dryers are energy hogs, so hang dry when you can and use dryer balls when you can’t, Install a programmable thermostat and look for the Energy Star label when buying new appliances.

Human-induced climate change has contributed to changing patterns of extreme weather across the globe, from longer and hotter heat waves to heavier rains. From a broad perspective, all weather events are now connected to climate change. While natural variability continues to play a key role in extreme weather, climate change has shifted the odds and changed the natural limits, making certain types of extreme weather more frequent and more intense.

While our understanding of how climate change effects extreme weather is still developing, evidence suggests that extreme weather may be affected even more than anticipated. Extreme weather is on the rise, and the indications are that it will continue to increase, in both predictable and unpredictable ways.


Themes and topics for climate change essays:

  1. The science behind climate change and its effects on our environment.
  2. The human role in causing climate change, including the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other activities.
  3. The economic and social implications of climate change.
  4. Potential solutions to mitigate climate change, such as renewable energy sources, carbon capture, and sustainable development.
  5. The implications of climate change for vulnerable populations, such as communities in low-lying coastal areas and in developing countries.
  6. The importance of global action and international cooperation to combat the effects of climate change.
  7. The importance of education and public awareness in promoting climate action.