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Essay: The impact of Artificial Intelligence on youths (literature review)

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Stephen Hawkins once said, “Computers will overtake humans with AI within the next 100 years, when that happens we need to make sure the computers have goals aligned with ours”.

Artificial Intelligence is a broad topic, consisting of deficient fields, from machine vision to an expert system. AI is one of the marvelous creations of humans. About 29% of companies confirmed the daily usage of AI and 31% claimed to be using it in the coming years. [Source: Academia.edu]. Youth today is growing up with technology all around them. Technology devices are used to communicate, learn, play, and have become tools that are always by their side. Specifically, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a major piece of a youth’s life and they are unfamiliar in a world without AI. AI is now built into many of the common devices used by children like phones, tablets, and even appliances around the house.

Artificial Intelligence is a set of algorithms that can produce results without having to be explicitly instructed to do so. To summarize, Artificial Intelligence is- a quick-witted body created by humans, efficient for performing tasks intelligently without being explicitly directed and is capable of thinking and acting rationally and humanly. They solve most of their problems using fast, intuitive judgments.
This research will shed some light on AI terrorism and AI as a boon, but most importantly the ways by which AI is taking over the menial tasks and this is making youth significantly reduce the amount of time they need to spend at a particular task. This extra freedom might seem like a utopia at first glance but later it will be no less than dystopia.


SR.N0. Author Title / Journal name Criticism (Inadequacies) Alternatives Suggestions/ Comments

1. Tuomi,Ilkka The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Learning, Teaching, and Education When AI systems predict our acts using historical data averaged over a large number of other persons, AI systems cannot decipher between people who make true choices or who break out from historical patterns of behavior. Well-established research on human learning would provide a n important tool. The objective is wide and vast, therefore further research is required. Or, the objectives could have been narrowed down.

2. Robert J. Howley III The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on the Youth AI remains to be referenced as weak AI, the development and regulations installed will become the foundation of what one day may be called true strong AI. The data collected today, and the regulations enforced upon this collected data, will aid in creating a trusted and unbiased AI structure that can one day prove to be beneficial to humankind. – The paper tries to cover the effects of Artificial Intelligence on the youth, but it is a varied topic which requires more research.

3. Alice Pavaloiu The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Global Trends A.I. will bring out the human factor in people. It will create meaning through a new definition of self-worth, once it enables people to work for pleasure, instead of a steady, secure income which will insure stability. Assess the impact of A.I. on global trends, by offering a macro-perspective and micro-perspective. The limitation was the methodology as open ended interviews were used. It lead to complex and varied findings.

4. Pooja Agarwal, Pooja Yadav, Neelam Sharma, Ruchika Uniyal and Swati Sharma Research Paper on Artificial Intelligence It is not easy to predict the future of Artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence in the 90’s was focused just about enhancing human circumstances. Conduct studies on game playing, expert systems, neural networks, natural language, and robotics. The limitations was the detailed involvement in the future of AI.

5. Dr. Hiba Tabbarah & Mr. Abdullah Abdulghafar Artificial Intelligence We are in the AI revolution era and therefore; we should adopt into this change and welcome it by embracing AI and moving towards a better society. The data is just a collection from old sources.
Study human’s simple requests like using artificial intelligence just ask Siri to about the temperature. The research paper talks just in brief about all topics, doesn’t provide detailed information.

6. Neha Soni, Enakshi Khular Sharma, Narotam Singh and Amita Kapoor Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Businesses from Research, Innovation, Market Deployment to Future Shifts in Models The involvement of the autonomous technology in almost every sector and launch of a large number of AI-based machines and services would improve health, educational opportunities, trade, but has minimal data supporting the models. Study innovation, market deployment to future shifts in business models. The challenges faced were the wide choice of objectives chosen.

7. Mélina Cardinal-Bradette, Diana Chavez-Varela, Samapika Dash, Olivia Koshy, Pearlé Nwaezeigwe, Malhar Patel, Elif Sert, Andrea Executive Summary : Artificial Intelligence and Childrens Rights Children’s rights are affected and we will have to change the rules as AI develops as more security concerns arise with developing AI. As kids interact with machines, their privacy is at risk. In India, with cheaper smartphones a lot more middle and lower class people have access to this and we don’t know how they use it too. Competitors shall join hands to assess the dangers of utilizing such innovations and survey chances to utilize AI to augment youngsters’ prosperity in a precise way. The study was done concentrating on apps designed specifically for children but they have access to a larger database of apps nowadays. The study was not conducted in India where a large number of people and kids have access to the internet because of cheap internet, so this could help expand demographic of this research.

8. Hasse, Alexa, Sandra Cortesi, Andres Lombana-Bermudez, and Urs Gasser Youth and Artificial Intelligence: Where We Stand The paper says about all the ways that AI has impacted our lives. It still has not addressed questions on how these problems can be addressed and solved. So, this is a place where we can do research on to find ways in which we can tackle the problems which have been brought to light in this paper. – It does not explain how can educators equip to use AI in a more advantageous way. It only talks about the harmful effects and just recommends how to tackle them without being clear how.

9. Lee Rainie and Janna Anderson The Future of Jobs and Jobs Training Artificial Intelligence has become very powerful and some software have developed intellect much higher than that of humans. These discoveries don’t speak to every conceivable point of view, yet they do uncover a wide scope of striking perceptions. Study of competitive modified gadgets – a large number of them smart, independent frameworks – proceed with their march into working environments. So it is going to be a challenge for the youth of today to get a job as they would be competing against both humans as well as AI.

10. Sapna Maheshwari Hey, Alexa, What Can You Hear? And What Will You Do With It? This paper shows us data that the companies have made public, especially ones claiming that the voice assistants do not steal our data or invade our privacy in any way. But, even if they have promised us this, we can never be a hundred percent sure about this as we all see companies as an evil profit making entity. So, people are still not completely buying their claims. So, Research on citizens to see if they feel secure around smart gadgets and if they trust the devices and companies claim that our data is not sold to other companies who trade this data for profits. Research does not have any input from the public, how the citizens feel about these statements and patents. Further research can be done on whether the public feels safe even after these statements made by them.

11. H. James Wilson, Paul R. Daugherty, Nicola Morini-Bianzino The Jobs That Artificial Intelligence Will Create (MIT Sloan Management Review – Summer 2017) There is a rising threat that AI will soon overthrow humans in the working sector as it is cheaper, more efficient and more reliable. Most people are still scared and unaware of what is to come. Research on whether the citizens are aware of the substitute and prospects of such jobs. People don’t seem to be aware of these jobs much as people are still complaining that their jobs will be at risk due to the development of AI.

12. Lucas Rizzotto The Future of Education: How A.I. and Immersive Tech Will Reshape Learning Forever The paper introduces us to virtual devices and AI which were only used in the gaming sector before. But now as it has become more mainstream, various developers have made applications which use these devices for educational purposes too. But a completely different viewpoint can be found if researched in conducted based on Indian data. Conduct separate research for developing and under- developed nations. AI and related devices are very expensive and this type of education would not be applicable in India which i still a developing country with a lot of citizens still near poverty line.

13. Luciano Floridi Josh Cowls Thomas King How to Design AI for Social Good Essential Factors The aim of the article is not to identify, or offer the means to identify AI4SG projects; the goal was just to identify ethically important characteristics of projects that could feasibly be described as AI4SG. – Till date, there exists limited information regarding how AI4SG counts good in practice, and ways to re-do its success witnessed in initial times via a few policies.

14. Aicha Adoui AI and the Future of Education CAL is already used around us, be it web-based interactive quizzes or the Microsoft Powerpoint which is used on a regular basis.. China’s attempt of using AI in the intelligent classroom behaviour management system” seems highly ambitious Introduce measures suitable for underdeveloped nations where resources are scarce. The study should be widely applicable and not just concentrated around a few powerful nations like China.

15. Nguyen T.T. Artificial Intelligence in the Battle agaisnst Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Survey and future research directions AI’s power should be majorly utilized to help the world fight this deadly coronavirus pandemic, through better robots and autonomous machines. This ideology does mot comply with the moral ethics. AI should be used to understand COVID-19 to discover new drug compounds against the virus. There is great need and scope for AI in this area such as exploring the virus’ dynamics and chemistry and identifying ways to deliver vaccines The paper seemed to convey a more unrealistic and far- fetched approach which is not relatable in near future.

16 Simanta Shekhar Sarmah Concept of Artificial Intelligence, its impact and emerging trends ASI ( artificial super intelligence) is someting that would surpass human intelligence. Along with the benefits, there are disadvantages like cyber attack and data poisoning leveraged by AI. AI has advanced a lot but it still cannot master human concepts like evil, love or creativity. The applications are narrow in scope

17. D’Alfonso S, Santesteban-Echarri O, Rice S, Wadley G, Lederman R, Miles C, Gleeson J and Alvarez-Jimenez M Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Online Social Therapy for Youth Mental Health It is revealed that the system has proved to be viable in a series of clinical research trials. However the next step should be the incorporation of advanced and automated delivery mechanisms. – Integration of advanced methods of computational and artificial intelligence is must to improvise user experience and enhance the delivery of therapy content.

18. Marlene Jones Applications of Artificial Intelligence within Education While the systems discussed in this paper fall short of what we would like to see implemented within the school setting, they show the effect in the educational field that recent AI research and study is having. Conduct research on impact of online education, post- COVID. The shortcomings of the CAI systems have been addressed and it has been noted that recent advances in AI have had a drastic impact on the quality of CAI


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