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Essay: Factors affecting the mental health of the students during the COVID-19 pandemic

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This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies done by the researchers. The factors affecting the mental health of the students during the COVID-19 pandemic were tackled in this chapter. The contents written in this chapter was gathered from various articles, books, and research thesis written by other authors and researchers.


The Philippines continues to struggle with the effects of academia on the country. Students and teachers will face challenges that add to the burden of what the country is going through today. The set-up of education and became vulnerable to rapid change that must be maintained. Online learning played a major role in the deterioration of the mental health of students. Before the pandemic, students go to school and do all their schoolworks. They have the opportunity to rest after class and go home without the burden of school activities. But due to the pandemic, students have to study at home and comply with everything that is required in school. This set up is detrimental to the mental health of the students. Students have to study at their own pace and time. Most of the time, too many lessons are needed to understand. Teachers should always be available to students and communicate with them whenever they can. At the end of the day, there is nothing to do but work together with each other and make things easier for everyone (Bundalian, 2021).

In the midst of the pandemic we are experiencing nowadays, even being a student is hard; the stress, the pressure and other responsibilities are accumulating all together resulting to stress or other mental illness. According to World Health Organization (2019) Adolescents which begins at the age of 10 and ends at the age of 19, is a transitional time from childhood to adulthood. This is where a person undergoes critical psychological and mental in his or her growth. There are approximately 1.2 billion teenagers globally, and between 10-20% of children and adolescents have some mental health issues. Depression, Anxiety, and Stress, concerning their academic performance. The study’s results showed that almost more than half of the respondents suffered from severe levels of mental illness (Tus, 2020).

According to Magsambol (2020), Dr. Joan Rifael acknowledged that some of her student clients talked about how classes’ workload, and struggling with the new system due to lack of resources causes them the feeling of burn out (para. 12).

Pandemic puts new and unexpected pressures and it results in major disruptions in human life around the world. Although there is a developing body of literature on the impact of pandemics on mental health. Educational institutions may need to cultivate and utilize the resilience of students who graduate in the midst of a pandemic and other stressful events to help fight negative mental states and undesirable psychological consequences (Oducado et al., 2021).

The Movement for Safe, Equitable, Quality, and Relevant Education (SEQuRE) conducted three online surveys from November 23, 2020, to December 22, 2020, to assess the conduct of distance learning in basic education. On January 27, 2021, the results showed that 53% of the 620 student respondents do not think if they can learn on what learning modalities are DepEd will decide. This report is important factors in the development of the student because it is one way to share their thoughts and feelings about their mental health issues (Adonis, 2021).
The sudden change in education that we are accustomed to has a huge impact on students, such as schools that have succeeded in advancing the online education system in teaching students. The new system defined here is not properly fixed for other students. Difficulty with internet connection makes it difficult for them to study. Some students lose self-confidence until it leads to mental health that students typically experience at present. Difficulty in finding work is also one of the main reasons for not being able to support the school needs of students (Rotas & Cahapay 2020).


According to the study of Subramani & Dr. Kadhiravan (2017, vol. 7) stress has become a fundamental part of human life. Not all types of stress are to be considered bad because they believe sometimes it helps people to perform better. But academically, stress is unavoidable among the students, and it sometimes influences students’ performance in all academic activities. Academic stress plays a significant role in determining the mental health of students. Students from private schools have experience higher academic stress than government school students. It was also found that academic stress had a significant relationship with the mental health of high school students.

Students from China have experienced a lot of difficulties since the Covid-19 Pandemic occurred, and they did undergo the new learning system that leads the students to feel pressure and have caused them to develop mental health issues. Based on surveys a lot student this pandemic has been undergoing mental breakdowns due to the difficulties of studying online. The deadlines, the workloads and the pressure lead the students to experience stress, anxieties and worse, depression (Hou et al. 2020).


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Essay Sauce, Factors affecting the mental health of the students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/education-essays/factors-affecting-the-mental-health-of-the-students-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/> [Accessed 08-02-25].

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