Efficiency of using digital technology to implement contact tracing & vaccine registration

INTRODUCTION Covid -19 is an unprecedented global pandemic that has affected and changed human living since March of 2020. After a year of adjusting to the ‘new normal’, almost everything has shifted to the digital world. The physical interaction has been limited because of the possibility of spreading the virus. This paves the way for … Read more

The Ethics of Vaccination: Advantages, Risks, and Moral Significance

Vaccination is a way to help your body protect itself from diseases. It helps your immune system become stronger, so you’re less likely to get sick from things you might normally get sick from. According to the Oxford Language website, vaccines are substances that help the body’s immune system fight a particular infection, the immune … Read more

Modelling the spread of infectious diseases on both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations

1. Rationale: Over my highschool career my interest in the area of medicine and medical science has deepened. With vaccination being a topic of conversation in the forefront of medical news, I thought it would be valid to explore from a more statistical, and modelled perspective. After conducting research into various models to present my … Read more

Understanding COVID-19 and the Importance of Vaccines

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 INTRODUCTION Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as an illness caused by a novel coronavirus called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-nCoV). It was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China (WHO, 2020). It was initially reported to … Read more

Should Children Under Five Years Old Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19?

In the United States, more than 460 children below five years old died from COVID-19 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2021), children, adolescents, and adults aged 5 and up have been vaccinated since last year. At least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine has been administered … Read more

HPV Vaccine & MS – Evidence Refutes Adverse Effects

 The human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases1 which effects 50%-70% of sexually active individuals globally2. Its symptoms include genital warts and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) lesions, as well as disease in non-genital sites, including hands, fingers, and face. Previously, cryotherapy was used as a common treatment for … Read more

The Pros & Cons of Immunization

 Vaccines have been around for hundreds of years. We discovered the idea of vaccines after people who survived diseases were immune to catching it again. When we get a disease, our bodies work hard to eradicate the disease. At the same time our body produces antibodies. Antibodies attach to the disease and remove it … Read more

Vaccines: Benefits, Risks and Medical History – Considerations for Parental Decision-Making

 Ever since I was little, I always thought that getting vaccinations were mandatory. I thought that they helped to prevent children from getting sick throughout the years. But, in recent years, vaccinations have become a huge controversy for parents across the world. There has been some people say that vaccinations cause autism spectrum disorder … Read more

Has the cost of R & D impacted vaccine development for Covid-19?

Introduction This report will be investigating and trying to answer the question of: ‘To what extent have the cost requirements of R&D, structure of the industry and government subsidy affected firms in the pharmaceutical industry in developing vaccines for Covid-19?’. The past two years have been very unpredictable for the pharmaceutical industry regarding the breakout … Read more

Eligibility for Covid-19 vaccinations (evaluating a news article)

It is an unfortunate truth that the struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly older adults, has been a devastating battle. In this news article by Farrah Merali titled “Ontario seniors ‘living in fear’ of COVID-19 feel forgotten in vaccine rollout plan”, the issues surrounding the distribution of vaccinations to for older adults who are right … Read more

Role of the American Government & Politics in Covid-19 vaccine rollout

Role of the American Government An article by The Washington Post dated December 30, 2020, reported that vaccine shots were taking long to reach the masses. In Milwaukee for example, the article points out that 500 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine were “intentionally” stored improperly, leading to them being discarded. According to the report, the … Read more

Improving uptake of canine vaccination programs

The novel approach in this intervention centres around the engagement of community animal health workers (CHWs) in directing and conducting dog rabies vaccination days while promoting participation by formulating local engagement strategies, comparing this approach to the standard of care of centrally coordinated rabies vaccination program. We assume that currently provided canine vaccination programs show … Read more

Vaccines are important to the future of a healthy human race

High fevers, rashes, infections, pneumonia, brain damage, muscle aches, swelling, inflammation of the brain and tissue, severe skin infections, and death. These are just a few of the many ramifications of vaccine preventable diseases(cdc). The diseases, and their complications become even more detrimental in the elderly, pregnant and in babies. The solution to these diseases … Read more

HIV and Hepatitis A & B vaccination

Abstract Prevention of opportunistic infections in HIV+ patients is important in reducing morbidity and mortality for these patients. Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B are two important infections in HIV+ patients for which the main method of prevention is vaccination. The aim of this audit was to evaluate the compliance of Beaumont Hospital’s Infectious Diseases department … Read more

The Benefits and Hazards of Vaccination

Despite the high ability of vaccines to protect people from dangerous diseases, or significantly reducing the morbidity cases of certain diseases, some society are now starting to focus on its risks. The focus on immunizations risks has been fueled by misconceptions existing in the community and a just a few cases that resulted to allergic … Read more

COVID-19 Vaccinations and College Students: Examining Knowledge and Acceptance

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 and the first known case was identified in Wuhan China in December 2019 (World Health Organization, 2020). In an attempt to control the pandemic, restrictive measures have been done. The Philippines implemented strict lockdowns in response to the pandemic, this also includes a prohibition … Read more

Influence of 24 Oras Digital reports on the Vaccination Plan of the Philippines

“Influence of 24 Oras Digital reports on the Vaccination Plan of the Philippines towards the IComm students of Letran” 3rd Year Broadcasting Arce, Arom John B. Pilar, Jackqueline A. Trends COVID-19 or formally known as The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 had its first eruption in China in December 2019 wherein multiple people in … Read more

Why Vaccinations Don’t Cause Autism: Separating Fact From Fiction

Part 1: Reliable source: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/vaccination-and-autism.pdf The article explains why vaccinations do not cause autism and how this myth started out. I believe this source is reliable because it uses many different reliable sources to support its point and make it clear that vaccinations do not cause autism and where the myth came from. The sources … Read more

Are vaccines bad?

Can you believe that something that is supposed to protect you from diseases can contain harmful substances? Well although vaccines do contain harmful substances they have the right amount of it so they it won’t be so harmful Many people believe vaccines are a really bad thing and that they just cause other horrible things. … Read more

Vaccine Case Study (MMR)

A couple who are parents of 3 children are having an issue with giving their one year old child the MMR Vaccination, MMR stands for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. The parents believe after giving the MMR Vaccine to their five year old, that symptoms of Autism arose within their child. They believe the same symptoms … Read more

History of Vaccination

The world is constantly faced with many pathogenic organisms, whether it be a viruses, bacteria or parasites. Some of these microorganisms are non-pathogenic and can help the human’s natural flora, however if they are pathogenic they may be detrimental to one’s health. The body’s natural way to fight off these infectious organisms is through the … Read more

Do the benefits of vaccinations outweigh the disadvantages?

The controversy over vaccines dates back to the 1800s, which is close to the time when vaccines were initially discovered, and the controversy continues today.  There are many different reasons why the criticism began including religious beliefs, sanitation, safety, and politics. Today, one of the most common reasons for the vaccine controversy is the harmful … Read more

Vaccine production costs

A broad survey of industry indicates that the Chemistry. Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) development for a vaccine exceeds 50M USD and consumes more than 80 person-years in human resources. Despite the difficulty of quantifying costs, one risk-adjusted estimate of R&D costs is 135-350 M USD. In addition to that, André suggested in another report that … Read more

Vaccine resistance

In modern times with the rapid pace of vaccine development in recent decades, the historic origins of immunization are often forgotten, leading people to underestimate the severity of the harm that vaccinations prevent. The resistance to vaccinations is a well-known occurrence, due to the positive effects vaccinations have had we forget the tragic consequences of … Read more

Impact of vitamin A on the effectiveness of vaccines in feedlot calves

Q#1. What is the species name of the model/study organism? The species name for an Angus feedlot calf is Pos (primigenius) taurus (“Angus”, 2018). Q#2. Intellectual merit and broader impact: A) Why did the authors feel this research was important enough to spend time and money doing it? B) Is there an economical, environmental, medical, … Read more

The controversy over vaccines and autism

Over recent years there has been controversy over vaccines and whether or not they cause autism. These questions have led many people to quit vaccinating their children due to the fear of developing autism. Despite many parents concerns, multiple studies on vaccines have proven the assumption wrong; vaccines do not cause autism. There are many … Read more

The Benefits of Vaccination

Vaccination are an important part of keeping children healthy; however some parents do not agree with vaccinating their children. Vaccines are a very sensitive and controversial subject because of the safety and efficacy. Our bodies can make antibodies to protect us from diseases in two ways: by getting the disease itself or by getting the … Read more

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine – ethics, values

According to the CDC (2016), Human papillomavirus (HPV) disease stands out as among the most common sexually transmitted diseases in both male and females. HPV infections are known by some symptoms including genital warts, however, more imperatively for urology specialists, cervical and penile carcinomas and intermittent genital condylomata in both genders. The frequency of HPV-related … Read more

The vaccination movement

I. Introduction This paper will provide a history of the vaccination movement as a whole in Section II. In Section III, this paper will examine states’ vaccination requirements for college students. Section IV will analyze the benefits and drawbacks of imposing stricter vaccine requirements. II. An Overview of the Vaccination Movement A. Vaccine Development and … Read more

What Vaccinations Do

Abstract Vaccines need to have high affinity B cells to neutralize and stop the spread of viral infections. Monitoring follicular T cells, as they are key members in vaccination, helps one to predict their ability to elicit humoral responses leading to protection against harmful microbes, and preventing said microbes from replicating. Production of high affinity … Read more

UK Childhood Vaccinations: How Effective, Safe and Ethical Are They?

 Childhood vaccinations are widely given in the UK in the first year of life. How do vaccines work? Are they effective and safe? Are there any ethical considerations? Vaccinations contain a dead or weakened form of an antigen, which when injected activates the body’s defences. This stimulates the an immune response which in turn, … Read more

Protect ing Against HPV: Factors Affecting Vaccination Rates in the US

 TITLE: Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction Human papillomavirus (HPV) has continuously been implicated as the leading cause of sexually transmitted disease in the United States (Satterwhite et al., 2013). Studies have shown that approximately 6.2 million new cases of persons between ages 14 and 44 are recorded annually (Chesson et al., 2007). According to a … Read more

IMCI strategy implementation boosts coverage of vaccinations and aids to decrease inappropriate antibiotics use

 Reliability of IMCI strategy's implementation on declining an inappropriate use of antibiotics and rising the coverage of vaccinations in Al Hadbaa PHCCin Mosul city. Ashraf K. Al-Nuaimee/ M.Sc. (Community Medicine)   Ali M. Saleem/ M.Sc. (Community Medicine) Abstract: Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) with The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) build up guidelines for … Read more

Quantitative Research: “Determinants of HPV Vaccination Among US Navy Personnel

 ay in ​​​2 Quantitative Research Article Critique of the Determinants of Human Papillomavirus Among U.S. Navy Personnel Nadia Miller and Kevana Smith Clayton State University School of Nursing Quantitative Research Article Critique of the Determinants of Human Papillomavirus Among U.S. Navy Personnel According to the Center for Disease Control, human papillomavirus is the most … Read more

Vaccination Programs: Primary and Secondary Immune Response

 Definition of immunisation/vaccination – “Immunisation is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or disease.” (WHO – 2018) Explains Primary immune response – The primary immune … Read more

Requiring Vaccination: Balancing Realistic Risk With Great Preventable Diseases

 Despite the indisputable fact that vaccines save millions of lives, their use has come under increasing criticism. In the US, vaccine-preventable infections kill more individuals annually than HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, or traffic accidents (Murphy, 60). Beginning in the 1950s, effective vaccines against major childhood illnesses, such as measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, polio, and tetanus … Read more

Vaccine Dangers”: Ken Adachi’s Bias and Misinformation On Vaccination

 VALIDITY TASK- LEVEL 2 BIO 2.2 Rosalind Walker Vaccine Dangers Vaccine Dangers was written by Ken Adachi, an extreme anti-vaccination advocate and editor of “educate-yourself.org", a blog on which he expresses his opinion on a number of topics from how to treat parasites, to aliens invading the world. He has no known credentials or … Read more

Childhood Vaccination – Should it be Compulsory?

 Childhood vaccination – Should be it be compulsory? Introduction Vaccination is a process that prepares the body to develop immunity to help prevent major disease out breaks from occurring in New Zealand. Making vaccination compulsory for every child in New Zealand has many positive and negative biological implication, as well as social implications, such … Read more

Protect Family: Louisiana’s Vaccination Policy RS: 17 and the VFC Program

 As a parent or guardian, we strive to provide the best life possible for our children, family, and grandchildren when they come along. Everything that could possibly be done is done in preparation for a child’s safety. The best car seats, best schools, best neighborhoods possible, but when it comes to immunizing children and … Read more

Reduce HPV Morbidity and Save Money in Young Women: Education, Vaccinations, and Screening.

 High-risk HPV prevention and overtreatment reduction amongst Young females Efforts to save time, money, and REDuce harm/morbidity amongst women diagnosed with oncogenic hpV Isabella Batki 28 February 2017 What is HPV? Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection in this country. About 14 million new cases occur each year.1 It … Read more

Legal Vaccination Requirements for US Citizens: Protecting Children and Future Generations

 Adriana Cericola Mr. Howell AP English 12 December 2017 Junior Research Paper     Vaccinations should be legally required by the federal government for all American citizens, especially for those under the age of eighteen who’s medical decisions are made by a guardian. There are no laws stated in any of the fifty states requiring … Read more

Should Kids be Vaccinated? The Case for Mandatory Vaccination in Schools

 Mandatory Vaccination Regarding Children Vaccinations are common practice in developed countries and a majority of people realize the importance of vaccinating their children. In the United States, it’s required by law to have children vaccinated before entering school or daycare. However, there are a number of parents who want to opt out of vaccinating … Read more

Tackle HAV Outbreak in CA: Vaccination, Sterile Syringes, Public Toilets

 Cristian Rodriguez (ID: 3032172742) Hepatitis A Virus Analysis Hepatitis A Virus is a non-enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus1 of the Picarnoviridae family2 that causes infectious disease with symptoms such as “fever, malaise, loss of appetite, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dark-coloured urine and jaundice”.3 There is no animal reservoir.4 HAV is simply transmitted among humans and … Read more

Interview of Charles Raymond Wallace: WWII Era’s Life in Rationing, Vaccinations and More

 Benjamin Wallace Charles Gavins Jr. American History II 10/17/17 Interview of Charles Raymond Wallace On A warm summers evening in a basement in South Georgia, I met up with my grandfather, we were both too tired to sleep. So I asked him if he would like to be interviewed for my history project, and … Read more

The Controversy of Vaccines

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 70% of all children aged 19-35 months receive all of the major seven vaccines (National Center for Health Statistics). That leaves 30% that are unaccounted for and can cause a lot of damage to our society. Vaccines are a fundamental necessity in today’s world; they have … Read more

Vaccine administration by nanoparticles

Abstract Table of contents introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Vaccination Vaccines are important tools to prevent infections. Over the last two centuries, vaccination has been one of the most successful medical interventions in reduction of infectious diseases (1). Infections are responsible for almost one-third of all deaths worldwide (2). Currently vaccines are available in three forms: … Read more

Cervical Cancer Vaccine & Promiscuity

Cervical Cancer Cervical tumor is a harmful tumor of the cervix or the encompassing zone cervix. Side effects are regularly not unmistakable until the growth is exceptionally progressed, in spite of the fact that certain cases give vaginal draining or vaginal release smell. Without clear indications of ladies matured between 25 and 49 are welcomed … Read more

Vaccine candidates for Atherosclerosis

The given work, directed towards the identification of vaccine candidates for Atherosclerosis caused by the factors of Periodontitis and this has resulted in the prediction of some acceptable epitopes that can be used to elicit immune response against both Atherosclerosis and Periodontitis. WDAPNGTPNPNPNPNPNPNPGTTTLSESFENGIPASWKTIDADGDGHGWKPGNAPGIAGYNSNGCV, LDDPFILRDVRGQVVNFAPLQYNPVTKTLRIYTEITVAVSET and SNLYSANFEYLIPANADPVVITQNIIVTGQGEVVIPGGVYDYCITN are recognised as B-cell epitopes. These epitope stretches contain … Read more

Writing essays about vaccinations

Vaccinations are an important part of public health, as they help to protect people from potentially dangerous and deadly diseases. Vaccines have been used to protect people against a wide range of illnesses, from measles and polio to the flu and even cancer. In recent years, the debate around vaccinations has been reignited, with many people questioning whether they should be mandatory and what the pros and cons of vaccination are.

The question of whether or not vaccines should be mandatory has been a source of debate for many years and therefore frequently crops up as an essay topic. On one hand, vaccinations are seen as an important part of public health and can help protect the population from potentially dangerous diseases. On the other hand, some people believe that vaccines should be voluntary, as it is a personal choice as to whether or not someone wants to get vaccinated. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not vaccines should be mandatory is up to individual governments and is based on a variety of factors, such as the risk of disease in a particular area and the potential benefits of vaccinations.

The importance of vaccinations cannot be overstated. Vaccines help to protect people from potentially deadly diseases and can reduce the spread of infectious diseases within a population. Vaccines also help to protect vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, young children and those with compromised immune systems. Furthermore, vaccinations can help to reduce the overall costs associated with healthcare, as they can help to prevent diseases before they cause serious harm.

Despite the many benefits of vaccinations, there are some potential downsides to consider as well – and students are often asked to consider these when writing an argumentative essay. Some people are concerned about the safety of vaccines, as they may contain traces of potentially harmful substances. Additionally, there is some evidence to suggest that vaccinations may cause side effects, such as fatigue and fever. Finally, some people believe that vaccinations can lead to the development of certain medical conditions, such as autism. However, the vast majority of scientific evidence suggests that these risks are minimal and that the benefits of vaccinations far outweigh the potential risks.

The debate around vaccinations has also been fueled by conspiracy theories. Some people believe that vaccinations are part of a larger plot to control the population or that they contain dangerous chemicals that can cause harm. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims and most experts agree that vaccinations are safe and effective.

Most essays will conclude that vaccines are an important part of public health and can help to protect people from potentially dangerous and deadly diseases. The question of whether or not vaccines should be mandatory is a complex one and is ultimately up to individual governments. While there are some potential risks associated with vaccinations, the benefits far outweigh them and the vast majority of scientific evidence suggests that they are safe and effective. Finally, conspiracy theories about vaccinations should be dismissed as they are not based on scientific evidence.