Home > Sociology essays > Improving creativity in learning and working in the pandemic

Essay: Improving creativity in learning and working in the pandemic

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  • Subject area(s): Sociology essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 20 February 2022*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 970 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Essays on Coronavirus

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Working and studying online during a pandemic is a new thing for the most people in Indonesia. The Covid-19 virus pandemic has forced all outdoor activities to stop. Everyone’s space is limited, they carry out all forms of activities online and are carried out indoors following Health protocols and reducing the increase in cases of the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This has a major impact on many sectors of life in Indonesia, especially the economic and education sectors. During the pandemic, many activities of buying and selling and exporting and importing goods stopped and also all activities in schools from elementary to collage were stopped to reduce cases of the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Whether workers or students do their work online, boredom and stress are inevitable. many meetings and events both indoors and outdoors, if the meeting involves a large number of people then the meeting must be cancelled and also all forms of exhibitions, festivals and events that entertain the public are postponed, instead, they can use video conferencing technologies such as Zoom and GoogleMeet to hold seminars, meetings and others. Many people complain about this because their space is very limited. This is what causes boredom and stress for the most students and workers in Indonesia. The feeling of boredom and stress makes workers and students lazy to do the same activities in every single day so that their creativity decreases. Creativity is needed in doing something in every field of expertise so that the work is not boring and also does not seem monotonous. Several things can be done to increase creativity in work and study during a pandemic.

The first thing that must be done to increase creativity in work and study is to have the enthusiasm to add new knowledge in learning and working. People who have high creativity are someone who has a lot of knowledge and ideas that they want to develop it. When a person has high enthusiasm and curiosity in working and studying, he will try to find knowledge that he doesn’t know about the field he is interested in. During a pandemic, all activities are limited so that everyone tries to gain knowledge through various means such as reading books or exchanging ideas with the others. Frequently, seminar materials are distributed free of charge directly from the experts. When someone gets new knowledge, he will be more enthusiastic in developing creativity to improve his skills.

The second thing that is done to increase creativity is experimenting. If we have attended many seminars, exchanged ideas with others, and read many references, there will be many ideas that can be realized and practiced. Good ideas will not produce results if students and workers are afraid to try to realize the idea. Small experiments conducted by students and workers can provide opportunities to become more advanced. mistakes and failures in experimenting can be used as learning so as not to repeat the same mistakes. For example: if a worker is going to develop a product, you should do a small experiment to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the product. Thus, the worker can explain the advantages and disadvantages of the product to be developed.

The third thing that can be done in increasing creativity is by associating and establishing relationships with creative people. Exchanging ideas with creative people who have an interest in the same field can be a great tool to increase creativity and provide unexpected ideas for learning and working. Establishing relationships with creative people can be realized by joining the communities around the place of residence. As a result of the Covid-19 virus pandemic, all activities that involve many people are carried out online, this is used to build relationships through seminars or webinars which are held online and free. Not only through seminars or webinars, building relationships can be through social media such as FaceBook, Telegram, or Twitter. With social media, many communities are formed and followed by everyone, including students and workers. After we can join a community that can help us develop creativity, take the time to discuss, ask and give criticism and suggestions with fellow community members so that we know where our weaknesses and strengths are in developing something. This can help us find new ideas and inspiration.

In conclusion, doing work and study online and being done indoors is something new for the most people in Indonesia. All forms of efforts made by the government are solely to suppress the increase in cases of the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The pandemic has a huge impact on the economy and education sector. However, the Government of Indonesia has made efforts to continue to run the two sectors in various ways, from conducting online transactions to implementing a learning system that is done at home, known as e-learning. However, activities carried out in the room cause boredom and stress which results in reduced creativity in workers and students in Indonesia. There are three ways that can be done to help students and workers increase their creativity during a pandemic. The first is having a passion and enthusiasm to look for the new knowledge to increase creativity, because people who have high creativity are someone who has a lot of knowledge and ideas that want to be developed. The second is conducting experiments to improve self-quality and also measuring the level of expertise. The third is building a friendship with creative people so that we can exchange ideas and get unknown ideas and knowledge. By practicing these three methods, the most students and workers in Indonesia can increase their creativity so that they are able to provide good ideas and can be realized in working from home and online learning that they carry out at home.


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Essay Sauce, Improving creativity in learning and working in the pandemic. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sociology-essays/improving-creativity-in-learning-and-working-in-the-pandemic/> [Accessed 12-02-25].

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